5,000 word finale! ENJOY! Yeah!

: Chapter 18:

"Raph! I think someone's following yah! HaHa" Casey chuckled through the headset.

"Shutup you asswipe and get movin!" Raph yelled out but he was right, the battle wasn't about to begin, it had already begun. Splinter's eyes shot open as if he had heard the conversation which would be freaky because he didn't have a headset.

"They are here." He said in a really chilling voice. "Quickly, you must prepare yourself for battle. Remember, the difference between success and failure is the connection you have between your mind and body. Think before you act, and try to find your opponents weakness. Take this to defend yourself." He reached into his ragged coat and pulled out a small battle knife. He handed to me and then quickly scurried into a high up tree and practically disappeared into the branches. He was our "secret weapon." I felt my heart begin to pound harder and harder as the sound of Raphael's roaring motorcycle became more and more apparent. The confidence I once had had, suddenly washed out of me completely and left behind a scared, empty corpse.

I started to question if Leo's plan would even work. Would April, Casey, Don, Mikey, Leo, Raph and Nathan even get here on time before Splinter and I were crushed under the relentless boots of the Purple Dragons? There wasn't enough time to answer my question because Raphael sped right past the dirt road that I was near which was my signal to get into position. I ran out from the covering of the brush and stood right in the middle of the road. Three, huge, black cars slammed on their breaks and twisted in violent directions as they tried to come to a stop.

"Let's do this." I whispered to myself.

The cars just sat there for a minute, as if to identify if I was who they were after or not. Then the passenger side to the first car flung open and an extremely large, buff, on steroids looking man stepped out, making the car wobble. He looked at me for a second and then smiled deviously.

"Austria Westly I presume?" He said in a deep, manly tone.

"Fat and ugly I presume?" I grinned and unexpectedly, he grinned back. In case you forgot, we already met back in that little convenience store when I ran away from school. "So I'm guessing you want me or something?"

"You guessed correctly you little brat. You and your reptilian friends have been causing us enough trouble as it is and now I get to take a look inside your body and see what makes you so incredible and then use it to create a super army!" All the doors to the cars flung open and about 2 dozen men on steroids stepped out yielding weapons upon weapons. They looked like they haven't slept in days and their hair colors ranged from poop brown to hot pink. What was strange was, half of them looked like they were no older than 17. "I have turtles to deal with though and right now, you're not my primary goal but I still aint ganna let you leave here when you're an important part of this entire operation I'm funding. It's also a good chance to give our newest recruits a feel for how we do things around here." Hun grinned and took a few steps back. Suddenly, a familiar face dropped down out of nowhere and landed a few feet away from me.

"H-Hunter?" My knees began to wobble even though I was told to expect to see him here. He was back to the old ripped sweatshirt and 80 year old looking pants and shoes but there was something different about his eyes. He looked hungry, hungry for revenge. He rolled back his shoulders and looked me directly in the eyes.

"You know what to do." Hun got back into one of the cars along with half of the Purple Dragon team. They zoomed past me, leaving nothing behind but a dozen teenage thugs and a seriously messed up kid, longing for destruction.

"You should have died while you had the chance." His voice was still awkward sounding, a bit off pitch, which made it hard to throw comebacks at him since you're trying to get used to it.

"Austria, change of plans, we weren't intending on the group splitting up." Leo talked through the head piece.

"Leo…now is not the time!" Hunter cocked his head at me as I spoke into thin air.

"Listen, I need you to stall them until we can all group up."

"Sure thing oh wise and powerful!" I looked up at the Dragons. Great, nothing like a bunch of crime hungry, lunatics to get your night going. "Since when did you turn against me? Is it because I wouldn't tell you about the guys when you asked?" I took a few steps back.

"You really haven't figured it out, have you?" He grinned. "I've been a member of the purple dragons ever since I was a kid. I knew your father when I was 6, I watched him abandon and cheat us. From there, I swore revenge on him, in a sense." He gestured to me.

"I didn't kill my dad!" Now I'm getting a little angry.

"Were you not the reason he got into a car accident? If you weren't so careless he would probably be alive today." He smirked and raised his shoulders. "While Hun and everyone else wanted to get their revenge on him by beating the living hell out of his worthless body, I wanted to do something a bit more…personal." He started to pace around me slowly so I had to constantly turn my body to keep an eye out for a sneak attack.

