***Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters associated with the manga anime or any of the above.

Chapter 1: It starts from here

She smiled as the chill wind whipped across her arms and shoulders. She breathed deep and buried her head deeper in between the shoulder blades in front of her, at the same time locking her arms around the waist tighter. Her answering response was for the machine beneath them both to jerk and go faster.

She smiled again she couldn't help it. She had never felt so alive, so free. It had been a mutual decision she didn't even have to think about it. When he had asked she had said yes no ifs, ands, or buts. What reason did they have to stay? Who else was there to consider? Certainly not her parents they didn't care. Her mom was an alcoholic and she wasn't sure who her dad was. The only person who loved her without fail and the only person she loved completely was the man in front of her. For the first time in her life it felt right. It felt perfect.

After he had asked her. It had taken a lot of planning because as much as her mom didn't care she still loved to lord the fact that her daughter was still in her control. Her mother took great delight in thwarting any chance for her daughter and this man to meet. It had become secret meetings and stolen moments just like when he had still been home.

When the plans had gone through, right before she had taken that final step he had turned to look at her. His beautiful familiar smoky gaze had shown more emotion then it had for a long time as he searched her face looking for any sign of doubt.

"Are you sure? Once we leave there will never be any turning back. It will be me and you forever." Her answer had been to throw her arms around him. Tearful, afraid to speak, she had just shook her head yes over and over again.

Her arms wrapped around his waist clenched him even tighter. She could never get enough. She always wanted to be closer. Yes, this was true freedom, this was her perfect peace. Why would she ever regret heaven?

This was the final thought in her head when the bike suddenly jerked and started to swerve. Her grip slackened as she was launched across the road. With panicked eyes she watched the bike catapult through the night the front lights the only way to see its flight. Her frightened eyes searched out the beloved figure of the man who had been in front of her. She saw him hit the rocky exposure on the other side of the road, right before her head cracked on something metal and hard. Her eyes blurred and she prayed feverishly, Please Kami-Sama keep him safe, let him be safe. Our life has just begun.

She could hear voices talking around her and a weird beeping sound that she couldn't register what it was. She inwardly grinned and she mused isn't this how all the weird movies start accept this time I'm the person who has to wake up. She tried to open her eyes, but the sand man had done a good job and her eyes remained closed. Fine then, I guess I'll just go back to sleep. I hate being weak.

A few hours later she woke to the sound of a door slamming shut. She tentatively tried to open her eyes again and found this time they would budge, as long as she did it slowly. When she finally had her eyes open she blinked to clear out the rest of her vision. She tried to rotate her head to garner her surroundings and winced when a sharp pain spiraled up the back of her head.

With a little more patience she looked to see where she was. The first thing she saw was the TV hanging from the wall. A movie was playing on mute, something funny she guessed because the people kept charading laughter. She turned her head to the left and followed the I.V. cord sticking out of her arm all the way up to some kind of drip. Next to the I.V. was a heart and lung monitor that beeped in a pattern saying "I'm alive." She noted a chair sat right next to her bed and a blanket was crumpled in a ball on the chair. She saw very little from her window, just a couple of trees that still retained their green. She turned to the left and saw a sink and another chair. The door to her room opened when her eyes landed on it.

"You're finally awake. You left me waiting long enough." The expression on the man didn't match the sarcastic words uttered. Twin gray eyes reflected concern and relief, like the world had just blessed him with the most wonderful thing. "The Doctors are pains in the ass. I told them you would be fine, but they kept telling me to expect the worst."

"I'm glad you have such confidence in me," she said. "But one question, am I supposed to know you?"

Author Notes: Dun Dun Dun it's the start of another story. I love Setsuka and Cain and I love the idea of them being real people. Even if you saw the plot twist it still had to be done. Reviews are always loved XD