Chapter 5

A Change in Ownership

Sometimes all you need is one person to listen to you. That can change everything.

Warning! For MATURE readers only.

There will be sex and S&M (the proper kind) and a lot of emotional character development stuff that you'd probably need to be a little older to understand properly.

When I say S&M, yes there is kinky stuff in here, but it's actually more about the emotional side of S&M, which is about trust and control. Mukuro is asking Hayato to give up control and do some embarrassing things, and Hayato is trusting Mukuro to look after him, not tease him, and make him feel better. Mukuro is asking Hayato to let go of his pride and face and just be himself, not the 'him' that he wants Juudaime to see, and Hayato is trusting Mukuro to not take advantage of his vulnerability.

This is not inspired in any shape or form by 50 Shades, I haven't read the books or seen the film because from what I've heard, it portrays S&M wrong and the guy takes advantage of the girl, or whatever. It is inspired however, by a manga called Nana to Kaoru, which is my favourite ongoing manga. I highly recommend it since it's one of the sweetest romance comedies I've ever read. It's where the idea of Breathers came from and explained amazingly well the emotional aide of S&M.

Finally, you'll probably be surprised to hear that I didn't write this chapter by myself. I'm horrendously bad at writing smut by myself (as you can tell from the first quarter of this chapter, it's so bad that I want to delete it, but then the rest wouldn't make sense). I wrote it with my magnificent RP partner, Erephen. She wrote Mukuro and I wrote Hayato and gave her full reign on where to take the chapter once she knew my plans for it, and she did an absolutely amazing job with Mukuro in this. So please compliment her too when leaving reviews. We started RPing this after the line "So do you want to continue?", although the change is pretty obvious.

This chapter swings between kinky and emotional, so if there's something you don't like, skip a few paragraphs and continue reading.

Long AN is Long… So enjoy this 22,000 words long emotional smut chapter!

Mukuro's body moulded against Hayato's, pressing against him until he could even feel the thrum of Hayato's heart against his own chest. His hands ran down Hayato's arms, down his sides, feeling the toned muscles, the curve of slim hips, the firm ass and thigh muscles.

And all his.

What he desired was now his, after all this time. Finally Hayato was his, his possession.

With his eyes still closed, Hayato was waiting there, throat bare in submission, ready to be ripped out, lips slightly parted, ready to be bitten off, submissive to his will, to his every desire and whim. Mukuro knew it wouldn't be like that after the night was done. Dawn would come again and the fierce wolf would return, but for tonight, he'd accept the perfect doll he was presented with.

This was just the first step, the first crack he had placed between the puppy and his beloved Master. Mukuro would have all the time in the world to slowly widen that gap, to insinuate himself between the pair. The puppy would become his, rely on him, seek comfort in him and maybe become someone Mukuro could return the service with.

Mukuro's lips ghosted down Hayato's throat as a hand crawled under his shirt and up the boy's back. When Mukuro stepped back, Hayato followed, guided by the hand at his back, his breath hitching from Mukuro's soft touch at his neck. He gasped as Mukuro suddenly pushed him, Hayato tumbling onto the bed, bouncing from his landing, his hair splayed all around him. Delicious. Delectable. Mukuro tugged Hayato's blood red tie, jerking the boy forwards, a hand fisting in his hair as his teeth grazed along the crook of his neck until he found just the right place. And he bit. Hard.

Hayato gasped when Mukuro pulled him forwards, his tie half strangling him in the process. The hand in his hair was painful, but he couldn't bring himself to care or protest. Why should he? This was his punishment. He would have been weirded out if Mukuro had gone soft on him, whispering words of love and care, holding him protectively, like he could break at any second. But he wasn't Juudaime. He wasn't Sawada Tsunayoshi. He was Rokudo Mukuro. And the difference couldn't be greater.

All of Mukuro's previous touches during their talk had slowly been bringing his body back to life, so when the other grazed his teeth up Hayato's neck, a tingling sensation had followed, his eyes naturally closing. And then came the bite, teeth sinking deeply into his flesh, painful and harsh. Hayato arched his back, shouting out at the pain.

He didn't know why his fighting instincts hadn't kick in. Any other time and Mukuro would be on the floor with his hands behind his back and a lit dynamite between his teeth. He was glad he hadn't done anything. He deserved to be in pain, he had just betrayed Juudaime, just betrayed his beloved. Mukuro had just left his mark on him, a reminder of the collar Mukuro had put around his neck long ago that was only now being tightened. And it felt good.

Punishment was what he deserved. To be punished for his dirty past, wretched present and undesirable future. He should be punished for being weak, for causing trouble for Juudaime, for being so pitiful that Mukuro had to come and save him.

Mukuro smirked as Hayato's hands came up to cling onto his arms, not push him away. Releasing his teeth he licked over the wound, the coppery taste of blood thick on his tongue before pushing Hayato away, back to lay on the bed once more.

Onto the bed he climbed, sitting just below Hayato's hips, letting his possessive smirk be seen. Mukuro took great delight in ripping Hayato's shirt open, buttons ripping and popping off, took pleasure in divesting Hayato of his tie, throwing it somewhere on the bed beside him, took enjoyment in unbuckling the plain black leather belt and removing the traditional black suit trousers, hurriedly removing everything on Hayato that represented subservience and following of the pack, of being a mindless drone of the family, of neatness and order and everything that Hayato both was and was not.

Now the man looked more like the one he wanted, the delinquent that didn't care what anyone thought of him, the fearsome fighter that growled and roared and followed no one's orders, destroying anything in his path. He was messy and dishevelled, shirt open and thrown to the sides, white bandages binding his heaving chest, looking hot and handsome. It was no wonder the boy had had so many admirers in his youth, and still attracted female eyes as he walked down the street. Green eyes look up at him, silently asking him what he was going to do next, pleading with him to make it hurt and cause him pain because the boy was hurting and wanted to be punished.

Mukuro smirked and slowly leaned down, one hand sliding up the boy's neck, across his cheek and resting in his hair behind his ear, Mukuro's thumb resting just below Hayato's eye. He smirked as a flash of painful recognition lit Hayato's eyes.

Kissing just the way Juudaime's reflection did whenever he was kissed in his dreams.

The pressure of Mukuro's lips against his was firm, but not harsh, and actually enjoyable. The first kiss was a long silent moment filled with meaning and purpose. For Hayato it felt like the signing of the contract, leashing himself to this devil forever; The silent promise that he was there for Mukuro to use in return for not possessing Juudaime's body. One body for another. Equivalent exchange.

The moment continued and stretched, and eventually Hayato realised that he needed to breathe, his chest burning from the lack of oxygen, his body on fire from the lack of this vital component. He comprehended that this was yet another show of dominance, a reminder that it was Mukuro's desire to possess him like some kind of object that he could do with as he pleased.

And then suddenly the lips were no longer there, his chest expanding as it drew in precious air, lungs filling up, body calming down. It took him a few moments to sort himself back out again and regain his composure. Mukuro didn't seem to care, instead busying himself with prodding and teasing the bite wound with his tongue, lapping up the small trickle of blood.

Mukuro's lips returned to his in a series of small firm kisses, quickly getting heated and messy. The moment could even be called passionate as their lips collided, paused and broke away time after time. Hayato found himself humming into the kiss, his hands burying themselves under soft brown locks; usually he and Juudaime would lose their balance and fall to the bed, Hayato on top, pinning Juudaime down with all the passion and love in his kisses, but he was already laying down, and the hair in his hands was too long and there weren't any nails dragging down his back, because this wasn't Juudaime but Mukuro, the taste on his tongue was his own blood, and he wasn't in a dream but in reality. He really didn't care because this felt just as good, warming him up, making him feel wanted.

The memories of those dreams were slowly becoming rewritten with Mukuro's touch, those moments with Juudaime becoming hazy and lost. Hayato wasn't sure if he wanted them to leave or not. Was it better to forget? Would it hurt less if he did forget? Or would he just painfully fall in love with Juudaime all over again instead?

There were cold leather gloves on his skin, the touch icy against a body that was quickly heating up. The ice touch led across his chest before engulfing one of his nipples, making Hayato jerk slightly. Gloved hands continued to play with his nipple, rolling it between cold fingers, grazing across the top. Hayato arched into the touch, humming into the kiss.

