Not good not good not good!

He ran, ran as fast as he possibly could, through the parking lot and past the security guard at the front door, flashing the bored-looking man an anxious smile as he flew by. Elevator?—no, too slow. Making a sharp turn, he bolted for the stairwell. Lungs and legs burning, bag bouncing wildly against his hip, he ran up four flights of stairs as fast as he could manage. Finally, he burst through the door and made a loud entrance onto the fifth floor. Dozens of eyes turned to look at him, surprised, judging, pitying eyes.

Face red from embarrassment and from having run, panting heavily and with trembling, tired limbs, he quickly and quietly made his way past so many of those eyes. Finally, he reached his own cubicle and dropped into his desk chair. Hasty and nervous, he logged onto his computer and clocked in—nearly fifteen minutes late.

Please don't notice. I'll stay late. I'll work hard to make up for those minutes. Please don't fire me.

To his relief, no one came to speak to him about being late, and he got to work the moment his computer finished loading. After three months of working for Kingdom Hearts Inc, he'd never been late, not even by a minute. He'd always gotten there early so he could clock in right on time. Being late was punishable by being fired and he really couldn't afford to lose this job, not with how the economy was going lately.

He'd been hard at work for nearly twenty minutes when a loud buzz sounded, followed by a click, and a voice sounded over the intercom speakers.

"Roxas Kenson, Mister Bonnou would like to speak with you in his office."

The blond froze at his desk, hands paused over his keyboard.

No. Oh, god, no.

Everyone else had fallen silent. They were staring at him again, waiting for him to get up and go to the elevator, but he couldn't move. He was going to be fired, he just knew it.

"You better go," a voice whispered from the next cubicle over. It startled Roxas out of his deer-in-the-headlights trance and he slowly, slowly rose from his chair.

All those eyes followed his progress to the elevator, a walk that felt like it took much longer than it should have. He had to go up five more floors to reach the top of the building where the offices of the higher-ranking employees were located. Mister Bonnou's office was on the thirteenth floor, as well. It was the largest office in the entire building. He owned it, after all.

His fingers shook as he pushed the button labeled with a black 13 and it lit up a bright yellow, seeming garish and threatening. But maybe that was just because he was so nervous. People who were called to Mister Bonnou's office didn't generally return in any state other than tears, and they usually gathered their things from their cubicles and left in a hurry. Roxas had seen it happen twice already just on the fifth floor, and he'd only been working there for the last few months.

I'm gonna lose my job.

The elevator doors slid closed and the metal box shuddered before moving upwards, carrying its lone passenger towards the top floor.


Another shudder as the elevator came to a stop, and then the doors opened to reveal the luxuriously designed top floor of Kingdom Hearts Incorporated's main office building. His palms felt sweaty and he knew he looked nervous as hell as he stepped off onto the plush carpet and began walking down the hall towards where he knew Mister Bonnou's office was. Closed doors lined the hall, several feet of clean white walls between each. Most of the wall spaces held a painting that was probably worth more than all of the paychecks Roxas had earned at this job so far.

All too soon, he reached the door labeled with a golden name plate that claimed to be that of Mister Bonnou. There was a man on the other side of that door who was capable of putting Roxas back among the unemployed masses. He'd fought hard for this job—he couldn't afford to lose it—and when he walked into that office, he was going to do whatever he had to do to keep it.

Taking a deep breath, the blond man lifted a hand and knocked.

"Come in," a voice called, and Roxas paused for a moment. It wasn't the voice he'd been expecting, but he recognized it as the CEO of the company, so it probably shouldn't have surprised him.

Whatever it takes, Rox. You aren't getting fired today.

He gathered his courage again and opened the door, hoping he hadn't kept his boss waiting for too long. Unsurprisingly, Mister Bonnou and Mister Shichiro were waiting for him, the first seated behind a large desk, the latter standing at his superior's side.

"You called for me, sir?" Roxas asked, trying not to sound as timid as he felt, and Mister Bonnou nodded.

"Yes, Roxas. There is something I wish to discuss with you. Please, shut the door."

