Authors Note: I do not own Criminal Minds, I simply bring them out to play. That's it folks! All done! Thank you very much for every single review, favourite and follow. You've kept me going and i hope you've enjoyed as much as I have. Thank you once again, much love for you all!

There were very few decisions in Rossi's life that he never really doubted. Whether it be something for a book he was writing, or a decision linked with a case he always went in with the utmost confidence that it was the right call. It came with years of experience and being good at what he did. Hell his former protégé now ran the BAU so he must do something right.

Yet right now as he sat at his desk filling out a report on the case they'd worked minus Hotch there was far too much doubt in his mind. The case had been easier than they'd thought and after the unsub made a mistake the arrest came quickly. All he had to do was write-up the report and he could get home. Yet the pages still sat blank, taunting him that he couldn't get the work done. His mind stuck on the decision he'd made, a decision that in the cold light of day now he had time to really think about it, suddenly filled him with terror.

He'd left the Hotchner's home alone, at his place.

Sure Aaron was healing well he'd made sure of that before he left them to it. He would have invited someone to stay over if there was any doubt in his mind as to whether Aaron could cope. The big problem was could he really trust Father and Son together. In his house. The broken vase from two month ago when a play fight got out of hand suddenly flashed through his mind.

Gathering up the papers he shoved them into his briefcase and left his office in record quick time almost knocking poor Garcia off her feet as she passed.

"Oh Garcia, I'm so sorry. I was in a hurry and wasn't looking my fault."

"What has our enigmatic Agent Rossi in such a hurry that he almost knocks little ol moi off my feet?"

"I... " He glanced at the bull pen where all eyes were now firmly fixed on him and Garcia amusement flashing over there faces. "I made a decision that I suddenly regret. I need to go put it right." He offered a half-hearted explanation.

The amusement on the faces of the team suddenly switched to looks of concern, all of them clearly wanting to help.

"Rossi anything we can do man?" Morgan had already put his pen down.

"We are here for you Rossi." Blake this time offering support.

"No it's fine.. Its.." Rossi paused. Maybe they could help. Some time together as a group would do them all good, and it would mean he got help from dealing with father and Son at the same time. "Well... maybe there is something?"

"Anything Rossi." JJ's tone made it clear their mind was already made up. They were helping.

"Well when we got the call for the case Aaron was doing a lot better so rather than get someone to stay or check up on them I left Aaron and Jack home alone. At my place."

A chorus of "oh" filled the air as the look of understanding crossed over each of them. Yes at work Hotch may be a stern stoic leader but when he was with his son all that seemed to melt away. He was another person entirely.

"Pizza's, beer and soda for Jack then?" Morgan stood from his position leaning on Reid's desk.

"Oh please no more Soda. That child never stops when he's had it."

"Made that mistake once did you?" JJ sniggered, the only other parent clearly seeing the flaw.

"Twice." Rossi admitted. "Aaron conned me." The sniggers went round again and he shook his head. "Just let's go before those two wreck my house."

Just under an hour later and they where arriving at Rossi's, walking up the long drive Rossi surveyed the damage in the front garden. A few crushed flowers, a few plant pots knocked over. A soccer ball stranded on the roof, clearly it had gotten stuck and ended the game early.

"Not to bad so far. But if Aaron's been playing Soccer instead of resting i'll make him pay." Rossi muttered and very gently pushed his front door open. As he led the way into the living room the place looked like a toy bomb at hit it. Toy's strewn all over the floor, the chairs, the tables, anything that could hold an action man.

"Jack?" He called trying to mask the nervousness in his voice. He glanced at the team worriedly when there was no answer. He stepped forward and kicked a police car which shot off across the room sirens wailing.

"Uncle Dave!" Jack emerged from hiding with a pair of shades, on a child's FBI cap on his head. A water pistol in his hands as he rose from the hiding place. "You messed up the plan silly!" He tutted.

"Plan?" He looked around at the others who shrugged looking puzzled.

"Yeah." His tone suggested they should all know exactly what he was talking about. "Daddy has to rest and me and my army will protect him." He waved his hand at the gathered toys that formed his army. "But you made too much noise." He took his shades off imitating his fathers glare.

"Well..." Rossi had to think on his feet, the team providing no help since they were clearly enjoying his scrutiny at the hands of an 8-year-old who grew more like his father every day. "I figured it was okay to make some noise since.. you've done a great job and.. now we're all home so we can.. help?" He hadn't intended it to sound a question, he'd wanted to sound more confident than that.

Jack however clearly wasn't impressed as he pushed the water pistol into his belt and scampered to the sofa, it was only then the others became aware of what was obviously Hotch laid on the sofa using the blanket as a means of hiding his amusement.

"Dad your sleeping aren't you. Dad... Dad.. Are you asleep?"

"Yes." Came the muffled reply under the blankets. "Deeply asleep."

"No you can't be cos you're talking silly..!" Jack tugged harder at the blankets to reveal Hotch laughing with his son. "Dad!" Jack giggled in return and leaned in hugging his dad.

"Well since our junior G Man did such a great job defending the place its safe for us to eat pizza!" Garcia stepped over an action figure making her way to the kitchen.

By the time night drew in the pizza boxes had long since been empty and the team were sat around having a few casual beers, Jack sticking with Orange juice was sat on the sofa cuddled into his dad while Reid tried vehemently to explain the ins and outs of the TV show Doctor Who trying to explain how much Jack would like it.

Jack was having none of it and glanced at his dad who seemed to be drifting off to sleep so the younger Hotchner squared his shoulders and puffed out his chest, doing the finest imitation of his dad anyone had seen he glared over at Reid.

"Shush uncle Spence.." He jumped off the sofa and pulled the blanket back over his dad kissing his head smiling. "Dad? Before you go to sleep can I ask you something?"

"Go ahead buddy." Came a very sleepy reply.

" 'Cos Uncle Dave ruined the plan and didn't see all my team working the case can you make him do more training stuff? I think he needs it." Jack nodded with a glance at Uncle Dave, the boys eyes twinkled with humour betraying the stern glare he'd tried to administer.

"Of course buddy. Soon as I'm back." Hotch smiled sleepily, the team chuckled and Morgan patted Rossi's back who did his part playing along in good humour he folded his arms in an attempt to look disgusted.

"You two Hotchner's are a law unto yourself." He groaned, the humour evident despite the groan.

As the chuckles went round the room and the evening began to wind down Rossi sat back and watched the others file out waving their good nights. Leaving him to contend with getting Aaron and Jack to bed. He couldn't help but sit back and smile and watch Jack fuss over his dad a while longer.

Taking out his cell trying to follow Garcia's instructions he snapped a photo (he hoped) because in that one moment there was one thing he knew for a fact.

Everything was going to be all right.