A/N: In my drama class, we had to select a line from Hamlet's 'To Be or Not to Be' speech, brainstorm thoughts, and then write a poem from the words we conjoured. The line I selected was 'The undiscover'd country, from whose Bourn [region]' for obvious reasons. The words I ended up with were:

Explorers, hiking, travelers, flowy robes, merchants, sandles, camels, golden/brown, red, brick, landscape, eyes, heart/blood/anatomy, bones, dusty, brittle, pile, many, light grey, Klingons/Star Trek, pink, humanity, moral adventure, space, mothers, caring, warm, nurturant, worrisome, and enveloping.

With that, I had to put the result up on this site. Enjoy

The Undiscover'd country, from whose Bourn

The brittle landscape glows golden-brown

Three explorers, warm and caring, appear

Space travelers, on a moral star trek

Eyes search the dusty space

The pile of bones from travelers' past

Sandles and camels and merchants- now grey

Worrisome is one; with heart pumping more than red blood

Nurturant humanity prevails his anatomy

Worrisome eyes trace the brittle pile; tombstones

The explorers envelop and comfort their Bones.