A/N: Hi guys, this is my first fanfic so yeah... The story basically ignores everything that's ever happened in the books. This is just me playing around with the characters Jace, Alec, Isabelle, and Magnus. Simon and Clary might make an appearance later on, but I'm not sure. Anyway, rate and review! Oh, yeah, and enjoy!

Disclaimer: I do not have short reddish hair. I have not published a series in progress, and then sold the movie rights to some film company. I am not currently writing City Of Heavenly Fire. Based on these facts, I think it would be safe to conclude that I am not Cassandra Clare.

"I'm bored," Jace announced, flopping himself onto one of the library's armchairs.

Alec glared at him from the table. "Some of us," he said, in a tone that – impressively – conveyed both exasperation and amusement, "are actually trying to get our homework done."

Jace rolled his eyes as Isabelle walked in, wearing stiletto heels as usual. Her nose wrinkled when she saw Alec reading. "Magnus is here," she said, peering down at Alec.

The raven-haired boy closed his book and stretched, several popping noises – well, popping out. "What's he doing here?" Alec asked. "I'm busy."

"Well, he's your boyfriend," Isabelle said, taking a seat next to Jace. "So go get him. He's still at the front door." She watched as Alec scowled and walked away.

"He is not my boyfriend!" Alec called out, as his tall figure faded out of sight.

"Did you tell Magnus?" Jace asked, once his half-brother was out of earshot.

Isabelle nodded, a smile painting her face. "I don't honestly think it's healthy, to sit around and study all day." She shuddered visibly. "I wonder how he stays sane."

Jace winked. "That's how he does it," he said, smirking. "He doesn't stay sane."

Just as Isabelle laughed, Alec came walking in, a fierce scowl spoiling his otherwise graceful features, an impossibly tall and sparkly warlock walking joyfully behind him.

"So, what do you need my services for?" Magnus asked, taking a seat on the table.

Alec looked at Isabelle. "I thought he came here by himself!" he said, his eyebrows drawing together.

"I did too," Magnus said, saving Isabelle from answering. "After all, I like to think that after eight hundred years of living, I've learned how to transport myself from one point in the city to another."

Alec spluttered.

"I called him," Jace said, earning himself a wide-eyed look from Alec. "You need to relax."

Magnus smirked. "Is that what this is about? I just cancelled an appointment with a client so I could come here. And she would have paid well, too."

"You get to hang out with your favorite shadowhunters," Jace offered, pointing his chin to Alec, then Isabelle, then to himself. "Isn't that payment enough?"

"Fine," Magnus said, bending his legs to sit cross-legged. "Let's start of with something easy. Wouldn't want to frazzle your brain with overly complicated fun."

Alec crossed his arms. "I am not wasting time to play a game," he said. "I have work to do!"

Isabelle rolled her eyes again. It was all she did nowadays when referencing her brother. "Half an hour," Isabelle said, although she knew how the time could easily pass to an hour or two. Hopefully, her brother wouldn't notice.

"And if you don't," Jace said, a small smile playing on his lips, "I'll ask Magnus to turn you into a butterfly until you agree."

Alec raised his eyebrows. "A butterfly?" he asked, clearly offended.

Jace shrugged. "If you prefer, we can turn you into a weasel. Or a pole cat."

Alec glared at him for a moment, not sitting down but not moving anywhere. Finally, he took a seat at the table. "Fine," he said. "What game should we play?"

Magnus shrugged. "Like, I said, let's start off with something simple," he said. "What about 'Would You Rather?'"

Alec shrugged, his shoulders signifying defeat. "Whatever."

Magnus positively beamed. "Excellent," he said. "Who wants to start?"

Isabelle cleared her throat. "Would you rather be a hobo or a stripper?" she asked.

Alec looked appalled, the glittery warlock snickering beside him. "What kind of a question is that?" he demanded, as soon as he'd recovered.

Isabelle smiled sweetly. "A would you rather question," she said.

"I would be a hobo," Jace said thoughtfully. "Unless I was extremely desperate."

Alec looked even more horrified, if possible. "How could you even consider the possibility?" he asked.

"It's called surviving," Jace said matter-of-factly.

"Let's move onto a different question," Magnus said, sensing the mood detoriate. "Let's see... okay I got one. Would you rather eat Isabelle's cooking, or be trapped in the Arctic for a week?"

Isabelle frowned. "That's not fair!" she said.

Jace smirked. "Life isn't fair," he said. "And yes, I would rather go to the Arctic for a week."

Alec actually cracked a smile. "Me, too." Then, seeing Isabelle's murderous glares, he added, "Sorry, sis. But I think I would have a better chance of surviving the North Pole."