As calmly as he could, Roxas did as he was told then moved farther into the room and stood between the two chairs that were provided for those who happened to visit the company's owner in his office. Silently, he waited for the two men who watched him so calmly to move or speak. He kept his hands at his sides, forcing them to stay relaxed and not clenched into his fists like he wanted to do. Their silence only made him that much more nervous—why didn't they just say something? Why did they have to stare at him like that? Mister Bonnou had strange, golden yellow eyes that Roxas was sure could look straight into his soul and know every wrong he'd ever done in his life. As for Mister Shichiro, well, the x-shaped scar that stretched across the bridge of his nose made him look dangerous and intimidating.

"Sir?" he spoke up after a few moments of silence had passed, and Mister Bonnou smiled slightly.

"Why do you think I called you up here, Roxas?" the golden-eyed man asked lightly, gaze locked on the younger man's face.

"Because I was late, sir." Blue eyes tracked Mister Shichiro's movements as the scarred man began to move around the room, dropping the blinds so that no one would be able to see into the office unless they opened the door.

The smile on Mister Bunnou's face grew just slightly. "Correct. And what happens to employees who cannot show up to work on time?"

Roxas swallowed thickly. "They are fired, sir."

"Also correct." Mister Bunnou tilted his head to one side so that his long, silver-white hair gracefully fell away from his face. "So what am I to do with you, Roxas?"

Now was his chance. "I understand the rules, sir. By all rights, you could fire me right now and no one would have the authority to contest your decision. But I would like to say, sir, that I am very, very sorry for being late, and if you don't fire me today, I'll come in early or stay late, if that would rectify my tardiness today. And I do swear that I will arrive on time from now on."

Mister Bunnou smiled a little, the kind of smile that made Roxas think the man had a secret or knew something that Roxas didn't. "Yes, Roxas, you will."

He rose from behind his desk and moved towards the blond, that same smile in place. Every step made Roxas tenser—he'd never been in such close proximity to his boss before.

"Th-thank you for giving me another chance, sir," he forced out while attempting to smile. "I'll just get back to work—"

"Not just yet, Roxas," Mister Bunnou interrupted gently. He was only about a foot away now and Roxas felt an almost over-whelming urge to run. But Mister Shichiro had finished closing the blinds and now stood in front of the door. The sound of the lock clicking into place set Roxas to trembling; he gulped.


The smile his boss had been keeping in place vanished. "You're going to do exactly as I say, Roxas," he whispered, "or I'll fire you, and I'll blacklist you. I know you're smart so don't be an idiot."

"W-what?" he almost couldn't believe his ears. Was his boss blackmailing him? "I don't understand…"

A hand on his shoulder made him turn and he found that Mister Shichiro had silently moved to stand right behind him. The sudden closeness made him jump and he stepped forward, right into Mister Bunnou's waiting arms. His eyes widened as he looked up at the taller man, confused and panicking because he was being held against his boss' chest and his boss' right-hand-man was so close behind him that he could feel breath on the back of his neck and he didn't know what to do.

"S-sir?" he forced out, voice higher than it normally would have been. To his horror, one of the hands on his back began to move down and tug at his shirt. "Mister Bunnou! What are you doing?" His panic was clear in his voice and it made the two taller men smile.

"Relax, Roxas," Mister Shichiro ordered softly. "Just do as you're told."

This was not happening. It couldn't be. "B-but…I…" He struggled to pull away from the two of them as a second pair of hands wandered around his torso and began unbuttoning his dress-code-approved button-down white shirt.

"Roxas." The warning tone Mister Bunnou used made the blond freeze and he looked up into golden eyes. "Do you want to continue working for Kingdom Hearts Incorporated?"

"Y-yes, of course, but I don't think this is appropriate, Mister Bunnou," he explained, half pleading to be let go and to not have his clothes taken away. Mister Shichiro was still working on his shirt and Roxas did his best to keep the fabric wrapped around his body without breaking the eye contact he'd become locked in.

"Then you'll do exactly as you're told, and you won't tell a single soul." It was clearly a threat, and the way Mister Bunnou purred it made Roxas shiver in fear.

"I…y-yes, sir…" he submitted, finally lowering his blue-eyed gaze to the floor; a strong hand gripped his chin, lifting it.

