AN:- And here I am. God knows after how long. Those who are still with me for the story, thank you so much. It means the world to me.

You might have a received a notification for previous chapters, that is because I have updated them again, as they had grammatical errors. And here is the next chapter.

A huge thanks to honus47 for her support and encouragement, I wouldn't be posting this if it wasn't for her. Thanks a lot dear, for being an angel in my life especially when I needed you.

Hope you guys enjoy.

"The physician should not treat the disease but the patient who is suffering from it"Maimonides

Day 2 part 2

When the Dr said Scarlet Fever, I went into complete shock. It was as if he was cracking some kind of joke on us. Scarlet Fever generally happens to kids, how can he have it? I know we all say that he is basically a kid inside this grown body, but that's just a common joke between all of us. However is this some kind of joke that the Dr is cracking on us?

I wasn't even over the shock when the Dr dropped another bomb on us by asking, "Do you guys have kids?"

That was it. Do I look like someone who can have kids? I mean do I look like a mother? How could he think that I had kids, let alone with Deeks? I mean there is nothing wrong with Deeks being a father of my kids. Wait, did I just say that I was okay with Deeks being the father of my kids?

I mean our kids really? Do we look like a couple with kids, a dog and a white picket fence? Ok we do have a dog but kids, really! I was so shocked because of the question that Deeks had to poke me in order to pull me back to reality.

The Dr was just staring at me as if something was wrong with me. That wasn't it, I just wanted to kill him when he said, "Sorry, I didn't know kids was a tough subject for you guys."

Ok that's was enough to make me pull out my gun and shoot him and if he wasn't Deeks' Dr and was currently treating Deeks, I would have given him some nice bullet holes in the place after which he would never think about having kid again.

I don't know why I was so quiet. Forget about me, why was Deeks so quiet. Come on Deeks say something and make this less awkward and less embarrassing. I looked at him and then it hit me that he wouldn't say anything today. Today he wouldn't come to my rescue. I was the one who was supposed to get us out of this situation. The thought was enough for me to want to kill myself. The next thing I know was the pooling of tears in my eyes. I hated myself. I never had thought Deeks' silence would affect me so much. That one day the reason of tears in my eyes would be Deeks' silence. Oh god, what the hell has happened, did we just went into some alternate universe or something?

Deeks has always been there for my rescue and till today I never thought that his being there for me was so important to me. I never realized when I started being so dependent on him. When Deeks became more important to me than my own independence? God what has this guy done to me?

I was zoned out, Deeks couldn't say anything and the Dr was staring at us. The appointment couldn't be more fun right? It suddenly hit me that I needed to take control of the situation so I blinked my eyes rapidly, took control of my emotions and said, "No we don't have kids."

"Niece or nephew or a neighbor's kid whom you met recently?" The Dr asked us?

I didn't understand why the Dr was asking us these kind of questions. I shook my head to convey that the answer is no.

"Well the disease can be because he came in contact with a kid who had infection but if you are saying that he hasn't come in contact with any kid then there can be several reasons for the infection," The Dr said clearing all my confusion.

It then hit me that a case previous to the last case involved a kid and Deeks had been given the responsibility of taking care of the kid because he is really great with them. May be that's was where he would had got the infection.

The Dr then checked Deeks again for any sign of rashes. After that he said, " Well there are yet no signs of rashes, which should be good, however as you see that he has swollen gland in the neck region which means his tonsils are in really bad state so probably he won't be able to speak for more days.

Meanwhile, you are just on fluids and on bed rest. I am prescribing you antibiotics for the infection which is a ten day course but it may take a few weeks for your tonsils and swollen glands to return to normal. And Tylenol to control fever and pain.

The only problem here is your erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) is high so we need to know whether you have staphylococcus infection or streptococcus. Hence I have sent your sample for further testing. If it's a streptococcus infection then we don't have anything to worry about but if its staphylococcus then we need to worry, because then you are at high risk of pneumonia.

Although according to my diagnosis it is mostly streptococcus infection only, so let's pray and hope for the best

Also you may experience chills, body aches, nausea, vomiting, and loss of appetite, but don't think too much into it they are some common symptoms. Just rest, the more you rest, the better for you".

The Dr didn't ask any further questions because whatever embarrassment earlier we had faced was enough for today. He then handed me Deeks report and checked Deeks temperature again and prescribed him his medicine.

The drive back to home was awful, while Deeks slept the whole way, I was freaking out. I almost got us killed today which is I don't know good or worst compared to Deeks condition. I know I am exaggerating a little bit, but the mere thought of Deeks being sick is little indigestible to me. Maybe because I have always seen him working and it led me to believe that Deeks was invincible. A thing so small as an infection can do any harm to him right?

I know some people think that he is skinny and weak, but he is strong and by strong I mean both physically and mentally. I mean we all have seen his muscle that he tries to shows off whenever he gets any chance to do it. And after the Sidorov fiasco he has actually came out as much stronger than he was before. I had never thought that Deeks will go down due to some infection or fever.

Who am I kidding here, this is Deeks we are taking about; right, everything that happens with him or is even minutely related to him has to have a flair of drama in it. Isn't that why Hetty calls him Drama Queen?

Speaking of Hetty, I need to inform Hetty and team about Deeks' condition and tell her that I am also taking off to take care of him. After all, all he needs is someone to look after him.

Next chapter, next week.

Hope you guys like it.

Much Love,