Mukuro broke the kiss off long enough to pull his gloves off with his teeth before Hayato pulled him back using the handholds in his hair. He nipped at Hayato's tongue in punishment, but he honestly didn't care. He knew he shouldn't care for the teen underneath him, a mafia brat through and through. But for some strange reason he did, and Hayato's lips on his were like poison.

He dug his nails into Hayato's nipple, pulling harshly upwards. He could feel the boy's vocal response against his lips, as well as the body arching beneath him. Grinding his hips down, Mukuro added pleasure to pain, and the gasp turned to a moan. Since Hayato had broken the kiss to react, Mukuro instead moved downwards, his teeth grazing the flesh along the way until his lips came into contact with Hayato's other nipple. He licked and teased, and at the same time, dragged his ungloved hand down over the bandages, along the taught stomach, following the curve of slim hips until his hand came into contact with Hayato's boxers.

"Haah...nngh..." He smirked at the small noises Hayato was making, his breath picking up, sometimes hitching totally, his chest expanding erratically as he did so. A totally new noise escaped red lips as Mukuro wrapped his hand around Hayato's cock and stroked. "Aahhng." Green eyes were covered as the boy scrunched them shut, squirming against his touch, legs trying to find purchase on the carpet or on the side of the bed to no avail.

Delicate hands fell from his hair, finally no longer tugging the life out of Mukuro's purple locks, instead tugging at Mukuro's tie, undoing the buttons of the long jacket and the shirt underneath. Hayato splayed his hands along a chest that was more toned than he had thought it was going to be, before sliding them under the shirt and jacket to claw along Mukuro's back, just like he had so often imagined Juudaime doing to him. "Mmmmmhn." His reward was a tiny moan against his skin from Mukuro and a harder suck on his nipple. "AAH! Ah-a-ah!" His hips bucked on their own accord, increasing the friction of Mukuro's hand against his length.

His fingers dug into Mukuro's shoulders, his arms pressed against Mukuro's back, pulling the body closer to him as he arched from the pleasure spike. A gasping breath was drawn in as Mukuro pushed his boxers off, cold air surrounding the heated shaft. Mukuro's cool hand returned, sliding down to the base, teasing the ball sac for a few moments before blunt nails drag back upwards, Hayato arching along with the touch to attempt and prolong it, a keening whine falling from his lips. He tossed his head to the side as Mukuro's thumb ran across the head, the fire in his veins flaring, his body heating up even further.

The delightful torture continued as Hayato could feel a tightening in his groin, his nails dragging again and again across Mukuro's shoulders to find some kind of relief from the building pressure. Another toss of his head led him to look back at Mukuro, who was somehow still managing to smirk at him whilst his lips were latched around his nipple. What was that smirk for? Did he really look that pitiful? Did he look like a girl, cheeks flushed, lips parted as he panted? Was he doing it because he felt powerful and in control?

Ah, he didn't even care as long as Mukuro's hand kept moving.

"Mu-ku-ah... I, I... hnng... I..." Just a little more, just a few more strokes! Oh please, just a little tighter, a little harder. So close he could reach it, and-

"Gaakk!" Hayato practically choked when Mukuro stopped, hand tight around the base of his leaking cock, twitching with its need for release. Ah, that Bastard!

Hayato's feet scrabbled against the floor, his body trembled, nails digging harshly into Mukuro's shoulders, anything just to get that last little bit of friction.

He whined, his body deflating, his back returning to be flat against the bed. His body twitched and jerked, the fire looking for an escape route, especially since Mukuro was still stimulating his nipple. Hayato looked at Mukuro in desperation, the fire was fading and he wanted it back! He didn't want it to disappear, he wanted to be pushed over the edge and why oh why was Mukuro denying him that?!

When they made eye contact Mukuro just chuckled, the vibrations teasing him even more. It was clear that the bastard was taking delight in this, found it absolutely fucking hilarious. Hayato growled and grit his teeth, glaring at Mukuro with all he was currently worth. It made him want to kick Mukuro, to claw out, mar his pretty little face, until the retard gave in and finished the fucking job! Or at least let go so Hayato could finish it himself.

So it's no wonder that a mere blink later his hands were wrapped around Mukuro's throat, thumbs digging into the trachea. "You bastard... you fucking bastard!..." he panted, unable to come up with little else considering his brain was filled with lust and need, screaming for more, more, MORE!

Mukuro leaned forwards, a sultry smile on his face, eyelids lowered halfway, looking at Hayato with smoky eyes. "Beg me, Hayato." He whispered deeply, directly into Hayato's ear, licking along the shell moments afterwards. He could feel Hayato's cock twitch in his hand. He knew the boy loved to be ordered around by the little Mafia Boss, but maybe he'd come to love Mukuro's orders just as much.

The boy gave him a look that clearly asked if Mukuro was insane, asking if he knew who he was dealing with.

The answer was of course he did. He was dealing with Gokudera Hayato, a boy who hides behind his pride, who is afraid to make an embarrassment out of himself. It would make him uncomfortable to have to beg and plead for something, which was exactly why Mukuro was asking. He was going to rip away every defence Hayato had, rip away all that meaningless pride and image, bring Hayato right back to basics, to instinct.

The fact was that such treatment could actually be rather liberating and refreshing to the soul, if only Hayato could figure it out. As long as he kept on thinking about his image, about how his beloved Juudaime would see him, then it would bring him nothing but pain.

So Mukuro waited patiently, kissing just behind the boy's pierced ear, and then down, slowly, slowly, one kiss at a time, down his jawbone and neck and even along his collar bone, his tongue darting out on occasion to lick at sensitive patches of skin, keeping the flames fanned ever so slightly, a reminder of the prize awaiting Hayato at the end if he could just pluck up the courage to let his tough-guy image down.

Hayato knew there wasn't a lot he could do in his current position, but... goddammit... the pleasure was disappearing and if Mukuro didn't do something soon... it would... he would...aahh... damn, hadn't he resolved himself for this? But to beg... to Mukuro of all people... He'd never lower himself to begging.




Just one word, one quiet word in the silence of the room, sounding rather emotionless with a hint of hopeless desperation. It made Mukuro's heart race to see the strong, formidable Gokudera Hayato look so unsure and vulnerable. The boy couldn't even look at him, his shoulders hunched forwards slightly, trying to curl in on himself, his hands once more by his sides instead of around Mukuro's throat.

"Good boy." Mukuro purred, "And now your reward." He leant forwards to capture Hayato's lips as he resumed his stroking. Harsh fingers dig into his back as pain once more transformed into pleasure. The kiss didn't last long, for soon Hayato was panting again, making cute little whimpering noises as he bit his lip. So instead, Mukuro returned to stimulating Hayato's nipple, teeth grazing over the hardened bud.

Hayato wanted to continue glaring at Mukuro for being such an annoying bastard, but his face wouldn't comply with his wishes and he was sure he was looking flushed and pathetic again. After a few minutes, the pleasure was somewhere back to where it was before Mukuro tortured him. He didn't think he'd ever say or think in his life that he enjoyed Mukuro's touch, always having seen the man as a creepy enemy that needed to be locked up in an asylum somewhere. But now, with Mukuro's cold fingers sliding down his hot length, a firm hold providing just the right amount of pleasure, the occasional nail dragging along the exposed vein and teasing the head, he couldn't help but think it.

" Don't you, haah haah, dare to stop...ngh... this time, or else I'll... I'll fucking... gah, aah... k-ill you..." Hayato threatened. So close, so close, he just couldn't take it if Mukuro stopped again.

Mukuro chuckled, finding the dissonance between Hayato's scowl and blushing features entertaining. The boy bucked into his hand, obviously desperate, so Mukuro decided to divulge in his wishes, tightening his grip. His gaze was on Hayato's face, analysing the expressions, along with the twitching of the cock in his hand, and when he judged Hayato to truly be at the brink... bit on the nipple in his mouth, adding that to an inflaming graze of his nail over the head of Hayato's arousal.

The result was instant, the body beneath him stiffening, rosy lips open wide, green eyes clouding as they stared blankly at the ceiling. Some sort of shout escaped Hayato's mouth, a result of Mukuro's good timing, the pain only adding to the explosion of orgasm. Mukuro continued to move his hand, ensuring Hayato got the maximum amount of pleasure possible.