"You will call me Xemnas while in my office, Roxas, and you will never hide your eyes from me. Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes…Xemnas…" Shit, there were tears forming under his eyes but he really didn't want to cry right now. That wouldn't help anything.

Don't cry. Don't cry. It's what he wants. Don't cry. Just do what he says and get out as fast as you can. Go back to your desk and do your work. Stay after to make up for wasting time. Keep your job.

"Good boy. You'll call Mister Shichiro by his first name, as well," Xemnas whispered, one finger tracing along the edge of Roxas' jaw; the blond nodded then turned his head far enough to see Mister Shichiro's face.

"What is it?' he asked softly, and the scarred man gave a cruel smile.


Roxas looked back to Xemnas and waited for the white-haired man to tell him what to do. The hand that had been gripping his chin moved up to grab onto his blond hair and he bit his tongue to keep from letting a pained sound escape him. Slowly, pressure was applied to the top of his head until Roxas allowed himself to be pushed down onto his knees.


"You know what to do, Roxas."

He did. It made him want to puke and he was on the verge of bursting into tears, but he knew what he was supposed to do. With trembling fingers, the blond reached up until he found the buckle of his boss' belt and clumsily opened it before moving onto the zipper of the black dress pants and slowly pulling it down. To his surprise and disgust, the man wasn't wearing any undergarments so as soon as the zipper was open, Roxas could easily see the anatomy underneath.

"Don't forget the button."

Shit, he really was going to puke.

Please don't make me do this. I can't. I don't want to. This is so wrong.

But he didn't say any of the things he was thinking and instead undid the button on Xemnas' pants, as he'd been told. The fabric immediately went slack and fell to pool around the tall man's ankles, and Roxas was left with a view of Xemnas' privates. God, how had this even happened? How had he, of all people, ended up in this situation?

Fingers combing through his hair made Roxas look up in time to see Xemnas grin at him.

"Go on."

The blond hesitated, his gaze flicking between his boss' face and the flesh that was uncomfortably close to his face. He felt the presence behind him draw closer and shivered when lips ghosted against his neck; Saix had knelt behind him.

"S-Saix? Ah!" Teeth bit into the side of his neck and Roxas couldn't help the jolt of pain-pleasure that coursed through him no matter how hard he tried to fight it. At the same time, hands tugged at his shirt to pull it partially off his body, revealing the sleeveless white undershirt he also wore. Roxas' face heated in a blush the longer that Saix focused on that spot on his neck, and his breathing quickly became uneven. One of the hands slid up under his shirt to stroke his chest as the other moved down to fiddle with his belt.

"N-no," he whimpered, grabbing onto Saix's wrist to stop him from undoing his belt—the mouth that had been licking and sucking at his neck for the past moments instantly bit down, hard enough that Roxas cried out and cringed away. Likewise, Xemnas stopped stroking his hair and instead gripped it painfully, forcing the blond to look up at him as he narrowed his golden eyes.

"Do as you're told, Roxas," he reminded his employee, and Roxas gave a small nod even as his blue eyes began filling with tears. "Good." A small yank on his hair brought the smaller male so close to Xemnas' groin that he had little choice but to open his mouth and do what was expected of him.

A bitter taste immediately coated his tongue and he tried not to gag since that would probably get him in even more trouble. While he was occupied with that, Saix easily broke the hold on his wrist and continued opening Roxas' belt and pants so that he could slip his hand inside. He palmed and rubbed, forcing small sounds from the blond that Roxas did his best to hold back.

"Faster, Roxas," Xemnas commanded, his voice slightly breathy, hand once more combing through his employee's hair as Roxas complied.

Just pretend. Pretend and it won't be so bad. Pretend.

It was hard, though, to pretend that the object in his mouth wasn't his boss', that he wasn't being groped and marked by the CEO of the company he worked for. He tried, but there were too many hands, and the mouth on his neck made it impossible to pretend that he wasn't doing this. And, in spite of how much he hated what was happening and that he wanted to vomit and was crying, his body was reacting to Saix's touches in ways that made Roxas ashamed of himself. How could he possibly be aroused by the touches of a man he had no attraction to? A man who was touching him against his will?

"Too slow, Roxas." The hand tightened again and Roxas nearly choked when Xemnas' hips thrust forward, forcing himself farther into the blond's mouth.

