Helloooooo! I'm so very very sorry. I really have been very unwell and haven't been able to write much. I promise you I won't abandon any of my stories, no matter how long they take to write. I even wrote a little ditty for the BDE contest but decided not to send it in, so maybe you'll even get a look at that one day soon ;)

So it's been forever since an update, so a little refresher. Remember the family all arrived at Cap Estel? This is another lead up to the wedding. We are getting there and the wedding will be in the next few chapters!

Ok I'll let you get to it. Thank you again for being patient with me. I truly appreciate it!

Oh and I still don't own Twilight ;)


A sudden flash of lightning and a roll of thunder had us all packing up our belongings and heading indoors. We had been sitting in the sunshine all afternoon, soaking up the rays and enjoying the company of our families. It was good to see everyone getting along so well. Our fathers had started some sort of bromance, while our mothers sat, heads together and gossiped their way through the last 30 or so years that they'd missed.

Jake entertained everyone with his funny stories and Kate and Garrett sat and glared at each other from opposite sides of the table. Bella and I still hadn't worked out what was going on between the two of them, and both seemed reluctant to talk about it. I just hoped for everyone's sake they'd be able to put aside their differences just for tomorrow.

We'd all piled into the indoor bar area when I felt a strong hand grasp my shoulder before I took my seat. "Do not worry, Monsieur Cullen, these storms pass as quickly as they come. The weather will be perfect tomorrow. I shall organise some aperitifs for your party now." Alain had said with the same quiet reassurance he had given us through the whole process of organising our stay and the wedding. With a smile he was off again, whistling on his way.

We all settled once again, our mothers' still oohing and aahing over the architecture and ambience of the hotel. "Oh Edward, you've picked such a beautiful hotel. I don't ever want to leave. But we must do something while we're here. What do you suggest?"

It was a perfect segue into our plans for tomorrow. "Well, I hope you don't mind, but I've already organised a pamper day for all you ladies. I figured what better way to relax than to do it in style. I've heard the facilities here are second to none. Why not have your hair and makeup done and we'll meet up for dinner. I'm sure we can organise a table under the stars for tomorrow night? For us guys, I thought we could head to Monaco for a round of golf. The Monte Carlo golf club is right on the riviera and I've always wanted to play there. What do you think everyone? We can get back and rest for a while; meet up back here for dinner say sevenish for dinner?"

I turned to Bella with a wink, hoping that everyone would agree and I'd set our plans in motion for the following day.