Magnus turned to Isabelle. "Do you want me to send them to the Arctic?" he asked politely.

Isabelle pondered this. "Yes," she said, smirking at Jace and Alec.

Magnus stood up and started to chant something.

Alec's eyes widened. "Wait, I didn't mean it," he said, but Magnus's hands were already flying blue sparks. Suddenly, there was a huge flash.

Jace, forgetting to act aloof for a second, jumped out of the armchair, ready to fight, but nothing was there except for smoke pouring in rapidly. He felt a small tugging in his gut, but it grew bigger and bigger until finally, he blacked out.

Isabelle looked at Magnus nervously. "They'll be back, right?" she asked, hopefully. Her two brothers had disappeared with the smoke and the flash.

Magnus sat back down. "In a week," he said.

"What?!" Isabelle shrieked. "You sent them to the Arctic for a week?"

"Scream it a little louder," the warlock said. "I don't think the people in New Zealand heard you."

"They're going to die!" Isabelle yelled, almost hysterically.

Magnus shook his head. "I sent them supplies to keep them going," he said. "They'll come back once it's been seven days."

Isabelle glared at the sparkly man beside her. "And how do you suppose I tell my parents that?" she demanded.

Shrugging, Magnus said, "Well, it's not any of my concern."

Isabelle glared fiercely at him. "Yes, it is your concern," she hissed furiously. "Because is they don't come back soon, or you don't tell Maryse and Robert exactly what happened, I swear to God, magic powers or not, you will not be able to go anywhere for a week. Understood?"

Meekly, Magnus nodded.

"Good," Isabelle said, leaning back on the sofa. "Now, what do you suppose we do now?"

"Where are we?" Jace asked, his eyes adjusting to the sudden brightness.

Alec smirked. "See, this is why it's better to stay at the Institute Library just doing what Hodge assigned us."

Jace got up, using the taller boy's arm to pull himself up. He looked around. "This doesn't look like the Arctic," he said.

The blue-eyed boy rolled his eyes. "Magnus has got to work on his teleporting skills," he said. "It looks like we're in the middle of some forest."

Jace eyed two hiking bags set upon a fallen tree. "Are those for us?" he asked.

Alec nodded. He looked like he was suppressing a grin. "Open it up."

Obligingly, Jace opened a bag. Inside, there was food, water, tent equipment, and heavy clothing. "What are these for?" He pulled out a thick jacket.

"Like I said, Magnus needs to work on his teleporting skills," Alec said. "I think he meant to send us to the Arctic."

"Well, let's get going," Jace said. "We need to find a clearing to make the tent."

Alec nodded in agreement.

The moon shone brilliantly, but the forest's trees covered most of the light. Alec sat with his back against the tent, swatting away flies that had apparently decided that his face was the ideal place to start a new home.

Jace walked out of the tent, his clothes somehow immaculate, and plopped himself down next to Alec. The older boy tensed at Jace's proximity.

"Dude, calm down," Jace said, smiling. "I won't bite."

For some annoying reason, no flies were buzzing around his face. Figured.

"Sorry," Alec said. "It's just that - how are we going to get out of here?"

Jace shrugged. "Just walk on and on until we reach the edge of the forest or some kind of civilization," he said.

Alec looked at him. "What if this forest is like, really big? Like the Amazon, or the -"

"Firstly," Jace said, looking at Alec in the eye. Alec looked away. "The Amazon is a jungle. Secondly, I think Magnus will probably figure out where we are and send us help. After all, he left Izzy there. I think we can count on her throwing a tantrum and possibly one of her shoes at the bastard if he doesn't do anything. And thirdly, we have food. We have water. We have shelter. And we have -"

For a second, Alec thought he might say And we have each other, but that sounded cheesy even in his head. Instead, a wolf howled in the distance.

"Run?" Alec asked hopefully.

The golden boy shook his head. "We might attract attention," he whispered. "Too much noise."

"Let's just stay in the tent?"


The two of them huddled back into the tent. "This is way too small for us," Jace complained.

"Well, too bad," Alec said. "It's all we have right now."

Jace yawned. "I'm going to sleep," he said. He rolled into the left side of the tent.

"Hey, can I ask you a question?" Alec started. His heart beat rapidly at the thought of what he was going to say right now.

"Sure," Jace mumbled. "Shoot."

"Okay, so I -" Alec didn't continue.

The blonde haired boy was already asleep.

A/N: So, what did you think? I'm sorry for any OOC's, but I'll try harder next time. I think I'll update every week, but for the beginning, I might update every other day. It really depends on the next couple chapters. Please review, and suggestions are always welcome. (If you're going to criticize my writing, make it constructive, not just 'I hated it.') Thanks! :P