STOP! Before you read you have to have read the prequel or you won't understand a thing!

Welcome to the 3,615 word opening of The Effects of Purple sequel! This is going to be a lot of fun so jump on in!

: Chapter 1:

It's been almost three months after my rescue from a small cramped alleyway in New York City. It's been almost three months after my father tried to kill me a second time. It's been almost three months after I feel deeply in love with a green, mutant turtle that dwells in the sewers of the city with his three other brothers and mutant rat sensei.

As I sat at my desk in English class, I hadn't realized I was doodling on the cover of my composition notebook.

"Austria…" Mrs. Dean, my English teacher, stopped in front me and shook her head. "Drawing on your notebook again I see"

I looked down at the small paper book and quickly pushed it into my lap. "I'm sorry…I'm just having a bad day"

"You say that every time sweetie. See me after class please" She smiled and walked away to help the next student. I threw my head into my palms and rubbed them down my face. I lifted my notebook out from under my desk and looked at it. I draw the same thing every single time I zone out. They were flowers, just like the ones I saw at the hospital when my dad died. They were the ones that came up from the ground when my tears hit the floor and if I had a purple crayon, I would paint them the colors that they were supposed to be.

The bell rang that ended class and all the students got up out of their desks and left the room. I went to do the same thing but Mrs. Dean blocked my path. "I wanted you to stay remember?" She said.

I also hadn't noticed Hunter was standing at the door waiting for me. We had become really good friends since our last encounter but whenever he asked about the turtles, I simply ignored him and walked away. I looked at him and told him to leave because this was probably going to take a while. He frowned then nodded his head, leaving me and my crazy English teacher alone in a small cramped room.

"Your behavior these last couple of days has been very…apparent" She sat down at one of the students desks and signaled me to do the same. "I am very concerned about your grade in my class too. Its dropping everyday" She fixed the glasses on her face and waited for me to respond. I just stared at her, I was zoning out again.


"Huh what?" I snapped back to reality. She shook her head and sighed at me.

"This is what I'm talking about"

"I'm sorry, things have just been a little crazy for me" I wasn't lying but I wasn't telling the truth either. Things have been crazy but not crazy enough to distract me from my school work. April and Casey have been taking care of me like they were my own parents. They bought me things; let me stay out until 10pm which was really pushing it according to Leonardo who if you don't know by now, is the really stupid leader of the turtles, according to me. He said if he was taking care of me, he wouldn't let me go out at all hence why he's not taking care of me. Anyway, April and Casey took me on vacation with them last month too. They let me miss a whole two weeks of school so we could go to Orlando, Florida. They said they were just taking a vacation but then later they admitting to wanting to help me get my mind of things which was why we went in the first place.

They did the right thing though because it did help. I completely forgot that my life was a circle of depression and agony but there was one thing I could never get of my mind…especially when our hotel bathroom was painted every shade of purple in the world. I'll let you figure out that one on your own.

We went to Disney and rode every single ride they had to offer and I mean EVERY SINGLE RIDE. Even the little kiddie rides, well, the ones they would let me on anyway. We also went to Sea World and what animal lives in the sea? Turtles live in the sea and that didn't help my separation anxiety one bit. Casey tried to cheer me up by telling me the guys weren't sea turtles so I could just take a frickin chill pill. He may have used a different word but…I'm not ganna go there.

There was something about leaving the City that brought out my good side but when we got back, the drama started all over again. Mainly from a small, orange turtle named Michelangelo.

He made a huge fuss about how we should have taken him with us and bla bla bla. I felt bad though for leaving the guys behind but then I started to wonder what the two day road trip would be like with a mutant turtle who couldn't keep his yap shut.

"Austria…I've been considering this for a while now" Mrs. Dean said. I must have zoned out again because a strange white envelope was sitting in my hands and I had no idea how it got there.

"Wait what?"

"Austria! Didn't you hear a thing I just said?" She stood up from her chair and looked down at me.

"Uh… no sorry could you just…explain it again" I smiled

"I said I've been considering asking you to be sent to a different foster home"

I rose up from my desk and yelled as loud as I could "WHAT?!" I dropped the envelope and got in her face "You don't have the right to do that! You're just an English teacher! Stay out of my life!" Mrs. Dean had found out that April and Casey weren't my Aunt and Uncle like I had told her. She kept it a secret until now I guess.

"Austria, I'm not trying to make things worse here but if your grades drop to low you could be removed from that home and…"

"I'm perfectly fine where I am! You're not my mother!" I stormed out of the room and ran down the hallway. It was only third period but I went out the school doors and onto the busy streets of the City. I had no idea why I had just gotten so angry but what was done is done. I'm going home.

: At Aprils Apartment:

"Ok Ok just stop!" April sat down on a rusty old chair and rubbed her temples.

"We're trying to help!" Casey Jones walked up to her and rubbed her shoulders but she flicked him off.

"I told you guys I wanted the cupboard up near the window not in front of it!" She pointed to the large wooden structure that was now keeping the sun from entering the room.