Eventually Hayato returned to earth, drawing in a breath whilst his back rested on the mattress once more, his muscles relaxing. He swallowed and then panted quietly, regaining the breath he had just held.

The sight of a dishevelled Hayato was one to behold, and it made Mukuro feel good to know that he was the cause of such a delicious sight. It was satisfying to know that he was the only person who was going to see such a sight, knowing that the only other person his little puppy would give himself to was his beloved Juudaime, and that that was never going to happen unless there was strong intervention from alcohol or drugs.

This sight was his.

It was the work of moments to clean themselves up using some tissues from the bedside table, removing the rest of Hayato's sweat soaked clothing as he went. Afterwards Mukuro leant forwards, nuzzling against Hayato's neck whilst his hands freely explored the body beneath him.

Hayato closed his eyes and lay still, collecting himself after his orgasm. With his eyes closed he could pretend that it was Juudaime nuzzling him so, like the reflection would do to comfort him, like he imagined his beloved doing during his dreams. The touch was infectious, addictive, Hayato craving for the peace and comfort it brought. Yet cracking his eyes open gave him the image of purple hair replacing brown locks, blue and red eyes staring possessively at his body instead of loving chocolate ones.


The voice made him shiver internally, deep and purring instead of Juudaime's higher softer tones. He managed to grunt out some kind of lazy reply, more focused on the warm, homely feeling Mukuro was somehow giving him instead of on the other's words.

"Are you ready to continue?"

Mukuro smirked at Hayato's expression. Did the puppy really think it was the end? Oh no, no no no... there was much, much more to be done... and he had so many ideas... but, best to start out light. Yes, better not to scare his little puppy away~

"C-continue?" Hayato stared up at Mukuro, the words slowly sinking in before he blushed once more. Could he continue? To give himself to Mukuro fully, to hand the bastard something he had thought he'd only give to his beloved Juudaime... Hayato wasn't sure. Mukuro had never provided dreams of such acts with Juudaime, but he had had dreams himself. Yet he knew, deep down inside, that he would never be able to give Juudaime the honour of being his first because Juudaime didn't like him like that. And that knowledge hurt, badly, painfully. So the only other person who really deserved it... was Mukuro.

He gulped, wary of the look in Mukuro's eyes, but nodded anyway. "Yeah, I am." He said, determination seeping into his eyes and voice.

"Kufufufufu... good, very good... in fact, I'm pleased enough to give you a little choice, my dear puppy..." Mukuro sat up with a very pleased expression. "Do you want to be able to see everything or not?..."

At first Hayato didn't know what to say, the thought of being unable to see what Mukuro was about to do to him was terrifying. Instincts born from years on the streets were shrieking at him. But it was nothing more than background noise. He'd already resolved himself to accept whatever Mukuro did to him this night - his repentance for betraying his beloved.

"Should'a known you were into that freaky shit." He sighed, sitting up himself and wiggling backwards slightly to give them more room. He forced himself to relax, reminding himself that he had already trusted Mukuro when he was at his most vulnerable, and that Mukuro had promised to look after him. His body was Mukuro's now and he doubted that Mukuro would want to break it. He let out a breath as he closed his eyes, "Go on then."

Aaah, adorable~ so trusting, even though experience was telling him to not trust the illusionist. Mukuro chuckled and patted the silver head with a grin. "Such a good, loyal puppy... but open your eyes for now. I'll be the one to make you not see..." he whispered into Hayato's ear, licking it gently.

Oh yes, he would control his beautiful possession, but he will be given that control willingly. Hayato will cede it to him, will ask him to relieve him of all the burdens of being in control...

Hayato couldn't help but flinch when the hand patted his hair out of nowhere. A shiver drew down his body, but he didn't know whether it was from the lick or the way Mukuro had said those words. Slowly he opened his eyes, not sure where to look. Hayato observed the nearby area, trying to guess what Mukuro would use to remove his sight although he couldn't see much from here, Mukuro's closeness blocking off half the room. So instead he sat still and waited for Mukuro's next move.

The illusionist slid back, looking deep into those pale green eyes, smiling softly. "Good boy... see? It's not that painful, listening to another's orders for once... is it? Isn't it good, to give up, to let go, to just... be and take?..." He murmured, sliding his long fingers along Hayato's jaw line. He didn't wait for the answer, but got off the bed and went to a cabinet, standing in a shadowed corner.

"I'll give you another choice, puppy: black or red?" He called out from above his shoulder, opening the cabinet and fishing out the two items he had in mind to start with, not showing them nor what the cabinet contained to the silveret.

A soft smile was rather strange to see, only reiterating what Mukuro had said earlier about actually caring for him. The words too were strange, did Mukuro not see how he acted around Juudaime? He was always listening for orders, to do anything that would make Juudaime happy and praise him with that soft sweet smile.

But then Hayato realised he'd run out of people. He didn't like not being in control because he didn't trust anyone else to get the job done, didn't trust anyone not to let him down and hurt him all over again. But to give up had been good, he realised, for it was exactly what he'd been doing all along, giving control of his sanity to Mukuro. If Mukuro could give him what he desired in dreams then the reverse was true; he knew Mukuro could make him live his worst nightmare... yet never once had it happened.

Why was Mukuro asking all these questions when he'd said to let someone else take control?

Actually he knew the answer to that but he wasn't going to think about it.

"Black." He answered. Red was what he was to Juudaime, and he didn't want to think about Juudaime right now, even if his mind couldn't help but bring him up as often as possible. He forced himself not to look in the direction of where Mukuro was standing. He didn't want to know, he didn't care.

"Okay, black it will be..." Mukuro hummed, putting the other item back into the cabinet, grabbing something different from a hook and closing the door. When he turned, he showed what he held.

A collar, a black, thick, wide, leather collar, with some studs and rings sewn into it. A pet's collar. And a chain leash.

"Kufufufu... now you have the chance to be a real puppy, Hayato..." Mukuro sauntered back to the bed, clipping the leash to one ring and unbuckling the collar. Then he sat down on the bed, next to the silveret, and placed the collar between them.

"I won't put it on you. It's your choice, Hayato... words are good and all, but there is no better thing than a visible, physical proof of your decision. When you put this collar on, you will be no longer Gokudera Hayato, the Storm Guardian, the Right Hand. You will become my puppy, my pet, and you will relinquish all the control to me. I will give you choices, yes, but you will only be able to choose between options, no chance to back out. So..." he reached out and once again caressed his cheek.

"Make your choice..."

Hayato stared at the collar sat between them. So innocent, yet so meaningful. To not be Juudaime's Right Hand and Storm Guardian, to maybe, just for one night, forget that the person who he loved yet didn't love him back did not exist. To become a pet, looked after, cared for, loved... Would this close the gap between reality and fantasy or only widen it? Would it fix the cracks or merely cover them up, hiding the decay underneath?

The choice was clear. He'd do what he'd always done and chase after any small bit of happiness he could find.

And so on went the collar.

He'd always imagined Mukuro holding a collar around his neck from the very start, and now here it was. It was only fitting. Hayato adjusted it slightly, trying to stop it chafing over the still sore bite mark from earlier. Then he grabbed Mukuro's hand, pulling it away from his cheek and pressed the leash into it instead, looking up to meet Mukuro's eyes.


The smile that appeared on Mukuro's face could be named blinding. Happiness, pride, care, all mixed into one. The illusionist leaned forward to place a small kiss on the puppy's forehead.

"Good boy..." he tugged on the leash, leaning back a bit and turning slightly, so that his legs were on the floor, wide open. "Come, sit..."

That smile, that look, it was almost like a reward in and of itself, a small bit of praise for being good. Hayato felt his chest tighten slightly, especially after the kiss was given. He jerked as Mukuro tugged on the leash, snapping out of his thoughts, and did as he was bid. Crawling across the bed, he slipped off before sitting directly in front of Mukuro, watching his every move and trying to guess what he was going to do next. Although his mind was unusually blank and incoherent. All he could think about was just how tall, looming and domineering Mukuro looked from this angle.

