Orihime's Letter

As Orihime stared out at the peaceful moon, all she could think about was Ichigo. The way he smiled at her, the way his deep chocolate brown eyes twinkled at her, his spiky orange hair begged to be touched by her soft fingers.

But Orihime couldn't have that.

Ichigo was in love with Rukia and they should be happy. That was why Orihime was leaving Karakura Town, to give the happy couple a chance. Only yesterday Orihime saw Ichigo carrying dozens of red roses into his home, no doubt Rukia was waiting for him there.

Orihime's vision blurred with tears as she remembered the letter she left on Ichigo's doorstep. She had written it with shaky hands. It read:


If you are reading this, then I am probably already gone, but I couldn't go without saying goodbye to you, whether it was in person or it was written down on paper.

I don't know what you must think of me right now, you probably have the scowl on your face, that scowl that scared me when you bumped me over that day. In truth Ichigo, I can't stay, knowing Rukia is your happy ending. Call me selfish, but I want you for myself. I love you Ichigo, and it took all of my courage just to write it down, let alone say it.

You don't remember this, but that day, before I left for Hueco Mundo. I healed your injuries, but when I did, I wanted to do something, something I so badly wanted to do with all my heart. I wanted to kiss you. I tried, I really did. But I couldn't. Because I was too scared of what might happen. But now I understand. I hope you're happy with Rukia, and I hope you have many happy beginnings.

Arigato Ichigo.

Orihime rested against the bus stop and waited for the beginning of the end.

Ichigo read the letter Orihime had left for him, his eyes swimming with tears. How did she get to that harebrained conclusion that Rukia and himself were dating?! Only Orihime would think that!

He began to become angry.

Those roses were for Orihime! Not Rukia!

She should have kissed him before she left!

He should have held her close when he bumped her, and kissed her knee.

He should have told her that he loved her.

Now, she was gone and there was no more Orihime. No more weird cooking, no more bubbly personality, no more heartwarming giggles, no more gorgeous gray eyes.

Orihime was gone.

Rain started to drip all around Ichigo, flattening his spiky hair to his head, his clothes sticking to his body as the letter fluttered from his hand and to the concrete floor. Ichigo's legs gave out and he gave a scream of pure anguish, tears mingled with the rain. Ichigo cried his heart and soul out. He only cried this much when his mother died.

He had been left behind again.

"ORIHIME!" Ichigo wailed, his heart tearing into small tiny pieces.

Long after the tears subsided, Ichigo was filled with a sense of determination.

He wouldn't let Orihime leave, like his mother.

He wouldn't let her go.

And when he had Orihime in his arms, he would tell her how much he loves her, give her the roses, kiss her, and make sweet love to her all night.


This is my first fanfiction story! So please follow and do whatever you guys do on here. I'm really new to this!