"I figured; why not destroy the one thing your father ditched us for? This obviously, was a test tube baby." He laughed with a hint of sinister vengeance in his tone. "I started to follow you the moment he took you home…I think you were 3 or 4 and I was 7. They treated you like shit so I let you live for the time being. Watching them beat you up and put you down was the sweetest revenge I could have asked for. Then, you decided to put matters into your own hands. You sought refuge in Brooklyn. I intended on slaying you at that little clothing store we finally came face to face at but I received a call from Hun saying that now he wanted you alive. He said he would allow me to kill you after he was finished retrieving your energy, if I found out and told him the location of the turtles." He was slowly getting closer and closer to me. I clenched my fists but not from the sudden threat, he was trying to get me angry with all these stories and I hate to say that it was working. I could feel my own blood begin to boil from the anger and Hunter wasn't ganna like it when he finally set me off.

"Shutup!" I yelled at the top of my lungs. The grin on his face grew wider as I growled with increasing amounts of fury. I don't care if I was giving him what he wanted, I was going to tear him into little itty bitty Hunter pieces. "You protected me! You fought the Dragons and Donnie to protect me! You told off Hun when I ran away from school!" My headpiece started sizzle and a few familiar voices began to talk but I was so focused on Hunter, I didn't even hear a word they said.

"How else was I supposed to get you to trust me? If you saw that I was on your side you would lead me to this "lair" in no time. After a while though, you continued to refuse to tell me anything so I decided to follow you. Your careless actions and selfish behavior is what now is leading you to your death." He stopped pacing when he reached his gang and pulled out a butterfly sword. I knew because it was my favorite weapon to train with when Raph and I would…oh…did I tell you about that? Yeah, Raph had secret fighting sessions with me and let me tell you, butterfly knives are the coolest thing ever, except when someone is about to kill you with it.

"Leo…now would be a good time to jump in!" I gripped my microphone and adjusted the headset. "Leo? Anyone?! Are you there?!" Hunter and the Dragons began to advance closer and closer to me with malicious smiles on their faces. "GUYS!?" I screamed for a response but no one answered. They must either be busy with Hun and the other Dragons or want to watch me get my ass kicked.

"Game over." Hunter smirked and then leaped into the air a few feet until he was directly over top of me. If I hadn't jumped out of the way, his sword would have made a clean slice straight down through my body. I rolled into the grass and pulled out the battle knife Splinter had given me.

"Ooo, shiny." He walked towards me and once again, tried to cut my body clean in half but I used my weapon to block his attack. I swept my foot around and knocked him flat on his back. I do say, he looked extremely shocked at my new talents.

"What? You were expecting an unprepared, orphan girl?" I smiled. "The guys taught me everything I would need to know to defeat you low life serfs."

"Dragons!" He called out and instantly, all the other guys who were standing off to the side came running after me screaming and yelling with their weapons high in the air. Something the guys also taught me was run like hell in case of an emergency! I turned around to flee but I was stopped by another familiar face. Splinter leaped over me and took a battle stance. The hoard of boys stopped, examined the mutant rat, and then started to laugh.

"This City is all sorts of messed up!" One of them said but it only seemed to draw a grin on Splinter's small fury face. Now listen closely and don't blink…you blinked didn't you! Well now you missed it. Splinter had disappeared into the air and after a few smacking and wailing sounds, every single thug except Hunter, were now lying lifeless on the ground. Suddenly, he jumped down from out of the sky and rested his arms on his walking stick.

"No element is greater than the one of surprise. You're master Hun should have taught you that." He said in a wise old voice. Hunter, who now looked absolutely terrified, swung his butterfly sword in small circles while he appeared to be figuring out how to deal with us. He grew angry and growled softly to himself.

Something about him though, made me stop my spiteful attitude towards him, and study his purpose with a sense of compassion. I looked into his eyes and realized who I was looking at. He was just a teenager, a teenager like me. He still had his whole life ahead of him along with the younger Dragons.

"Hunter listen! It doesn't have to be this way. You're not one of them and you don't have to be!" I sheathed my knife and held my arms open.

"Shutup! You don't know what we all have been through!"

"I think I have a pretty good idea!" I pointed to myself hopefully trying to remind him about my abusive family background.

"If there's one thing Hun did teach us, it was to go out with honor. For me to do that, you need to be lying in a casket!" He charged at me again with his sword straight out in front of his body.