"That's it, yes..." Mukuro smirked and tugged at the leash again. "So, you got some of your fun, puppy... don't you think I should get some as well?..." The large bulge in his leather pants was very visible, giving the silveret a hint of what was hidden there. The illusionist was quite well-endowed by nature, he'll have to prepare Hayato pretty well to not do him serious harm... "No hands, puppy, only your mouth, yes?..."

The tug brought him even closer, to be on his hands and knees, his face dangerously close to Mukuro's crotch. He wasn't allowed to say no or to disobey, no backing out, all he could do was follow orders. So he leant forwards, taking the trouser button between his teeth and worked at gently prising it out of the hole. This would have been easier and quicker if he could use his hands, but Mukuro hadn't allowed that. Eventually it came undone and Hayato moved on, taking the zipper into his teeth and pulling it down. He looked up at Mukuro as he used his teeth to spread the leather trousers as wide as they would go, checking that what he was doing was okay.

Hayato hesitated for a moment before continuing onwards, leaning in close to take the waistband of Mukuro's boxers in between his teeth. He was so close he could feel Mukuro's shirt against his forehead, feel Mukuro's body heat against his skin. Hayato slowly tugged the fabric downwards, one tug at a time until finally Mukuro's cock was released.

Blinking, Hayato looked at Mukuro's manhood, it was bigger than he'd been expecting, and he began to wonder just how on earth he was supposed to fit that into his mouth without suffocating on it. Sure he knew what a blowjob was, but he'd never given one before. Well, everything was done one step at a time, right, the scientific side of his brain supplied. He moved his hands slightly, giving himself a better position, before gingerly giving Mukuro's cock an experimental lick. When nothing bad happened, he took the next step, running his tongue down the entire length. As he continued to lick, he could feel Mukuro's cock grow harder and hotter under his tongue. His eyes flick up once again, wanting reassurance he was doing this right...

Mukuro's eyes slowly slid half-closed, watching Hayato do what he told him to. This was... this was incredible. To see this fierce wolf, this unstoppable fighter, kneel in front of him like a puppy, like an obedient toy, ready to be ordered and used... he felt his cheeks flush slightly at the thought. He concentrated on what his little pet was doing, smiling gently to reassure him that everything was very much alright. Yes, he liked what Hayato was doing, wasn't his cock's reactions a good enough proof of that? But he decided to add some vocal reassurance, in case the puppy got confused.

"Yes, just like that... very good... lick it all, pet..."

The look in Mukuro's eyes was heavy, undoubtedly happy, a look that he had longed for. Reassured that he was doing just fine, Hayato continued onwards, taking the head of Mukuro's length into his mouth, wrapping his lips around the heated shaft and sucking softly. He took a little more in, feeling the weight of it against his tongue. Wet lips and tongue continued to caress Mukuro's growing erection as Hayato took as much of Mukuro into his mouth as he could. He stopped when the feeling began to get a little too uncomfortable and like he was going to cough or choke- unsurprisingly it wasn't Mukuro's full length, he doubted he could take that much.

He could feel the saliva building in his mouth, his tongue exploring the flesh of its own accord. He knew he'd need to swallow sooner or later, so he had better get on with the rest of it or else he might lose his courage and stop altogether. Slowly he moved his head, getting more and more used to the feeling with each pass of his lips and swirl of his tongue. There was something rather erotic about this, allowing him to loosen up and to smooth out his movements. He was horrified though when a small moan escaped his lips. Where had that come from?!

Mukuro tilted his head back slightly when Hayato finally took the head of his cock into his mouth. Hot... The silveret was so delicate, so unsure of himself... but still so obedient, wanting to please his master. Good. With a sigh, he let his head roll down, he wanted to watch the other doing something so erotic in such a kinky setting.

"Good boy..." he murmured, raising one hand to play with the silver tresses. "Very good boy... just like that..."

But then Hayato moaned, and suddenly looked afraid. Why? Did he think it was inappropriate?

"What's wrong, puppy?" Mukuro gently pushed his head back and stroked his cheek. "Speak, I allow you to. Tell me what's wrong."

Hayato had to swallow and take a few breaths before he was able to speak. He gently shook his head, "Nothing..." He would stop there, but he knew Mukuro wouldn't let him. "I just... um..." Ah, did he have to say it, it was kind of embarrassing. "... didn't expect doing t-that would feel good f-for me too." He didn't think he could explain the weird way it was alluring. "I'd always assumed the whores were putting it on for the camera. N-now if you don't mind..." He had something to finish after all and he'd rather continue than talk about something so embarrassing. He reminded Mukuro by licking the tip of his erection before opening his mouth to continue where he'd left off.

Before Hayato could continue though, Mukuro once again pushed his head away and cupped it gently in his hands.

"Why shouldn't it feel good for you, hmmm? After all, I'm trusting you with a quite sensitive part of my body, aren't I?" He smiled, ruffling the silver hair, carding it with his fingers. "You know I trust you, your subconscious knows this... and makes this all the more special. That's why you feel arousal when pleasuring me. You gain your own pleasure from being able to serve me..." he explained softly, patiently, knowing that it was better to clear some issues before they could progress into heavier plays than this one. "And don't feel embarrassed, you can trust me with anything, you know that, right?..."

'You already trust me with your body and mind...' went unspoken, but still very obvious.

Hayato nodded. Those words didn't need to be spoken, Hayato was already thinking them himself. His trust in Mukuro was a weird thing, since he trusted Mukuro with so much of himself but he was still deeply suspicious of the man- he had after all, just tried to possess Juudaime whilst he slept.

"That makes me sound like some kind of weirdo who enjoys saying 'welcome back master~'." Hayato grumbled, deciding to focus on something other than the trust he held in Mukuro. Then he froze, thinking about how he treated Juudaime, and the shiver of pleasure he got whenever Juudaime asked him to do something or gave him an order.

Aahh shit.

"... that's where all the puppy references come from, isn't it?" He was a cute little puppy, wanting attention from his master, trying his best to please them so they'd keep him and praise him and love him. He looked down, placing a hand over his face to hide it as the other ran along the collar that suddenly had a whole new meaning. He'd thought Mukuro just liked to call him that to tease him.

"You finally see it, Hayato. Yes, now you see why not only I, but also others referred to you like that." Bucking Bronco. Reborn. Yamamoto. Even Tsunayoshi himself sometimes spoke about Hayato as 'a loyal puppy'. "You were behaving like a dog, wishing for nothing else but to please his master, always loyal, always faithful, even when the master gave you only bones of empty smiles and patting on the head. But now..."

Mukuro's fingers also landed on the collar, caressing it gently, finally touching Hayato's fingers. "As long as this collar is on your neck, you are mine. I own you completely, my puppy..."

"...and I won't let you starve..."

He whispered with affection colouring his now deep, slightly raspy voice. "There might come a day that there will be no need for the collar anymore... for you will choose me as your master, as your owner... the one you love and cherish the most... my Hayato..."

Normally Hayato would have growled and punched Mukuro across the jaw for saying that about Juudaime, but he didn't because it was the fact that Juudaime 'didn't look after him properly' that had cause this whole situation in the first place. His beloved's smile was like a light in the dark, brightening up even his darkest of days, but he couldn't survive on smiles alone and Juudaime had never given him a flat out rejection because he had never noticed and Hayato had never told.

But he desperately wanted to be loved.

As his dark days became more and more frequent he desperately wanted someone to love him, to ground him before he fell into fantasy entirely and didn't wake back up. Mukuro may seem like the totally wrong person to go to, being the one providing the dreams he didn't want to wake back up from, yet maybe this time it could be something real that would fill him up. As long as he wore this collar, everything was going to be okay... right? Mukuro sounded so confident and assured, too much emotion for it all to be a calculated lie.

'My Hayato.'

"You'll always be My Hayato." Juudaime said softly, a reassuring smile on his lips as he ran his hand through Gokudera's hair. The combination made Gokudera's chest tighten until he could hardly move, hardly take in a breath.

"For eternity Juudaime. In this life and the next and all for ever after."

His chest tightened in the exact same way.

"...Your... puppy." He whispered as he looked Mukuro in the eyes. Maybe... that wouldn't be too bad...