"I blame Casey for that one" Raphael grinned at his friend who returned it with a punch in the arm. Raph had changed the least over the few month period. He was still his old temperamental self and still looked like he took steroids every day. The only difference was a few tears in the flowing ribbons on his red bandana. Leo offered to get him a new one but Raph insisted that it made him look more tuff. As if a giant muscular turtle with 6 inch Sais wasn't enough.

"Move it away from the window please" April was trying to be calmer because she knew Casey and Raphael needed specific directions or they would completely screw up such a simple job.

"Didn't ya just say ya wanted it near the window?" Raph asked

"Just get it away from the opening of the window!" They guys jumped up and moved the object to the left so the sun was shining in. "Perfect now leave it there in front of the wall"

"Isn't that where it is?" Casey scratched his head.

"I should have just asked Leo and Donnie to come instead of you two" She dropped her head in her hands.

: Austria's POV:

It wasn't a long walk to April's house from my school…so why was it taking so long!? It was still the early morning and crowds of people were already starting to appear. I walked home from school every day because it didn't offer bus services so most kids took the City Bus or walked like I did. Of course Leo had something to say about that but this time; Donatello despised the idea as well. He said he would be able to sleep better at night if he knew I was getting to and from school safely so I may have lied and told him I would take the bus every day, just to make sure he sleeps soundly at night.

I started to wonder if I had taken a wrong turn once my trip exceeded past 10 minutes. I was starting to not recognize my surrounding either. I hope I didn't zone out and go on auto pilot which apparently, doesn't take me home. I stopped at a small convenience store and walked inside to get directions, something I don't do very often. Oh by the way, this just came to my mind, Leo didn't give me a shell cell despite all the worries and concerns he had for me. He ceases to amaze me and I know what you're saying right now "Couldn't Don just give you one?" well yeah he could if I saw him more often than I did.

"Excuse me?" I walked up to the sick looking man behind the counter. "Do you know how to get to Second Time Around from here?" He looked at me and cocked his head

"What's that?" He talked slowly and you could even see the bad breath flowing out of his mouth

"It's like a pawn store but not really; ok it's like an antique shop" Like I said, I have such a way with words.

"Oh you mean the one on 31st street?" he asked.

"I guess so. I never really checked what street it was on" I tend to give people unneeded information at times. "So do you know how to get there?"

"No mam" He turned around and started to fiddle with his cash register and yes it was on the opposite side of the counter.

"But you just said it was on 31st street. Doesn't that mean you could give me directions?" I was starting to get irritated if you couldn't already tell.

"No mam. I know what street it's on but that doesn't mean I know how ta get there" He said in a western accent. I think he was mocking me because he knew I wasn't from the City. I guess it's easy to tell who's from New York City and whose not and an easy way to find that out is if they have no frickin idea where anything is. Hey, I don't even know if the Statue of Liberty is on the East, West or North and South part of the Island. I bet you $1,001 that 43% of Americans don't know how many stripes are on the American flag and if they don't know that then they don't know where the hell the Statue of Liberty is.

"Fine, I'll just ask someone else who gives a shit" I turned around to walk away but instead, a large, unnaturally muscular man, was standing in my path. "Excuse me" I tried to get around him but he moved in the same direction I tried to. "I said excuse me" now I was looking him in the eyes. They were green and had an unsuitable hunger to them. His blonde hair was pulled back into a pony tail and he fit the description of a person the guys told me to watch out for.

"Can I help you?" I tried to stay calm as he walked closer to me. I pretended to have no idea who he was either.

"Yes Austria, I think you can" He lifted one side of his brown jacket to show me a shiny, silver gun he had tucked away in this pocket. Just when I thought I would have to give this guy a beat down…

"Hey Austria!" I recognized the strange voice as I kept my glare into Hun's monsters eyes. Hunter came up and put an arm around me. He had ditched his usual sweatshirt look and had decided just to stick with T-shirts and jeans. Hi kept his black hair, slick and out of his eyes but the tip of it rested in a neat crescent above his forehead. "Oh…who's this?" He was trying a bit too hard to look intimidating which was exactly what he wasn't.

"Scram kid. I'm here on business" The man folded his arms and took a few steps back. I guess he wasn't desperate enough to get me if he didn't want to start a fight in this small dinky store. That and he appeared to be alone.

"Actually I need to get my girlfriend to my dad at the police station. There doing some finger print testing and stuff. Hey babe I could just tell them to come here if you want? He'll probably bring some of his COP friends over to help with the procedure" He smiled at me

I seriously was going to kick him in the dick for this. "Yeah HUN whatever you want" I smiled back. When I looked at…Hun…no not hunter, the big ugly dude standing in front me, yeah remember him? He lifted his head up and looked down on us.

"Your not out of this yet girl" He wiped his arm across his mouth and made his way to the door, making all the store shelves shake until he was gone.

"That was a close...UMPH!" He fell onto the ground and tucked his knees into his chest. I told you I was ganna do it.

"What the hell was that?! Are you stalking me or something?" I popped a hip and watched him rock on the ground like a little baby. The store owner even leaned over the counter to get a good look at him.

