Chapter 16

Okay guys, as I was going back over the story, laughing so hard at some parts my sides hurt I realized...I'd rather remember the fun times we had writing this than just think about how we only speak when we are in a group of our friends for the sake of keeping the peace. Yeah, we divided the group at one point, bad move on both our parts.

I hope you guys read back over the whole story because some parts, like analyzing Erik, I changed A LOT. I added this extra chapter so the ones of that have reviewed every chapter can give me some feedback on how I did on editing, and also tell me what they thought of my changes and if anything else should be changed. Going back over all of my reviews I listened to some of the critique and fixed what they thought should be fixed.

Last thing, while I am currently writing and E/C story called, 'Ideas are Bullet Proof' I am also taking 'I am NOT a Phan deleted scenes' suggestions for those of you who wanted a sequel. If you find any holes in the story that I did not explain in its entirety, or you have a scenario you want to see played out between Hailey, Erik, Anthony, Erica, Christine, Raoul, or any of the other characters, PM me and I'll make it a deleted scene to the best of my ability.

I am also sorry, in case there was any confusion, that I had to delete the orginal story. I lost all my reviews on accident but I remember most so thank you for that! 8D