"Yes, my darling puppy..." Mukuro nodded with a warm smile. "Now... I hope I laid at least some of your concerns to rest. But there is still something... pretty urging to deal with. Hard and straining, I might even say..." His gaze slid to his cock, neglected, hard, twitching slightly. His puppy could now continue his delicious job, but without any doubts, with joy and eagerness to please his new master...

Hayato's eyes followed Mukuro's, coming down to stare at the hard red flesh in front of him. His hands slid up Mukuro's leather clad legs, pushing them further apart to give him more room; he didn't like feeling caged in at the best of times, let alone now. Dipping forwards, Hayato ran his tongue down the throbbing length slowly, before twisting his head and using his teeth to graze the underside as he came back up. His hands tightened against Mukuro's thighs as he once more took the cock into his mouth and restarted his movements from earlier. He didn't care anymore when he hummed again a few minutes later, instead just giving Mukuro's erection a harder suck, taking in just a little more hot flesh than last time.

"Ah... yes, just like that... nnnh... good puppy..." Mukuro quickly tangled one of his hands in Hayato's hair, petting him, scratching gently, giving him lots and lots of encouragement to let him know he was very pleased with what the silveret was doing. The harder suck was rewarded with a deep moan and a slight thrust of the illusionist's hips. Yesss... his puppy was very, very good; if he was still a good boy, there would be a reward...

Mukuro's moan made him flush as did his slightly rasping voice. The hand in his hair felt good, Hayato couldn't help leaning into the touch to get more of it, letting his eyes fall closed as he hummed in pleasure. He swirled his tongue around the head of Mukuro's cock, letting the tip of his tongue dip into the slit on top before pulling his tongue away and letting his lips slide down the other's length. A few moments later he could taste something different on his tongue, something slightly bitter and salty. His hands slid further up Mukuro's thighs to keep his hips still. Not much longer now, he was sure...

And indeed, Mukuro soon moaned his name very erotically, as his hips trembled from the strength of his orgasm. He spilled everything into that hot mouth, hoping that Hayato will manage to swallow it all and not choke. He was his puppy, and a good owner has to take care of their pet, right?...

"Hayato... my Hayato... thank you..." he whispered hoarsely, bending down slightly to wrap his arms around the silveret's shoulders. "Thank you... it was wonderful. Good puppy..."

Hayato removed Mukuro's softening cock from his mouth, wiping his lips with the back of his hand. He didn't expect Mukuro to hug him around the shoulders either, yet he leaned into the embrace anyway as he caught his breath. Annoyingly, as derogatory as the words 'good puppy' were, he couldn't help but feel a warm pleasure along with a strange need to hear those words again. It was nice to be praised for his work, he liked to be praised, recognised.

"Kufufufufu... yes, very good puppy... I should reward you, shouldn't I?..." Mukuro chuckled, petting the silver hair. "Let's see... oh, I think this will be perfect..." he purred deeply, his eyes shining with a weird glee. Let's see how he reacts to this...

Hayato looked up, confusion in his eyes. Why a reward? Hadn't they just gotten sort of even? Eyes narrowing slightly, Hayato tried to guess what Mukuro was planning, unsure of whether that weird light in Mukuro's eyes was a good thing or not. Most likely not, knowing him. Not that it mattered at the moment, he deserved anything Mukuro did or made him do.

"Confused? Don't be... yes, this made us even, but still, you went through it and even swallowed... this merits a reward," Mukuro cooed softly and stood up, not zipping up his trousers yet. He tugged on the leash, wanting Hayato to follow him like a good puppy should.

Hayato moved out of Mukuro's way as the male stood, still suspicious, but followed the lead of the tug, standing up too. He was surprised at how easily Mukuro seemed to have fallen into the role of 'master' (because as much as he hated the sound of it, that seemed to be what had happened here), and vaguely wondered whether he had done this with anyone else before. He seemed rather confident. Although Hayato supposed that was none of his business.

"Oya?..." Mukuro purred, dropping the smile suddenly. The leash, surprisingly long, was suddenly hooked under his boot, as he pulled at the other end. This made the leash pull at the collar and his puppy, for now mildly signalling that this was not the way a puppy was to walk...

Hayato jerked as the collar was pulled upon, ending up half stooped over. He looked up at Mukuro, wondering what he'd done wrong. It took a few seconds of staring for his brain to catch up and realise what Mukuro wanted him to do- crawl on the ground like a fucking animal.

The annoyingly cute and teasing nickname had become something more, like a cage or defining term. And now, instead of acting like a loyal puppy to Juudaime unconsciously, he now had to act like a dog, on purpose, for Mukuro. He didn't know whether to be angry or embarrassed over this treatment, although either way, his cheeks were dusted red as he lowered himself to the floor, getting on his hands and knees, looking up at Mukuro to check that this was indeed what he wanted.

"... good boy. Remember this... you're my pet, my puppy, so you have to behave like one... yes?" Mukuro tilted his head to the side with a small smile. "Now let's go... you need to pick your reward," he stepped off the leash and started walking again, heading to a different cabinet where he kept his other... toys.

Hayato resisted the urge to roll his eyes; if this was what Mukuro wanted... "Woof." He couldn't accept the benefits without the vices, right? Although crawling across the carpet like some kind of infant might just be the most embarrassing thing he'd done to date, not to mention demeaning. He had his pride and reputation, being Vongola Decimo's most trusted Right Hand man, yet inside this room that didn't count, and whilst liberating, it also left him feeling bare and exposed. He had always hidden behind his pride and a cold façade, but all that had been forcefully ripped away from him- mostly by himself to boot.

As such he kept his head down to hide his expression, instead concentrating on following Mukuro's feet to... wherever they were heading. Which, when he finally stopped and looked up, seemed to be yet another cabinet. He just hoped his reward wasn't something as stupid as dog treats, pet food or a dog bone.

"Good boy..." Mukuro praised Hayato easily, knowing how much it must cost the proud man to behave like a pet. But with the submission came the rewards... "Now then..." he opened the cabinet and picked out two relatively small buttplugs, both with a silver, bushy tail attached to them. They differed in shape - one was a bit thinner, but longer, and the other was a bit thicker, shorter and covered with bumps. Both were large enough to be felt and reach Hayato's prostate once slipped inside.

"Which one, pet?"

Hayato stared in shock at what Mukuro held in his hands and quickly sat down with his butt firmly on the floor. "Are... are those going where I think they are?" He stuttered, blushing. And he had to choose between them?! His eyes flickered between the two toys and Mukuro's expression, wearing that stupid infuriating smile that Hayato wanted to punch off his face. He didn't think 'I choose neither' counted as making a choice. Oh god, he had better just get this over and done with before his cheeks got so red and hot they caught fire. "T-that one..." he said, squeezing his eyes shut and pointing to the smooth one- it looked like it was going to hurt less in his opinion.

"Hummm... alright, but next time only point, yes?" The illusionist wagged his finger with a gentle smile. He put back the rejected buttplug and took out a bottle of lube. "Now, head to the ground, ass up in the air, puppy... time to get you fitted properly, kufufufu~"

What? Now he wasn't allowed to talk either? Hayato couldn't even look at Mukuro after the man spoke, never having been more embarrassed in his life. And Mukuro had said it so easily too. Some sort of noise left Hayato's throat, somewhere between a squeak and a choke. Slowly he turned around, his back to Mukuro, but still sitting down.

He... he wanted...

... more pleasure, more praise, more recognition. He couldn't get enough of the feeling, having been denied it most of his life. And a little embarrassment never killed anybody. So warily he changed positions, resting his forearms on the floor in front of him and getting on his knees, quickly burying his face in his arms to hide it. Consequently the rest of his body dipped, his ass in the air as Mukuro had requested.

"Yes, like that... exactly... good boy," Mukuro purred, gently caressing the soft, yet firm asscheeks. "Now then... listen to me carefully," he gently made Hayato look at him while still remaining in this position. "This is your first time, so remember, if you feel pain, show me, you can even tell me that, yes? I want you to enjoy this as much as I will..." he mussed up the silver tresses, smiling at his puppy. "You will feel discomfort, that's a given, but bear with it. It will get very pleasurable later on..."

