Hello, I know I haven't worked on the Housewife for years (literally), but this week I got a new story follower, and it suddenly occurred to me that I still need to finish this story! Sorry for that! So here goes, chapter 17.

Chapter 17.

Nikki had finally persuaded Harry to go home. Or maybe it had to do with the fact that Leo had come back to the hospital a couple of minutes ago. Harry just didn't want to leave Nikki alone for some reason, but now that Leo was here, it was okay. Obviously, he also needed to get some proper sleep, as he had only been able to doze for a few minutes every now and then.

He decided to get a cab. Normally he would have gone by bus or subway, but right now he just wanted to get home as soon as possible.

Only now he realised that Sam would have wondered where he was last night, as he had stayed in the hospital. He checked his phone, but the battery had died, so he could not let her know he was alright. Even more reason to get home as soon as possible.

Fortunately, the cab drive went really fast and Harry was home before he knew it.

"Harry!" called Sam, as soon as she heard his key in the door.

She hugged him tightly before he even got the chance to get inside.

"Where have you been? I have been worried sick! Your phone did not work, and Nikki also didn't pick up…"

Harry sighed and lay down on the couch.

"Long story, actually…"

Sam sat down next to him and stroked his hair.

"Nikki got shot yesterday," he simply said.

Sam gasped for air.

"What?! What happened?"

"She was doing a post-mortem on some woman and she had been carrying drugs for someone. That someone wanted to get his stuff back, so he broke into the Lyell and shot Nikki when she was of no use to him anymore. She nearly died."

Sam was clearly shocked.

"But is she okay now?"

Harry nodded.

"She woke up a couple of hours ago, but it was very close… He nearly shot her right through her heart."

"And are you okay?"

He looked her in the eye.

"Not really," he sighed and he could feel tears welling up, as he realised again that he had nearly lost her. What would he have done if she had died?

"Oh come here," said Sam and she tightly put her arms around him. "Why didn't you call me? I could have been there with you…"

Harry wondered again why he hadn't. At that moment he just felt he did not want her close to him, as all he could think about was Nikki. But why? Sam was his girlfriend and he loved her…

"It just didn't occur to me for some reason," he lied. "I was just… panicked."

"That's okay," Sam said softly. "Did they catch the guy who did it?"


Suddenly Harry felt an immense anger rising. The bastard had just shot her and left her for dead. And for now, he seemed to have gotten away with it too.

He promptly got up.

"I have to go do something."

"What? Why? You only just got back!"

"I can't let the bastard get away with this."

"That is not your job, Harry. Let the police deal with this, they will catch him!"

Harry didn't listen to her. He got his coat and keys and walked out, leaving Sam behind in tears.

First, he needed to get back to his car, which was still at the Lyell of course. He decided to get a cab again, to get there quicker.

Once he was back in his car, he could also charge his phone and noticed that Sam had sent him a lot of messages and also called a few times. It made him feel kind of guilty for not calling her, or at least letting her know that he was okay.

He shifted his attention back to Nikki and the drugs and decided to call DCI Thompson.


"Hi Daniel, Harry here."

"Harry! I heard about Nikki. How is she?"

"I think she is going to be alright. She was really lucky."

"Good, good to hear."

"Listen, I was just wondering if you are any closer to catching the man who shot her."

He could hear a loud sigh on the other side.

"No, I'm afraid not. Hughes's husband did not know what she was doing, and the man we arrested yesterday is not talking. He has not even said his name, only a lot of "no comment" and silence. We do know which weapon was used, but we don't know who its belongs to and it has only been used in a shooting once, but that was seven years ago. The getaway car was stolen and got away. We found it this morning, but it was empty, no finger prints or DNA…"


"That does not sound good."

"No, I hope we can make our friend talk, or maybe someone knows something about that weapon."

"Alright, well, good luck, I hope you get him."

"Thanks Harry, see you."

Well, clearly the police were not getting anywhere so far and were unlikely to if the man they arrested was not going to start taking soon. What could he do? He really didn't feel like just sitting around and waiting for this guy to leave the country or something. Maybe he should try to talk to Sharon's husband, maybe he did know something. First he wanted to know how Nikki was doing and he called Leo.


"Hi Leo, how is she doing?"

"Pretty much the same as when you were still here, sleeping mostly. Should you not be doing that as well?"

"The police are getting nowhere. The man that was arrested is not talking, the car was stolen, they don't know who owns the weapon that was used… They know nothing, Leo!"

"Harry, calm down. Go home and get some sleep. They have only just started the investigation, they will find something."

"Let's hope so…"

They hung up.

Harry was not going to go home, he was going to get this bastard, whatever it took. He was not going to get away with this. He only needed to figure out a way to get to him.