"No!" Splinter yelled and leapt in front of me. He used his walking stick to smack the sword right from Hunter's hands and send it flying into the nearby lake. "You must listen to the things she says! You do have a choice and you can choose the path of good rather than the one of evil!"

"You can't change me… "He quickly swung his leg around but was intercepted by Splinter. He leapt into the air and used his foot to send Hunter flying back a few yards so he smashed right into a large oak tree. A blood curdling snap emitted from his body and then he sank into the grass and lay motionless on the ground.

"Oh No…" I ran over to where he was lying and dropped down next to him. By this time, the other Dragons were getting up off the ground and rubbing their heads. I watched as they looked towards me and saw who I was holding in my arms. They screamed and dropped their weapons while running away as fast as they could. I looked down to the corpse I held in my arms. His body was already started to grow cold. "He's…" My eyes started to water as I put my finger tips against his neck. It was true… his heart was still. I started to cry but not because I mourning the one who tried to kill me just a few minutes ago. I was crying because Hun did this to him. Hun messed with his mind and screwed up his life so the only thing he knew was anger and resentment.

"My daughter…" Splinter laid a hand on my shoulder. "I did not intend to…"

"I know Sensei." I wiped the tears from my eyes and gently laid Hunter on the grass. "I wish he could have had a second chance at life, like I did." I stood up from the ground and tried to pull myself together.

"I understand. It is a shame that so many young people are being drawn in to taunt with the acts of evil. There is a time to mourn for the ones we lost, but right now, we must find the others." Splinter stepped towards the large tree and slowly bowed over the empty corpse. He whispered a few things and then straightened up again. "Quickly, we must go."

: Mikey's POV:

"AH!" I jumped as fast as I could to get out of the way of the huge, meaty fist that just swung towards my precious face. "Easy pal! Time magazine is ganna be pretty pissed if you mess up my gorgeous face! Who else will the use for the front cover?!" I hopped out of the way again as he swung a long chain towards me. We were battling the Hun and the Purple Dragons on the roof of the second watch tower. How did we get here? Well, turns out the Dragons split up into two small sectors. The first sector was Hun and the big mean wolves and the second, was Hunter and a bunch of new recruits. How do I know this? Hun told us while trying to rip our heads off.

"You…are…so…annoying!" The Dragon yelled as he continued to swing his chain violently towards me. Thankfully, I was too quick for him to even lay a finger on me.

"Thank you! That was my college major after all." I leaped into the air and landed on his shoulders. I then quickly kicked off his back so he went stumbling to the ground with one huge "Thump!" So anyway where was I? Oh yeah! Once Leo saw the Dragons split up, he risked leaving Austria and Sensei alone so we all could gang up together and take down Hun like he said. Raph drew them towards us and ditched his awesome ride to lead them up the fire escape Nathan came to help but Leo told him he could help by getting the cops, so he hoped on the motorcycle and took off and now here we are. It's good guys versus the bad guys and so far, no one's winning.

"Hiyah!" April started to kick the crap out of a thug until he went crashing to the floor from a sweep of her legs. Raph and Casey looked like they were having a swell of a time together making Dragons fall to the ground left and right. Leo for some reason decided to take Hun by himself. They were battling it out hardcore and both of them often received deadly blows from the other but Leo stayed strong and continued on. Don was helping everyone by jumping in and saving our shells (and backs) as needed. It was probably best too. He still seemed a little out of it.

We had heard Austria's cries for help but we were all too busy to answer her considering the odds. There was nothing we could do but hope her and Splinter were doing ok.

"Hey Mikey!" Raph called out from across the roof. "Up and away!" Raph knocked a Dragon right in the chest with his foot and sent him flying over in my direction. I fell back on my shell and used my legs to kick the thug right up into the air and onto the next roof. "Nice!"

"Righteous!" Casey gave us a thumbs up.

: Austria's POV:

"So where do you think they…" I started to ask when all of a sudden, a strange scream came from above the buildings and a body went flying off our second watch base roof and landed on another. "Never mind."

"Quickly!" Splinter grabbed my arm and pulled me out of the park and across the now quiet street. We ran into the closest ally and climbed the creaky fire escape. "My sons!" Splinter immediately leapt into action and planted his foot right into the back of Hun's head. But of course, since Hun was so frickin big, the sudden blow barely moved him. "So, looks like Hunter didn't have the guts to finish you!" Leo, who was battling this dinosaur at the time, was knocked back by a pair of older Purple Dragons and pinned against the ground. Raph and Mikey went to aid him and succeeded. They freed their brother and now everyone on the roof was still.