With those words being said, he knelt behind Hayato and uncorked the bottle, spreading a very generous amount of lube on the buttplug and also some on the tight ring itself. "Alright, here-" and he pushed the tip of the buttplug gently, making it slide inside with little trouble "-goes. See? The worst is done... now the rest..." the illusionist slowly caressed one of the asscheeks as he pressed the silicon toy in, taking his time, not wanting to hurt Hayato.

Hayato shivered as the liquid was spread on his skin, it was damn cold. Tensing at the feeling of something weird, different, near his entrance, Hayato forced himself not to move away. He bit his lip as the weird feeling continued, feeling the toy enter deeper and himself being stretched open. Mukuro had been right, there was a bit of discomfort, but not as much as Hayato had been imagining, the cold gel smoothing the process.

Although this process was taking forever in Hayato's opinion; he would have preferred a short sharp bang over the lesser drawn out sensation, he could deal with the pain easier that way, but he supposed doing it quickly could cause some damage. Instead, he focused on the feeling of Mukuro's hand across his ass, until suddenly there was a burst of pleasure out of nowhere, a gasp escaping his lips.

"Just like that... yes... good boy..." Mukuro purred, kneading the tempting ass gently as the toy slid in. Finally it reached its destination, judging by Hayato's gasp. "Oya? Is that your sweet spot, puppy?" He twisted the toy, aiming it down a bit, to torture that spot a bit more, and then pushed the last few millimetres of the toy in, letting the muscles slip into a grove prepared specifically so that the toy would not slide in more... or be pushed out by his pet. The silver tail was quite long and very fluffy, matching Hayato's complexion. "Good boy, it's all in..." the illusionist mussed the silver tresses a bit.

"Hnnn... ah," Hayato's voice trembled as Mukuro played with the toy. It felt so weird, to have something inside him like that, he could feel his body reacting to the intrusion, his muscles twitching. He tossed his head to the side, trying to get used to the pressure, and caught his reflection in a mirror on the wall. He froze, blinking at his reflection, ignoring the new sensations in favour of studying himself.

He was a pet. A dog. Pure and simple.

It hadn't really sunk in before now, but now it was crystal clear. Mesmerized, he wiggled his hips, watching the fluffy tail swish, releasing a moan as something inside him was teased.

"Kufufufufu... someone likes their additions, huh?" Mukuro couldn't stop his chuckle, patting the silver head gently. "Maybe I should finish the look, hmmm?" A flick of a hand and suddenly Hayato had a pair of silver, fluffy ears on his head, very much real, alive and sensitive, as was proved when the illusionist ran his hand over them delicately.

Hayato shivered as Mukuro ran his hand over the illusionary ears. He whined slightly in his throat, tilting his chin up, trying to get Mukuro to repeat the action without using words. It felt so good. It was no wonder animals loved the gesture and kept asking for it. He could sit there for hours as long as Mukuro didn't stop.

"Humm? The puppy likes it? Well then..." Mukuro chuckled again and stroked the ears a bit more, then scratched behind them, while his illusions took care of the tail. The fluffy, silvery mass of fur was transferred from the buttplug to the proper place, above the ass hole, right where the tailbone ended. It also was alive and sensitive, as it demonstrated when it started wagging wildly, responding to Hayato's pleasure. "Aaah, there..."

Hayato released a contented sigh. Yes, that was it, ju-just a little, ah, a little bit more to the left, now up, up... yes! Just there. That was the spot. The feeling numbed his mind, making it fuzzy and hard to think. Thoughts of Juudaime, of the crappy month he'd had, of the way the others were guarded around him now, all of it just disappeared. It was nice to not think of anything.

"Good, Hayato... yes... like that..." Mukuro leaned down and started whispering into one fuzzy ear, still scratching at that point. "See?... am I not a good master?..." he cupped the silveret's cheek and gazed into his eyes deeply. "Tell me, my Hayato... am I not good to you?..."

Hayato looked back at Mukuro through a slightly hazy gaze, trying to resist the urge to shiver. "Yes..." he whispered. Mukuro had been good to him, helping him to forget, helping to patch himself back up. Everything Mukuro had done had helped him somehow, no matter how weird or embarrassing it had been. He didn't know how much of a mess he'd be without Mukuro. It seemed like Mukuro really did care about him. So without hesitation, he leant forwards and pressed his lips against Mukuro's.

The kiss was a very nice surprise. It was all volitional, Hayato wasn't prompted to do this, he just did it... Again, Mukuro's smile was beautiful, real, lighting up even his demonic right eye. "My own... my precious Hayato..." he murmured against the soft lips, quickly claiming them again.

He had never seen Mukuro smile as bright as that before this night. And he had done it. The worthless teen had made the Devil smile like an angel, like no one else had done before. Maybe his thoughts from earlier had been wrong, maybe it would be less painful to forget about his love for Juudaime. He would always serve Juudaime loyally for eternity, but it wasn't selfish of him to keep a little bit of himself back and give it to someone else, was it? His eyes slid shut as he let himself surrender to Mukuro's lips, kissing back with a little more passion.

Mukuro purred into his lips, claiming them again and again, very satisfied with the progress he made with Hayato today. Just a little compassion, just a little sincere care and interest, and the Storm mellowed down in his hands, became a playful wind, batting at his fingers like an eager puppy. But it was time to teach him a bit more...

He moved back, rubbing the soft ears a bit more, and stood up, tugging at the leash. "Alright now, puppy... time to teach you how to walk on a leash. Remember, close to me, no running away..." he wagged his finger with a playful smirk. This should be a very interesting experience for Hayato, crawling around with the buttplug inside, rubbing at that sweet spot with every move...

Hayato opened his eyes as Mukuro pulled his lips away, looking up as he stood. He couldn't help but tilt his head, wondering what Mukuro was getting at. He knew how to crawl after all, but Mukuro's smirk meant something more was going to happen. Yet he nodded anyway, telling Mukuro he was ready and understood what he was supposed to do.

"Good... now, heel," the illusionist tapped his hip with one hand, looking expectantly at Hayato. First this... then some walking... and then again some trick training. At the end of it, his puppy should be aroused enough to beg him for relief.

Within a few crawling steps, Hayato knew why Mukuro had been smirking. The plug twitched with every movement of his hips, brushing against that delightful spot inside him. He wasn't sure whether it was a good thing or not that the Guardians had rather large rooms, since it would mean a rather long 'walk', albeit a pleasurable one.

"Good... like this, closer... good puppy..." Mukuro encouraged the Storm like he would an obedient pet. "Heel... sit here..." he tapped his hip again, showing where Hayato's head should be. "Come on..."

Hayato did as he was told, moving closer to Mukuro, trying to resist the urge to moan as his sweet spot was teased. Carefully he sat where directed, cautious of the toy inside him. His eyes were half lidded, his breath slightly faster than normal as he looked up at Mukuro, awaiting his next order.

"Oh, don't hide your reactions, pet... I want to hear your moans and purrs..." Mukuro's eyes shone with his glee of seeing the proud Storm kneeling obediently at his feet. "Good boy. Now, let's go, shall we~?" He stepped away and started walking slowly, aiming at a route around his room.

Sure, Mukuro could say that, but it was still embarrassing to release such sounds without his brain's conscious consent. Hayato followed at the man's side, trying to find a way to crawl without moving his hips too much. Turns out there wasn't one. Trusting that Mukuro wouldn't tease him about the noises he was sure he was going to make, he gave in, letting small gasps mix in with his louder panting. Every now and again, his hips would twitch and he could feel his cock grow harder.

"Yes, like this, pet... good boy, come on quicker..." Mukuro tugged at the leash, making Hayato crawl quicker. The sounds the silveret made... exquisite.

Hayato didn't think, he just followed the order, matching Mukuro's pace, causing the toy to rub against him at a faster rhythm. "Aaahhh," he moaned a few moments later as his body shuddered. It was getting harder and harder to walk the further and faster Mukuro made him crawl, electric jolts running through his hips and down his legs.

"Like that, yes... good boy... very good..." The illusionist didn't stop praising his pet, knowing that positive reinforcement was very important in any training. "Keep up... keep up, and you will get a reward..."

'A reward?' Hayato wondered, wasn't the pleasure making him twitch and jerk the reward? He reassured himself that he could do this, keep up with Mukuro and persevere until he got the reward, no matter how much he wanted to stop, take a hold of his almost fully erect member and provide himself some relief.

