A/N: Okay I wrote this so no angry mobs will likely come after me when I don't update anything for the next week since I go some stuff to do. So enjoy some KanoKido fluff people!

~*~ Pulling a Seto and Mary ~*~

"Y'know. . . . this isn't very romantic." Kano joked as he tried untangling his hand out of Kido's hair. Somehow, when he'd tried putting his arm around Kido's shoulders from underneath the pillow, his fingers had managed to get caught in her long green tresses.

"Dammit -OW!- I know that!" she snapped at him. She was equally pulling against his hand, trying desperately to free herself and stop the pain.

Finally with one final tug and a few strings of loose hair later, Kido was rubbing her scalp and Kano rubbing his hand.

"Maybe, we should just forget this." Kido said her shoulders drooping slightly in hidden disappoint, but Kano grabbed her arm before she could even make a move to leave.

"No. C'mon, I'm sorry about your hair, but please don't go." he pleaded with a little pouty, puppy dog face which seemed in stark contrast with his already cat-like eyes. Kido sighed, giving in.

"Alright, just be more careful." she said. Kano grinned at her but nodded his head.

Neither one of them was very experienced at this. The bed was way too small for two people to sleep in it, but they decided to find some way to make it work. After a few tries of elbowing, head bumping, and kicking they finally settled on a position that was comfortable.

"See? Now that wasn't so hard." Kano was smiling, feeling completely content as he rested his chin on the top of Kido's head. She laid on her back, snuggled up against Kano's chest. He laid sideways, his back against the wall, and his arm over Kido's chest where one of her hands rested on his forearm.

"Yeah I guess you were right." Kido said wondering how many times she'd say that in her lifetime. Not very many, she supposed. Sighing contentedly she closed her eyes, feeling herself fall asleep to the rhythmic beating of Kano's heart.

"So, I guess this is our first Seto and Mary." Kido snapped her eyes open at that. She craned her head to look at him, but wasn't very successful with their positioning. "Our what?" she asked.

"You know, Seto and Mary. They're always sleeping in the same bed together, and now were doing it, so it's a Seto and Mary."

Kido was too tired to even argue with him, if there was anything to even argue about. "Fine, fine. Whatever." she said before closing her eyes for the second time.

This time Kido was halfway asleep when she felt something soft brushing against her face. She tried her best to ignore it, but then it brushed against her forehead and against her cheek. She knew then Kano was kissing her face.

"What are you doing?" she asked without opening here eyes, but even with them closed she could still feel Kano's smile.

"Completing the Seto and Mary." he replied and pressed his lips pressed against hers. Kido opened her eyes to see Kano's flickering close to hers in the dark.

"Well, why don't we make a Kano and Kido instead. Then maybe some of us can actually go to sleep."

"Sleep? But where's the fun in that?" Kano whined.

"It's gonna be in my right fist if you don't stop kissing me." Kido said firmly.

"Hahaha, alright." Kano complied, "But can the Kano and Kido have one more kiss?" he asked.

Kido sighed, but smiled, "Yeah, fine."