Disclaimer: Supernatural and all its characters belong to Kripke and the CW. I own nothing.

Challenge Word- back

Sam tensed at the sound of his brother approaching. "I'm not going back Dean." He adamantly stated. "He doesn't want me. He wants a clone of you."

Dean placed a hand on the hurt preteen's shoulder and gently squeezed it; a comforting motion he'd come up with after Sam decided he was too old for hugs. "Dad doesn't want that, Sammy." He softly said.

"Riiight" Sam scoffed as he angrily swiped at his eyes. "That's why every other word he yells at me when we train is more like Dean."


"Face it Dean. I'll never be what it wants." Sam resignedly told his big brother. "I'll never be fast enough or strong enough or accurate enough for him. I'll always be a second rate hunter and son in his eyes. You guys should get rid of me now before I get one of you killed like he's always telling me I will."

Dean grabbed both his little brother's shoulders and forcefully spun him around. "Don't say that! Don't you ever say that!" he bellowed. "We'll never get rid of you! We love you, kiddo!"


"But nothing" Dean interrupted. "You're wrong about dad. He's just hard on you because he cares about you. He wants you to be the best so you won't get hurt."

"Sure" Sam disbelievingly replied. "That's why he's always screaming at me."

Dean sat down on the junker his brother was sitting on. "Come on Sammy, you know dad cares about you." he assured his sibling. "He's just crappy at showing his feelings."

Sam snapped. He was tired of his brother always making excuses for their dad. "Really? Then why doesn't he have a problem showing them with you?!"

Dean stared at his brother, totally taken aback by the tirade. "Dude, are you jealous?" he questioned. "Is that what this is about?"

Hurt flashed across Sam's face before he managed to mask it. "You don't get it." he growled, standing up. "You'll never get it. You have no idea what it's like to watch your dad praising you and patting you on the back and joking around with you while all he does with me is put me down and yell at me to be more like you." He took a step and turned. "I'm going for a walk. Alone."

Dean frowned as he watched Sammy walk away. How was he going to fix this?