"That boy perished by the likes of you!" Splinter pointed to Hun who simply chuckled.

"I knew he wouldn't make it very far. He wasn't ready for the real world but it looks like that doesn't matter anymore. Now you're all here and we can finally settle things once and for all!" Hun raised his fist and screamed into the air and once again, the battle raged on. Fists, guns, chains, swords and feet swung through the air and tried desperately to land themselves on the opponent's body. These Dragons were older and much better trained but they fought like cowards and ganged up on a single person. A swarm of Dragons encircled April and Casey but the guys were too busy fighting their own goons, they couldn't get to their rescue.

"Hang on!" I started to run to their position while dodging separate battles that were going on around me. Right when I thought I was going to make it, a large hand grabbed me by the back and swung my body to the ground, knocking the wind from my lungs.

"NO!" I heard Donatello yell. I turned my head to the side and watched as he tried to come to my aid but was thrown back when Hun punched him right in the plastron with excessive force. There was no air in my lungs and I couldn't cry out to him and see if he was alright. I turned my head back to the dark, starless sky and gasped for air.

"I believe you have something I want." Hun knelt down over me and bound my hands over my chest with a cold, icy chain. I continued to hear the sounds of the guys trying to come to my rescue but Hun yelled for the Dragons to keep them away. "Good thing you don't have to be alive for me to take it from you!" The great Godzilla pulled out a small syringe from his back pocket that was filled with a glowing blue liquid. "You think we don't know how to kill a mutant like you? Our head of science figured it out in a matter of hours. A single dose of Sulfuric acid should so the trick." He chuckled malevolently and plunged the needle into my arm. I still couldn't speak, and so my last words would bee said in a hushed voice. "I died…with honor."

"Hey Hun!" I saw his big, ugly head snap to the side and I couldn't help but turn mine as well. Don used his Bo-Staff to spring over the other Dragons and run a straight line to us. He pulled out a small syringe from his belt that was filled with a red liquid, my blood. "If you want it so bad, take it!" He leapt into the air and landed on Hun's back who began to scream and thrash at the small turtle. He lifted the needle into the air and plunged it right into the monsters neck. Don gracefully flipped off him and landed softly over top of my limp body. I found the strength to turn over onto my stomach to watch the chaos that began to unfold.

"What have you done!" Hun's voice began to grow deeper and deeper and he clenched his throat with both his hands. He fell to his knees and screamed for someone to help him, but no one came. His entire body slowly faded into a dark purple and his eyes turned colorless. Finally, the struggling stopped and the great and powerful Hun fell to the ground, dead. Nothing but a small trickle of blood escaped his mouth, it was over.

Leo suddenly had a burst of anger and began to chase every singly Purple Dragon off the roof and onto the ground below. Raph and Casey joined in and swung their weapons at the retreating army until the only ones on the roof were four mutant turtles, a mutant rat, three "humans" and Hun's corpse.

"So uh…did we win?" Mikey asked.

"Yeah Mikey, we won." Leo said.

Don put his hands under y back and slowly lifted me off the ground so I was cradled warmly in his arms. "You can't get away that easy." He smiled but his tearing eyes said otherwise. "I thought I was going to lose you without every getting to tell you that I loved you." He pushed back a few strands of hair behind my ear.

"Well here I am." I spoke softly since I still felt the effects of the wind getting knocked out of me. Mikey and Raph went "Oooooh!" while April held her hands to her neck and smiled.

"I love you, Austria Westly."

"And I love you Donatello"


This is the story of my life. How I rose up from the clutches of a battered home life and sought refuge in the most unlikely of places and fell in love with the most unlikely of creatures. It was not the turtles that saved me, but me saving myself. This is the story of how I overcame my fears and sought justice against a violent New York gang known only as the Purple Dragons. Nathan and the police arrived soon after the battle was over. Every single one of them were arrested and brought into custody except the teenagers who were offered the chance that I was so graciously given, a chance for a new start. The other ones were imprisoned for life and charged with kidnaping and attempted homicide. They Purple Dragons never again disturbed the busy streets of Manhattan. A year later, Nathan was promoted to head of office a few months later and awarded a gold star for bravery. Even though the turtles and I rejected his offer to a public appreciation for our heroic deeds, Nathan indirectly mentioned us in his speech on the day he was promoted. He told the City that they had a handful of guardian angles that were watching over them and protecting them from the everyday crimes of the New York. We never saw Nathan Reese again, but we knew he would never forget us as we would never forget him. I held a personal funeral for the boy I used to call "friend." I took flowers to the spot where he had died but to my surprise, a bunch of bright purple flowers had already begun to sprout there where I had cried for him and when I tried to pluck one from the ground, they wouldn't budge.

