"I think yes Edward, I would love to spend the rest of forever with you!"

"Great, I am so happy. I love being with you. You make me so happy!"

"I never been this happy with anyone else Edward. You make me feel alive again."

"Goodnight Bella, I'll see you tomorrow hopefully."

"Yes you will Edward."

With that he hung up the phone and left me wanting him.

Edward was a real good guy and I was very lucky to have him in my life. I was more than lucky, I was blessed. I would thank God. Thank him for getting me safely out of flint, meeting Edward, and starting this new life of mine. I would do it by attending church. I would become a Christian to pay back God.

I finished getting ready for bed. I was very tired and stressed from today's activities. All three of my little bears were finally asleep too. I would be forever grateful for them. I soon to was asleep.

In the morning I was awoken by Abbey and Alexa jumping on my bed. At least they weren't jumping on theirs. They could accidentally awake Hale or even step on him.

At ten a.m. I got my phone out and dialed Edwards's number.

"Hello Sexy," he said when he picked up.

"Hello to you to."

"So what were you calling about Bella?"

"I wanted to see if you wanted to have some breakfast with me and the kids?"

"I would be honored too."

"Ok, will see you soon Bella."


I got dressed and then I got the kids cleaned up to go to Denny's. Abbey had been feeling tons better with the antibiotics in her system. I was happy she wasn't so sick anymore because I didn't want a sick baby.

Edward was already at Denny's when I arrived. He even made sure to get the kiddie booster seats too. That made me chuckle because he was so prepared and I was opposite.

"Wow, looks like you have everything all set!"

"Ha-ha yeah, real funny Bella."

The waitress finally came around to get our orders. We ordered and then the kids colored on the menus while Edward and I talked.

"I was thinking my parents could watch the kids tonight, so we could you know, do married things."

"Ha-ha, were not married though."

"But I love you Bella, you're the best thing that's happened to me. I want to marry you. I love you and your kids. Will you marry me Bella and make me the happiest man on earth?"

"Why Edward, I will. Yes!"

He stood up off his knee and kissed me. Other families and people that had been eating clapped and congratulated us.

"I love you so much Edward!"

He slipped a huge diamond ring onto my finger. It was stunning and more than likely cost more than my old trailer and what I would have made in four years back at my old home. I can't say back home. I have to say old home because I know longer live there, nor do I ever want to ever again.

"Edward, this ring is too extravagant!"

"No Bella, it's perfect and beautiful just like you."

I started to blush hardcore and thanked him immensely.

Later that day went by in a blur. I kept gazing down at my ring often. It was stunning but I had already said that but it was the truth.

Later that night I drove over to Edwards's parents' house to have them watch the kids, while Edward and I go out. After dinner Edward and I would go back to his penthouse. It would be a magical night.

Esme and Carlisle were happy to watch the kids and I was very thankful for that.

I met Edward at a fancy restaurant, which I did not remember the name of. He ordered us a bottle of red wine and each our own prime rib meal. Which by the way was delicious. We stayed for desert but ate fast because he were anxious to get to his place. The quickie in the hotel bathroom hadn't done much justice for either of us, but now we had all night. Just the two of us and I was very excited and very anxious.

Let me know what you think. Hope you enjoyed.