Chapter 13 - What's it all add up to?

Endings are hard. Any chapped-ass monkey with a keyboard can poop out a beginning, but endings are impossible. You try to tie up every loose end, but you never can. The fans are always gonna bitch. There's always gonna be holes. And since it's the ending, it's all supposed to add up to something.

Oliver and Felicity lay in bed in their apartment, Felicity laying her head in the crook of Oliver's neck and his hand resting on her ever growing baby bump. Felicity started to fiddle with his wedding ring and watch at with the other hand he was reading a book. The sun shone through the window and hit Felicity perfectly, making her hair shine.
"what time is it?" Oliver asked Felicity while dog earing the page of his book and placing it on the nightstand.
"nearly 8, Chris will be up soon," Felicity said while curling into Olivers side,
"you know this is going to be the first Christmas that he remembers," Oliver smiled and kissed the top of her head,"
"my baby boy is 6," Felicity looked up at Oliver and saw him smiling,"I know, but in only 5 month's time we are going to have another baby to spoil," Oliver sprawled his hand over Felicity's stomach.
"I can't wait. I thought that I was never going to get pregnant again and then we had our trip to England and she happened."

Felicity heard the toilet flush in the other room, she sat up in bed and prepared for a very excited little boy to come bounding into the room, only seconds later the door swung wide open.
"Mummy! Daddy! Its Christmas!" Chris said as he jumped up onto the bed and crawled towards his parents.
"I know bud," Oliver said and pulled Chris into his lap, "have you been a good boy?"
"ive been a very good boy," Chris said and held his head up high.
"well shall we go and see if father Christmas agrees?" Felicity asked and Chris nodded his head and pulled Oliver out of bed, "I need to pee," Felicity said as soon as she was standing up, the weight of the baby was now sitting on her bladder and she couldn't go a couple of hours without the need to pee.
"of course you do – come on Chris lets go and let Olin out," Oliver was talking about their 2-year-old yellow lab. When Oliver and Felicity had no luck getting pregnant they noticed that Chris was getting lonely when they were both trying to work, so to give him a bit of company they had gotten Chris is dog for his birthday and since then they had been inseparable. Oliver watched as Chris ran down the stairs and opened the patio doors and watched him slip on his shoes and run outside with Olin, who was eager to go and play in the white snow that had been resting on the group for the past few days.

"uncle Roy!" Chris shouted as he ran into Roy's arms, and being swung round in a circle.
"what no hug for aunt Thea?" Thea said and acted hurt. Roy placed Chris on the ground and watched as he ran on his little feet over to his aunt Thea.
"be careful buddy," Oliver said as he grabbed a beer out of the fridge for him and Roy, "you don't want to hurt your cousin," Oliver said with a smile and Thea pulled a face at him.
"what!?" Felicity nearly screamed, having not heard the news yet, Thea shifted Chris in get arms and placed a spare hand on her stomach,
"surprise..." Thea said hesitantly and he eyes flicked around Felicity's face for some kind of reaction to show.
"congratulations! How long have you known? And why did my husband not tell be sooner?" Felicity said pulling Thea onto the sofa and talking about all things baby's."I thought you were going to tell her," Roy said looking at Oliver oddly,
"I thought I would do it while you guys were here. Freaking out yet?" Oliver asked as he took another swig of his beer and Roy couldn't help but chuckle.
"slightly. The one thing that worries me is money," Roy said nervously and turned to see Chris crawling round the floor playing with a toy car,
"he's pretty cute," Roy said
"he gets it from his mum," Oliver said looking over to Felicity and the way her skin glowed as the sun coming through the window hit her.
"he is a double you," Roy said "but i know Thea has money and all but i am a bartender and i want to be able to provide for my kid and not just leach off Queen money," Roy said rubbing his hand over his neck.
"i get what you mean. I know you can't see yourself in a suit but if you want a job at QC all you have to do is ask." Oliver said patting Roy on the shoulder.
"it means a lot," Roy said, "I'm going to go and play with my nephew" Roy walked off and sat on the floor and listened to all of Chris' story's about his cars and who got them for him and why.