"Yes, a reward..." Mukuro chuckled gently, seeing his new pet's expression. "We're almost done with this lap... and I see that you like it very, very much..." a dangerous, lustful, possessive glint shone in the illusionist's eyes. Yes, this beauty surrendering to him... it was sublime. The knowledge that it was he who managed to reduce the proud Storm to the state of a moaning puppy, wanting nothing more but more pleasure...

"Come on, come on~" he tugged on the leash, quickening his strides a bit again. As his trousers were still open, it was quite easy to see that the sights and sounds made by Hayato excited him quite a bit.

Almost done? That was good, because Hayato wasn't sure how much more of this he could take. But he wasn't the type to give in, or take losing well, especially not to Mukuro. Those eyes looked at him in such a way that made his heart pound, eyes that wanted to capture him and make him theirs, eyes that were pleased with him. He wanted that look, whether from Juudaime or Mukuro he didn't care.

He followed the tug of the leash obediently, selfishly wanting more pleasure and rewards, to please Mukuro more so he would praise Hayato in return. The quickened pace meant more frequent and louder moans, the pleasure building deliciously in his groin.

"Yes, like that, just like that..." Mukuro cooed, which normally would be creepy as hell - even with Chrome, who he still claimed was 'his dearest', he didn't go that... well... mushy. But here he was, the proud illusionist, smiling almost normally, being almost normal...

A few more steps and he turned sharply, tugging at the leash. "Heel!" he commanded calmly, expecting his pet to follow and be good.

Hayato followed the tug of the leash, not caring about how the collar pulled against his skin or rubbed against the bite from earlier, nor did he even think about the possibility of bruising or marks showing the following day, none of that mattered compared to the pulsing heat and need between his thighs.

Hayato came to a stop by Mukuro's side, both happy and sad that they had stopped; the pleasure was wonderful, but it just wasn't quite enough to tip him over the edge and give him a release. He looked up at Mukuro, cheeks dusted red, pink lips parted as he panted softly, eyes clouded and lids lowered. His expression clearly asked Mukuro to do something, to help him get rid of this desperate need, anything, please...

Now they were 3/4 of the whole lap - which was a big difference from earlier - but that smirk on Mukuro's face didn't bode well. He gently brushed his long fingers through the silver tresses, scratching at the fluffy ears and watching the fluffy tail quicken its small wags, a show of pleasure and hope.

"Almost there, almost done... Now, the last hurdle, yes? And then a reward..." The illusionist didn't even think that his puppy could disobey, he was so pliable, so eager to please him... So with a chuckle he unclipped the leash and in a few strides stepped to the spot where they started the lap.

"Heel!" he called, turning with an anticipatory gleam in his eyes. Will Hayato rush to him or not? Will he listen, now that the leash was not making him follow?

As the leash was removed, Hayato blinked. Why had Mukuro done that? Why give him freedom? Did Mukuro think his hold over Hayato was stronger than the hold Juudaime unknowingly had? But then again, Mukuro currently held everything Hayato needed. Running away now would only hurt himself further. And Mukuro knew that.

With or without the leash, Hayato would still follow. He still had the collar around his neck after all. That collar meant the gratifying relief of being a pet, of being looked after and loved.

Hayato went to take another crawling step in Mukuro's direction, but more electric pleasure shocks ran through his hips and down his thighs. He sat back down, hands firmly planted in his lap, looking down at the floor, his hair hiding his face. He shook his head and whined, an embarrassed expression on his features. No way, he couldn't take another step forwards. As loathe he'd be to admit defeat, he just couldn't take any more. He needed that release.

Mukuro tilted his head to the side, the smirk vanishing, replaced by a frown. "Now now, it isn't that far... come on, puppy, heel..." there was a note of steel in his voice now, a promise of a punishment instead of a reward if the pet won't listen. Or, worse, does something without permission...

That tone of voice made Hayato shiver, so far away from the sweet, loving tone Mukuro had been using on him recently. He knew it was because he'd been disobedient, not following one of Mukuro's orders, but he couldn't help it!


He opened his mouth to speak, but his voice stuck in his throat. He wasn't allowed to speak, nor to say no, or to disobey. This was an order. If there was one thing Mukuro commented and teased him about, it was the fact that he loved to be ordered around by Juudaime. Now he had to add Mukuro to that list.

Hayato tried to crawl once more, fearing what dastardly thing Mukuro of all people would come up with as a punishment for disobedience. But he just couldn't do it. He held his cock tightly in his hand as it throbbed from the pleasure, his muscles tightening from the electric jolts. The pressure of his hand felt wonderful, maybe if he just touched himself a little...

"Oya? And what is this, puppy?..." the voice was low, husky... frigid. The master was really angry at his pet, it would seem... Mukuro crossed the distance to his naughty dog in two powerful strides. One hand shot out, pulling the silveret up by his hair, hard. The other, the one with the leash, quickly reattached the chain, before snatching Hayato's hands into a steely grasp.

"Since you don't know what to do with your freedom, let's take it away, shall we?..." a tiny smirk crawled onto his face, as he let go of the puppy's hair, grabbing the leash instead and tangling it around Hayato's wrist in a tight, secure bind, enough to let him crawl with his ass high up, but with the bit of the chain between the wrists and the collar short enough so that the pet won't be able to touch himself.

After securing the knots (he could easily untwine them, of course, but his pet had no way out), he stepped back and pulled at the leash, jerking his pet forwards. "Heel..." In this situation, Hayato had to crawl on his knees, which would make the toy inside of him move even more and rub even harder against his sweet spot.

Hayato couldn't help but release a pained hiss as Mukuro pulled on his hair. Damn it, he'd done it now, Mukuro was pissed. That smirk and expression... it was typical of the dark, twisted, 'better than thou' side of Mukuro, a smirk that even Juudaime was wary of. Any normal day and he'd growl at Mukuro, throwing his dynamites at the annoying bastard. But right now he couldn't, his body and mind couldn't make the switch to guard dog-mode, not immobilized with lust as he was.

Yes, remove his freedom, take it away from him, possess and control, for it was all for his own good. He'd had freedom here with Juudaime and look at where that led him. He had gained his own freedom after running away, and had almost gotten himself killed until Reborn captured him in twisted lies, presenting him to Juudaime. He was a danger to himself under his own freedom. So let him remain caged.

But damn, the bastard had done a good job tying him up. A brief testing tug against his bonds let Hayato know there was no escape. The chain meant he couldn't extend his arms very far in any direction either.

Then came the order.

He followed after Mukuro, unwilling to retort or protest. Although crawling purely on his knees without the use of his hands was even harder. There were no thoughts of carpet burn, not when the fluffy tail was brushing softly against the back of his thighs and knees, tickling his sensitive skin, the toy teasing his insides so deliciously, causing him to pant and moan once more.

"Hooo? You like that? Who would've thought that you're so greedy for punishment..." Mukuro sneered and tugged on the leash sharply, making his pet crawl faster, ignoring his moans and whines, no matter how sweet they were. Hayato was naughty... he had to be properly punished. But what to do? What to do?... oh, THAT was a nice idea! He had a bottle of high quality lotion, yes, that would be perfect, and this kind of punishment will stay for a long time in his puppy's memory. Time to knock this proud little thing down even lower...

"Come." Not even waiting until the silveret finished the lap, Mukuro started dragging him back over to the bed, not sparing his naughty toy even the smallest glance. Let's put this plan into motion, yes...

'Greedy for punishment'... Was Hayato really? True, at the start of this he did want to be punished, punished for his lustful thought towards Juudaime, punished for betraying Juudaime and falling into Mukuro's hands instead. But did he still want that? Did he still want to be hurt and punished?

Mukuro wouldn't even look at him, pulling and tugging him even harsher than before. Mukuro must be angry with him, angry for disobeying orders, angry for actions Hayato had done when lost of his senses. Hayato couldn't help but think of what Mukuro would do to him, even as he followed the man back towards the bed. Mukuro could be scary at the best of times, and that was before adding in his illusionary powers. Now there was this third sexual element. Hayato whimpered, scared. Just what would Mukuro do to him?

