This was my favorite childhood memory ever. Looking back on this makes me wish I was a little kid again.

I remember when I was 5, I had to go to the hospital for eating scratch-and-sniff stickers. (A/N: This actually did happen. But I don't really know when it happened.) I was in the hospital for a week and had to miss school. Dipper missed that same week just to keep me company. It was a big risk, he loved going to school and learning. (My brother can be a huge nerd sometimes.) He even made me a get-well card and gave me lots of gifts. From candy to DVDs of my favorite movies, (which were the Wizard of Oz & Finding Nemo at the time and still are some of my favorites) I looked forward to having him come to the hospital every day. I even had to have surgery. Dipper stayed by my side during the whole thing. He kept his eyes closed the whole time, though. I was asleep during that time, but Dipper's presence warded off any nightmares. One of the dreams I had was where I was still in the hospital, Dipper of course, beside me. I asked him, "Dippy, will you be hewe awways?" (Imagine us talking in cutesy-wutesy voices) He said, "Awways, Mabel. I was born to be thewe fow you." Dipper took my worries away, and it felt like I've always lived in a hospital room with only my little twin brother and doctors being there. The night I came home, he couldn't stop hugging me. I'm not kidding. He didn't let go of me until we woke up the morning after. That time really made me closer to Dipper.