"Nng!" Taking deep breaths through his nose and with his eyes watering, Roxas struggled to increase his ministrations so that Xemnas would be satisfied, anything to keep the tall man from doing that again. It seemed to work, because the hand in his hair relaxed and he could hear quiet sounds coming from his boss; it made him want to bite down as hard as he could. He wanted to hear Xemnas scream and see the man bleed because it was what he deserved for doing this.

Without warning, Xemnas bucked again and Roxas' eyes widened when he felt a thick substance fill his mouth. He gagged, jerking away from the white-haired man, and turned his head to the side with the intention of spitting it out; a hand clamped over his mouth and Saix put his mouth by the blond's ear.

"Swallow it."

Frantic, Roxas shook his head and tried to pry the hand off his face, but Saix was too strong for him. His nose was covered as well so that he couldn't breathe. Only when he started to feel lightheaded did he give in and swallow, and then Saix released him so that he could fall forward, his hands braced against the carpeted floor as he gasped and panted for air. The taste lingered, sour and unpleasant; he was probably going to have to wash his mouth out a dozen times to get it to go away.

"Clean yourself up then return to your desk and work for the remainder of your shift, Roxas," Xemnas' voice commanded from somewhere above him, accompanied by the rustling of fabric and the clink of metal on metal; Saix got up and moved away.

Keeping his gaze locked on the floor, Roxas wiped his mouth off with one hand and his eyes with the other. Then he shrugged his shirt back on and buttoned it, his fingers clumsy and uncoordinated so that it took longer than it should have. After tucking it back into his pants, he zipped and buttoned those and fixed his belt, then stood. He knew he looked disheveled and like he'd been crying, and there was absolutely no reason why he shouldn't look that way.

Without a word, he left Xemnas' office and made his way back to the elevator. The solitude seemed like a blessing once the metal doors slid closed and Roxas tilted his head back to keep fresh tears from falling.


What was he supposed to do, now? Xemnas was letting him keep his job, but he wasn't sure he wanted to keep working here after that. It had to be illegal, what had just been done to him, and there was a hickey on his neck—how on earth was he supposed to explain that to his coworkers downstairs? They would think he instigated sexual interactions with their boss in order to avoid being fired!

And when I go home, if he sees…no, don't think about that. He doesn't have to know. No one has to know about what just happened.

It was too shameful to admit to anyone that he'd been forced to give his boss a blowjob while the company's CEO felt him up. Roxas would rather die than let anyone find out. So when the elevator dinged and the doors opened, he took a deep breath before stepping out onto the floor. Dozens of eyes landed on him and he forced a small smile to show that nothing was wrong. He hadn't been fired. There would be no crying or emptied cubicles today.

No one said a word as the blond went to his cubicle and sat at his desk. He didn't feel like working anymore. Not a single fiber of his being cared about the countless, tiny tasks he had to accomplish today, just like all the other people on this floor. They were all just tiny cogs in a big machine and the loss of one didn't do much to damage the company as a whole. Besides, they were like worker bees—replaceable.

Hours later, once his shift was ended and Roxas had left the building along with his hundreds of cubicle-bound coworkers, he got into the small car he owned and sat there for a moment. It had been almost impossible to keep it together during those hours, knowing that, at any moment, someone could come by and ask him what happened, and he would lose it. So he took this opportunity, when he was safely alone in his car, to rest his forehead against his steering wheel and let a few tears escape.

Nothing was okay anymore. How had his life gone from wonderful to awful so quickly? Just last night, they'd celebrated and even spoiled themselves a little bit. Then he'd been late to work and had to do that just to keep his job. It wasn't fair. Why did it have to be him? Why, on today of all days, did he have to be late?

There's nothing I can do about it now. I just need to get home or he'll be worried. That won't help anything. Just get home. Get away from this place.

A deep breath steadied the blond and he put on his seatbelt before starting the car. It was silent the entire drive back to his apartment, though he normally would have turned on the radio or at least hummed to himself. But not today. Today was not a day for music. Even when he parked in front of the apartment building and let himself inside, he didn't let out so much as a heavy sigh. All the way up the stairs and to their door. The jingling of his keys was the loudest sound, and he hoped with all his might that the other man living there wouldn't notice that something was wrong.

