Disclaimer: All rights go to J.K Rowling for this amazing and incredible Harry Potter series. As for the Vampire Diaries, they belong to CW, L.J Smith, Kevin Williamson and Julie Plec. This disclaimer is to last the duration of the entire story.

A/N: So I got a bit bored and this popped into my head and wouldn't get out so I decided why not? This doesn't mean Revelations is dead, I will still continue.

So as the same in my other story Revelations the Harry Potter events happened in the '90s I transferred them to 2009, the same year as The Vampire Diaries (TV show) started. Not many HP characters will be in this story since it is set in Mystic Falls... Compliant up until the Final Battle and completely ignores the epilogue.

And yes I have also changed the gender of Harry to a girl.

Thanks for taking the time to check my story, I hope you like it.

Papers To A New Place (Prologue)

Three months. It's been three months since the war had ended and all his scars had healed, well most of them anyway; he looks just as he had before only this time he wasn't the same person.

It's been three months since the war and Draco Malfoy still looks over his shoulder in fear. His family who had taught him nothing but blood purity and status, the dark ways of a pure blood family and the Dark Lord was now gone. Everything they had worked for was diminished in mere seconds. But it was better this way, the Wizarding World is better off without the Dark Lord, even Draco who had known nothing but the dark thought so.

Draco shoves his hands deeper into the pockets of his jacket as he walks down a gravel driveway his eyes darting around trying to spot anything out of place. The last thing he wants to do was unknowingly bring someone to this particular destination.

Draco walks closer to the door pulling his wand out he mutters a low Alohomora and with a sharp click the door opens. Draco hesitates for a moment before he cautiously takes a step in; he shivers feeling the wards around the house test his magic making sure he wasn't there to harm the people who lived there.

Draco breathes softly rolling his shoulders back, gently he shouts. "Hello? Mila, are you here?"

"Back here." Mila calls from the back of her little cottage.

Draco wanders towards the sound of high pitched squeals and soft feminine chuckles. He reaches the open door to the bathroom and there, kneeling on the floor in front of the tub was a very wet Mila Potter. She was chuckling whilst trying to hold onto an extremely wet Teddy.

Draco smiles leaning against the door frame watching as Mila picks up a small bowl to rinse the shampoo from the baby boy's thick, dusty brown hair. With a squeal the toddler covers his eyes and all of his hair sucks up into his skull leaving him balder than a newborn baby and covered in suds.

"Very clever, Teddy." Mila empties the bowl on the boys' head anyway, rinsing all of the soap away. "Hey, Draco, hand me that towel?"

Without a word Draco hands her the towel.

"Thanks." Mila says. She wraps the towel around the little boy patting him down before lifting him out of the tub and walking out of the bathroom. "So, what brings you here?"

Draco follows her out to the front room. "I thought I would spend some time with my favorite person."

Mila stops and looks at him a large smile growing on her face. "I'm your favorite person?"

"I was talking about Teddy." He replies smiling at Mila's eye roll. "But you are a close second."

"Gee, thanks. Here, hold onto your number one for a second." Mila says passing Teddy towards him.

"Dray-go!" Teddy squeals wrapping his chubby little arms half way around his neck. "Baff." He gurgles, white blonde hair not that different from his sprouting messily from his scalp.

"Now, are you going to tell me why you're really here?" Mila asks as she walks back over to the boys, one of Teddy's toddler shirts in hand.

"I got an owl from my parents." Draco mumbles bouncing Teddy slightly as he starts to squirm the closer Mila gets.

Mila stops and stares at Draco for a moment before she hesitantly asks. "How are they?"

"Fine." Draco replies shortly. "They left Greece and moved back to Paris after a little tiff in the market with an English tourist who was definitely not a muggle."

"I'm sorry."

"Don't be. I'm sure you don't really want to know especially after all the things my family put you and the others through."

Mila sighs and turns to the little boy in Draco's arms; she smiles gently and tries to pull the toddler shirt over Teddy's suddenly enormous head.

"Teddy." Mila warns and with a cheeky baby smile his head shrinks back to normal size. Mila looks at Draco for a second smiling slightly she takes Teddy from his arms and starts to put a diaper on the squealing little boy.

"You look tired." Draco observes as Mila finishes, placing Teddy on the floor where he immediately starts to crawl towards his toys.

"Yes, well Teddy's a handful."

"It's not just that is it?" Draco asks as Mila starts to pick up miscellaneous things around the room.

"It's nothing really; I just thought that since Voldemort was dead they would leave me alone." Mila murmurs softly. "If anything its gotten worse, I can't even go to Diagon Alley without a posse of photographers and reporters from The Prophet following me or someone shouting 'look it's the chosen one'."

"So leave."

"It isn't that simple, Draco."

"Yes, it is." Draco insists. "That's actually why I'm here."

"What do you mean?" Mila pauses looking at him in confusion.

"You're important to me, Mila. You and Teddy both. Not only because Teddy's my cousin and you are too in way but because you saved me, twice. And I owe you."

"You don't owe me anything, Draco. I saved you because I didn't want you to die, even if we hated each other all through our Hogwarts years."

"Still. I have something for you." Draco says holding out a folder Mila didn't see before.

She hesitantly grabs hold of it and opens it. Inside were papers and documents for both her and Teddy, as well as a deed to a house in Mystic Falls, Virginia all the way in America.

"This is a bit much, don't you think?" Mila asks breathlessly a little shocked.

"No. If there's anything I learnt from my father it was to think ahead and be prepared."

"Draco, I can't just leave. What about Hogwarts? We're still rebuilding -"

"There are other people who can do magic too, Hogwarts is progressing fast it should be done in a few months." Draco counters but Mila went on like she hadn't heard him.

"And the prosecution of other Death Eaters I have to be present for that -"

"No you don't."

"And I can't leave Ron and Hermione, they need me."

"Last I heard they were planning a trip to Australia to retrieve Grangers parents." Draco says, his smug smile that Mila had loathed all through their school years together was etched upon his face. "I've also told them about my plan for you to leave they think it's a brilliant idea. They said you could do with some peace and quiet."

"And what about me, Draco? What about what I want?"

"Then tell me." Draco says his gaze softening.

She hesitates before answering. "I want to raise Teddy where no one will bother us, hurt us or praise us. I want to raise him peacefully."

"Then what's your best bet? The Wizarding World or the muggle world in America?"

Mila sighs turning to watch Teddy as he plays with his toys but speaks directly to Draco. "I hate you."

A wide grin spreads across Draco's face knowing he had won.