"daddy come here!" Chris shouted form the floor and Oliver put down the knife he was using to get the salad ready and went over to Chris to see what he wanted. "look aunt Thea has the same bump as mummy," Chris pointed out and all heads turned to face Felicity and Oliver.
"your pregnant as well? " Thea asked and Felicity nodded,
"we were trying to keep it quiet, you know considering..." Felicity trailed off near the end of her sentence
"we will keep it quiet. We are going to go through this together," Thea said excitedly, happy that someone else was going through what she was at the same time, "our kids can have joint birthday parties and have sleep overs..." Thea went on and on about all the things that their kids could do together until she felt a small tug on her trouser leg, she looked down to see Chris staring up at her with his huge sea blue eyes that could so easily get lost in.
"aunt Thea," Chris started, "we can still have sleep overs right? And we still do a movie and ice cream on Friday?" Chris asked and Thea could see his little lips quivering,
"of course we can, you are still my favourite nephew!" Chris smiled and hopped up onto Thea's lap, and then realisation dawned over him
"I'm your only nephew..." Chris said angrily crossing his arms with a humph causing everyone to laugh
"you are always going to be my favourite munchkin," Thea said rethinking her sentence, Chris held his head up high happy that he wasn't going to lose his aunt,
"hear that uncle Roy, I'm her favourite munchkin, that means you have been dropped!" Chris said triumphantly and emphasizing the word 'favourite' just to show how much it meant to him.
"I'm hurt! My own wife has left me for a six year old!" Roy said faking a sad voice to make Chris happier,
"I'm cute. Or at least that is what everyone says," Chris said with a little cheeky giggle making everyone else laugh.

"buddy how about you go and grab the first present?" Oliver said though his laughs and watched as Chris ran over to the tree to grab a present. Chris picked up the first present that he saw (that was wrapped in boys wrapping paper) hoping it was his, he let out a sigh when he read the label and found out it was for Roy and he took the walk of shame over to his uncle to hand him the present.
"now I had the idea but Oliver went and got it," Felicity rushed to say, "if you don't like it we can return it, but I'm sure that even if you don't like it that you will keep it just to make us happy. Either way we are ok with your decision and I'm going to stop in 3...2...1" Felicity look and deep breath and Oliver placed a kiss to her cheek,
"I'm sure I will live it Lis," Roy said as he started to unwrap his present, with the insisted help if Chris who was doing most of the unwrapping and Roy took off the odd piece her and there
"I love it" Roy said as he held up the maroon hoody.

"mummy this one is for you," Chris said as he handed Felicity a present that Oliver had helped Chris wrap. The 6 year old had put a lot of thought into what he was going to get his mum and when it came down to it, Chris drew a picture and then Oliver helped him pick out a frame.
"it's beautiful Chris, thank you so much," Felicity said and placed a kiss on his head, "shall we give daddy his present now?" Chris nodded and Felicity lent round to the back of the tree and pulled out a big box.
"open it daddy!" Chris shouted, not wanted to wait any longer Chris started to 'help' his dad open his present, and when I say help I mean open it for him. Oliver lifted a new bow out of the box, Chris new that his dad was the vigilante and that he had to keep it a secret.
"this is wonderful thanks Chris," Oliver said and puled Chris into his lap, he turned to Felicity and put his arm round her shoulder, "I love you, thank you for this," Oliver said and paced a kiss onto her forehead and placing his spare hand on her bump, just in time to feel their daughter kick.
"for what?"
"for giving me a family when I thought that I never deserved one, for loving me for who I am." Oliver said as he lent down and placed another kiss to her head.

Before Chris was born In between the hustle and bustle of Queen life, Oliver and Felicity would sometimes get a day – sometimes a week, if they were luck. They'd pass the time lying in bed. Felicity used to insist on getting up and doing things, but now she loves lying in bed with her boyfriend all day. They could go anywhere and do anything. They drove a thousand miles for a U2 show. Two days for a Yankee's game. And when it was clear, they'd park his car in the middle of nowhere, cuddle on the hood, and watch the stars… for hours… without saying a word. It never occurred to them that, sure, maybe they never really had an easy life but they were never, in face, alone.

So what's it all add up to? It's hard to say. But me, I'd say this was a test… for Felicity and Oliver. And I think they did all right. Up against, Good, Evil, Fate, Hardship and Destiny himself, they made their own choice. They chose family. And, well…. Isn't that kinda the whole point? No doubt ending are hard. But then again… nothing really ends, does it?


Authors Note - So that's it the end of the story. Sorry it took me a while to upload the last chapter, my life has been kinda hectic as I just got a new job. Leave me a review of what you think and if you have any idea for maybe some follow on one-shots or even a sequel! I want t thank all those who have followed, favourited and reviewed; it means a lot. Until next time my dear readers...

-Fencingninja1 / Rebekah