As for the rest of us; Leo and I grew closer together than we had in the past. He got really good with his skills and completely perfected them within a few weeks. We could talk to each other freely and not have a huge argument over things like we use to. But sometimes, I catch him staring deeply into my eyes and a small unfamiliar, gentle smile will cross his face but it only seems to come whenever Donatello isn't around. Raph spends most of his nights outside playing vigilante on the streets of Manhattan. He went to earn the title as "Night Keeper" as seen on the news. Mikey eventually calmed down and started to take things more seriously but once in a while, he would throw in a really good joke and prank his brothers just to get a kick out of it and yes, he can still eat a whole pizza pie on his own.

April and Casey returned to their apartment above the Antique shop soon after Hun's demise. We still saw them once and awhile but they had grown busy for some reason, turns out a few months later, the couple announced that they were pregnant with a baby girl. On the date of her arrival, Don (who was in costume) and I were there at the hospital supporting April through it all along with Casey of course. The child was born but had no name yet. Surprisingly, as April sat in her hospital bed and held the small child, she looked up at the doctors and said the name would be Austria and the middle name would be Dona. Casey loved the idea and supported it 100%.

When the night was quiet, and Casey had fallen asleep uncomfortably on the small hospital couch, I held little Austria in my arms under her mother's watchful eye.

"She's beautiful." She had dark brown hair and April told me that she had opened her eyes earlier and they were shade of what use to be my stunning green eyes.

"She looks like you." I hadn't noticed that Don had snuck up next to me and leaned over to get a look at the baby.

"Strangely enough as that is…" we laughed quietly together, being careful not to wake up the sleeping child…or the baby.

"I wanted to name her after my two most favorite people in the world, besides Casey of course." April whispered. I hadn't noticed that Austria's fists were clenched against her heart and a small silver object was peeking out beneath them. Me, being the cautious person I was, carefully went to take whatever she had from her due to the choking hazard. But when I opened her tiny little fingers, something completely unexpected popped out. My heart stopped and my eyes flooded with the pain of oncoming tears. I picked up the little object and held it in my trembling fingers.

"Austria…" Don put a hand on me and gently rubbed my back.

"Oh my God" I managed to get out. In my hand, was a perfect, beautiful ring with a stunning diamond gently, resting on top. Even in the dim light of the Hospital room, it shone like the top of the Chrysler building and displayed small beams of light in every direction. Yet, when I looked down into the marvelous stone, I could see a small purple flower with its petals reaching out all over and touching every part of the diamond. I was only 17…but I didn't give a crap. I looked up at Donnie whose cheeks were a fiery red and his head was lowered looking at the ground.

"I know were young but…" I didn't give him enough time to finish his sentence. With the baby still in my arms, I carefully silenced him when I met my lips with his. April was bawling in her bed and saying "that's so sweet!" over and over again. Then she started to blurt out things she wanted to do for the ceremony and all that jazz. When I finally released Don, he cupped his hands around my face.

"I don't want to lose you. I want you to know how much I want to be with you." He choked on his words and swore that he wasn't going to cry. "So what do you say Austria Westly? Want to run into the sunset together?" He gave a cheesy smile and laughed at himself.

"I already gave you an answer." I giggled but wanted to make sure he knew that I wanted to be with him too. "It's about time you asked silly and yes, I want to run into the sunset with you." I laughed but kissed him again so he knew I was serious. I thought my life would never have a happy ever after, but I guess even the most unfortunate of people, can live a perfect fairytale.

I would like to thank everyone who showed support during this series! I really enjoyed every single part of this and I have plenty of more FanFics to come! I hope you enjoyed/loved this two part Fic and even if you didn't, that's ok! You guys are really what kept me going. I got onto Fanfiction every day and checked my reviews and favorites and made sure I was writing for a reason and of course I was! This was my first FanFic for those of you who didn't know…now you know lol. You guys are amazing! Peace out! See you soon!