"I'm home," he called quietly, his voice lacking its usual cheer and energy. He dragged his bag along the floor once inside, not having the energy to pick it up and carry it properly. Through the entryway and past the kitchen to the living room, where a tall, lanky man with vivid red hair was sprawled out on the couch.

Green eyes looked at him, accompanied by a bright smile. "Hey, Rox." Then confusion clouded the eyes. A frown followed by concern creased the man's forehead. "Are you okay?"

Roxas nodded, averting his gaze because Axel always seemed to know when he was lying. "Just had a long day. I'm going to bed early tonight."

With that, he turned and went into their bedroom, shutting the door behind himself. It was all he could do not to burst into tears, to go back to the living room and collapse onto the couch, sobbing as the redhead tried to comfort him. Even if he did that, he didn't think he'd be able to tell Axel what was wrong. How was he supposed to tell his lover that he'd been sexually assaulted at work? By his boss, no less?

There was no way. He just couldn't do it. So he left the door closed and wandered into the bathroom to shower and scrub out his mouth a few times before dressing in his black and white checkered pajamas and crawling into bed. Axel was still in the living room—he could hear the TV—and part of him wished the older man had been waiting for him, had pulled him into a hug and softly urged him to speak his mind, to tell him what was wrong so the green-eyed man could fix it for him. But he also knew that Axel knew he wouldn't be able to do it, and that was why the redhead hadn't decided to wait for him.

He knows me too well.

But that was to be expected, after they'd been living together for so long. Two years by now, at least. Axel knew him better than anyone, and Roxas liked to think that he knew just as much about the lanky redhead. Tonight, though, it wasn't much comfort to know that Axel could tell something was wrong, and he curled up on his side of the bed with the blankets pulled up to hide part of his face. He was still awake when the TV shut off, when the door opened then closed and footsteps sounded.

Holding perfectly still, the blond pretended to be asleep as he listened to Axel getting ready for bed in the bathroom, though when the redhead finally joined him, arms slid around his waist and a body pressed against his back.

"I know you're awake, Roxas," the older man whispered, and Roxas let out a sigh.


"You're really terrible at pretending."


A warm cheek nuzzled against his cotton-covered shoulder. "Tell me what's wrong."

Roxas bit his lip. "I…can't."

"Why not?"

Because it's disgusting. It's shameful and you'll hate me for not fighting more. Why wouldn't you? I gave my boss a blowjob and my other boss felt me up and I didn't do anything to stop either of them.

"Roxas, you're shaking. Seriously, what's wrong? Did something happen at work?" There was so much concern in Axel's tone that Roxas couldn't take it. He broke, tears running down his cheeks to drip onto his pillowcase as he sobbed into the fabric. The arms around him tightened and he could hear Axel murmuring to him in an attempt to calm him down, but it didn't help. He felt so dirty, so used and worthless that being close to Axel only made him feel guilty, too. Yet he didn't have it in him to pull away, so he let the taller man hold him and just cried until no more tears would come and his throat hurt.

"I-I'm sorry, A-Axel," he gasped, fingers tightly gripping the blankets as if he was afraid they might be torn away to reveal the hideous thing that Xemnas had made him into. "I w-w-wish I could t-tell you, but I j-just can't."

"It's all right, Rox," the redhead soothed, gently rubbing the smaller male's back in a comforting fashion. "Shhh, it'll be all right. Whatever it is, you can tell me. I'm here for you. I'll help you." Lips pressed against his shoulder and Roxas was glad the lights were off so that Axel wouldn't see the mark that he was sure was on his neck from Saix biting him.

"I know." It was barely more than a whisper, but Axel heard it. His only response was to pull Roxas even closer, and the blond turned so that he could bury his face in the older man's chest.

"I love you, Axel," he forced out, and felt lips press against the top of his head.

"I love you, too, Roxy."

It made him feel better to hear it. Not much, but some, and lying there wrapped in Axel's arms, knowing he was loved and safe as long as Axel was there, helped him relax and finally get rid of the images that had been plaguing him all day. Finally, he managed to forget what had happened, and pressed closer to Axel as a result. At least he would be able to sleep and knew he was safe even if he had nightmares.