"I waited for you…then I saw you leave the school…" He moaned in pain. I kind of felt bad but at the same time, I'm a woman of my word. "Did yah have to kick me so hard? My kids aren't ganna be able to have kids!"

"You're not ganna have kids in the first place Pony Boy" I helped him up off the ground but he still was doubled over.

"Can you help me get home please now that your here?"

"Yeah if you help me get a new..."

"Ok let's go!" I grabbed his hand and pulled him out the door.

: Raph's Pov"

"Ok a little to the left"

"THAT'S IT!" I dropped the cabinet and sat down on the couch leaving Casey alone with the 100 ton piece of furniture.

"RAPH!" He yelled for my help but there was no way I was movin. This woman is drivin me crazy! "Move this ova there move that ova here" I am so done!

"Raph please! I'm sorry, this is the last one I promise"

"You said that four wardrobes ago!" I protested. I'm usually a nice guy to be around but my buttons can get pushed too sometimes and this was one of those times. So April moaned and went to help Casey herself

"It's too far left now" I grinned and she just gave me the ugliest look. "How does it feel?" Casey eventually caught onto my lead and left April to sit down on the couch.

"Guys come on! You know I have to get ready for this discount!" She tried to push the cabinet over but…she was weaker then she looked. "Fine…I'll do it all myself and I'll be sure to tell Leo how helpful you two were"

"What's Leo ganna do spank me?" Case and I banged our knuckles together. Leo may be the leader but he certainly wasn't in any position to discipline me even if he can do a bunch of weird ninja magic and stuff.

"You know what…it looks good here. I'm going to leave it right here" April nodded in approval. There was no way she was ganna leave it there. It was either too far left or too far right or the sun didn't shine on it and make the doors sparkle enough. Ya wanna know the worst part? I aint gettin paid for this either, so I could just walk out if I wanted to. Casey couldn't for reason you probably already know but if yah don't, Case popped April the question and now he's livin the dream…haha not.

"Is that..." April looked out the window and put her hand above her eyes. "I'll be damned it is" She stormed over to the door and swung it open. I instinctively ran to the nearest hiding spot I could which happened to be behind that hideous cabinet. "What are you doing home from school!?" I took a deep breath and came out from my hiding. It was just Austria bein the little badass she was.

"I have a good explanation!" She waltzed in but someone failed to tell me she had a friend with her.

"They are real!" Shit. I pulled out my Sais and he cowered behind Aus like a little child. It took me awhile but I reconized him. I think he was that kid that we met on the street dancin with Donnie. I thought Leo took care of this dick head? Figures he wouldn't have the guts to do it. Ya see? I gotta do everything.

"I'm ganna knock you out for good this time pal" I growled until Aus had to walk up and push me back.

"Would you leave him alone Raph! I didn't know you would be here so I figured what the hell" She pointed her finger at my face and I was about ready to bite it off if she didn't move it in the next three seconds.

"Well Austria you were supposed to be at school so WE figured what the hell!" Casey chimed in. I've taught him well.

"I left school early"

"Yeah no shit" I whispered to Case and she whipped around and threw her backpack at me. She got what she deserved when I skewered it with my Sai.

"Ok can we all just calm the shit down?!" I have never head April swear until this day but Aus' friend looked like he was about to piss his pants.

"Ok pal, you're about to answer the what What question…What's your name and what address should we send your body to?" I grinned and threw the backpack onto the floor so I could spin my Sai's.

"Look I don't want any trouble" He held his hands up in defense so I decided now would be a good time to show him whose boss. I walked up to him closer and closer until he shrunk his head down and gave me puppy eyes. "Hi" he waved but I got close to his face and poked his cheek with the tip of my weapon.

"I just wiped yesterday's blood off these bad boys and I don't wanna get em dirty again" I grinned but of course April had to ruin my fun and pull me away.

"Down boy" Aus said in the back round

"Same goes to you pumpkin" I wrapped my arm around her neck and yanked her onto the floor. She laughed the whole way down until she hit the hard wood floor then got mad and kicked me off. "Now what?" I looked at April and Casey.

"He's a good guy! He won't tell anyone I promise!" She looked at me while she said that. Why does everyone figure I would be the one to kill him?

"We could contact Leo? He would know what to do" I swear Casey had the dumbest ideas but I think he was just tryin to get this guy to follow through and piss himself.

"We don't need to contact Leo!" Aus complained

"You're just afraid he'll chop his head off" I snickered

"Guys cut it out!" April stepped in "I'm sorry what did you say your name was?"

"I don't know if I should tell you" he laughed. Alright I'll give him that one. "It's Hunter…that's all you need to know and like Austria said, I won't tell anyone you guys exists. It's not like they would believe me anyway" He shrugged

"They aint ganna believe you because you aint ganna tell em'!" I was in his face again, making him shrink down to size.

"You're really…in shape" That caught me by surprise. I lifted up one of my arms and looked at it.

"What? Can't mutant turtles have guns too?" I grinned while showing my teeth.

"No No! It's cool, it's cool" I saw him swallow hard. Fear Installation level: Ninja.