The illusionists sat down on the bed with his legs slightly spread and tugged at the leash harshly. "Get up and lie down on your stomach..." he ordered, patting his thighs with an eerily blank expression. The bottle of lotion was already next to him, and he was using his illusions to make the leash hold taut even when he let go - to not give his puppy even a chance of freeing his hands. Time to punish the naughty naughty pet...

Hayato had no choice but to follow where Mukuro was leading him- with his hands bound, there was no way to fight back. He didn't want to anger Mukuro further in his current mood, didn't want to earn an even harsher punishment. His fear was currently outweighing his lust, focussing more on Mukuro than his hard pulsing cock. Yet that didn't mean his body still didn't tremble with lust as he moved, the toy still stimulating his sweet spot with every crawled step he took.

Eventually he stopped at Mukuro's side, the harsh tug once more directing where he was supposed to be. Following the coldly neutral order, Hayato laid his torso across Mukuro's thighs, his ass clear in the air.

Oh god, Mukuro wasn't about to...was he?... Fuck, this was going to hurt.

"Like this." Mukuro confirmed, as he made sure that the chain won't budge and that his pet won't slide off. He ignored the straining hard-on Hayato was sporting that now was pretty close to his thigh. No, his little puppy will have to apologize very nicely to get back into his good graces... For the time of this punishment, the tail got pressed carefully to Hayato's back, no need for it to get damaged or something, right? Especially when it was made alive by his illusions...

He grabbed the lotion and poured a generous amount onto his hand, warming it up. His eyes were transfixed on the pert, muscled asscheeks, and he wondered what kind of sounds he'll be able to coax from the proud Storm during this punishment.

When the lotion was warm enough he started slowly spreading it on each of the asscheeks, adding more if needed. This was important, because no additional moisture could cause welts and burns both on his hands and Hayato's behind. And that wouldn't do... he wanted his puppy to feel each of the stinging spank deep inside, make him moan and yelp and whine, until he's almost crying. Then he'll graciously allow him to apologize... and their fun can continue~

No, nonono, Mukuro was going to spank him like a naughty school child... or a naughty puppy. He hadn't been spanked since he was six and had pissed off Bianchi's mother.

Hayato jerked at the first, slightly cold, wet touch on his skin. Even though Mukuro's touch was rather business-like, Hayato couldn't help but shiver, the puppy ears twisting down in his embarrassment and pleasure. Just like earlier, he couldn't help but like Mukuro's caress on his asscheeks as he rubbed the lotion in, giving out the tiniest of moans. Why did his body have to react this way to that bastard?

"Well then, puppy... time for your punishment~" Mukuro purred with a dangerous smirk on his face, stopping the rubbing to squeeze one asscheek hard. Then he let go... and delivered the first smack, open-handed, not just a surface swat, oh no, his hand stayed in place for a moment before rising and smacking the other half. He wasn't even looking there, never missing his target though - instead, he was watching his puppy, taking in all the reactions and expressions the silveret was giving him right now. Smack after smack after smack, each hard and sure, never in a fixed pattern that would allow his naughty toy to prepare himself or tense...

Even though Hayato knew what was coming, nothing prepared him for the pure feeling of the slap. He cringed and flinched, hissing quietly, the stinging sensation staying long after Mukuro removed his hand.

"Ah, shit." That fucking hurt.

Again and again and again, each smack confident and sure, making Hayato hiss and grit his teeth. It was hard to tell when and where Mukuro was going to hit him next, leaving Hayato gasping for breath that was hard to catch between his position across Mukuro's thighs and the force of the smacks. Hayato thought he was good at handling pain after all the fights he had been in, but this was totally different.

Different in more ways than one. With Mukuro's hand staying there a moment longer, Hayato could feel warm vibrations traveling through his insides. The feeling hadn't started immediately, it had taken a few smacks first; the more Mukuro smacked him, the more the vibrations cumulated, until it felt like Mukuro was moving his core with every smack. His insides were hot, tingling, numb, a strangely pleasurable sensation. Especially so, since the toy was still inside him. Thankfully Mukuro never missed and smacked the toy further inside him, instead, the vibrations from the slaps was causing the toy to jiggle, passing over his sweet spot with every movement Hayato made. The feeling caused Hayato mewl. His eyes were clenched shut, his mouth open and panting hard breaths with every smack, a blush still dusting his cheeks. Fuck, this was starting to feel better than he thought it was going to.

"Hoo? You like that, pet?" Mukuro sneered, slightly quickening the smacks and adding a bit more force. They were supposed to mainly hurt, though the pleasure was a welcomed addition... "What a naughty puppy are you, really... getting all excited because of a punishment? Who would've thought?..." he purred with a nasty smirk, for a bit stopping the spanking, massaging the reddening skin instead, spreading more lotion over it to make the sensations stronger and moisture the skin to avoid burns or scrapes.

"Beg me nicely, pet, and maybe I'll forgive you..." and the stinging slaps were back, still so unpredictable, but harder, harsher now. Mukuro wanted his toy to yelp and whimper and gasp, not only moan...

Hayato couldn't help but blush deeply in embarrassment, the puppy ears twitching as he hid his face in his hands. Mukuro was right, what kind of weird pervert was he to be getting pleasure out of this, even with the toy still stimulating him? Shit, this was so embarrassing, and he bet that Mukuro was enjoying every second of it, the bastard.

The skin Mukuro had been focusing his smacks on was tingling painfully, yet the burning stopped and soothed as Mukuro applied more of the lotion. Hayato relaxed, letting out a contented sigh.

"Ah! Fuck..." He hissed as the smacks started again unexpectedly, even harder than before. As the next smack landed, Hayato whimpered, his body jolting with the movement. He couldn't reply to Mukuro even if he wanted to, too many sensations, both pain and pleasure, running through his body to concentrate on something as trivial as speech. A gasp escaped Hayato's lips, eyes opening wide as another particularly hard smack rocked his body again, his hard cock rubbing against Mukuro's thigh, causing a wave of pleasure through him. Aah, if only he could manage to do that a few more times, maybe he'd finally be able to cum again.

"Well?" Mukuro queried, stopping the spanks for a moment, smirking down at the blushing puppy. "Are you sorry for disobeying, pet?" A few more smacks, each gently jostling the toy inside, stimulating his little toy even more. "Are you repentant?" Again a short break, with soft, fleeting touches to the hypersensitive skin. "Anything you want to tell me, my puppy?..." and back to spanking, strikes falling in a quick succession, mixing hard and slightly lighter smacks.

Damn it, Mukuro was driving him crazy, starting and stopping, teasing him relentlessly. A mixture of whimpers, moans and yelps could be heard as Mukuro continued.


"Yes!" Hayato shouted, another hard smack rocking him against Mukuro's thigh for some delicious friction.

Make it stop. Make it stop! Stop this cursed punishment that made him hate himself for liking it, stop the numbing pain, stop the embarrassment, stop Mukuro's poisonous words. Just stop it all!

Now he had to apologise to Mukuro, something that might be harder and more embarrassing than anything else he'd done this night.

"I-I'm... I'm... I'm sorry!"

There, he'd said it. There were tears in the corners of his eyes by now, a mixture of the constant pain, pleasure, embarrassment and frustration. How could Mukuro reduce him to this pathetic being?

"I'm sorry... what, puppy?" Mukuro smirked again, smacking the plump, rosy asscheeks a few times before stopping for a moment. "Hmmm? Aren't you forgetting something, pet?" And after a moment to add some more lotion and soothe the skin, he returned to the punishment once again. There was one seemingly small, but vital part missing in what Hayato said... and Mukuro intended to rectify that, to teach him, help him remember forever...

What?... Wait, that hadn't been enough?! Didn't Mukuro know how hard it had been for Hayato to say that? And he expected more? Hayato had his pride after all, as stubborn as it was, and only ever apologised to Juudaime and Reborn.

Yet he knew Mukuro; the man wasn't going to stop until he got what he wanted- whatever that was.

Biting his lip, Hayato drew his resolve once more. "I'm sorry... Forgive me... Mukuro...Please..."

"Hum... a bit better, but still not enough, puppy~" Mukuro snickered and stopped the spanks, caressing the inflamed skin instead gently, to irritate more than soothe. "Think, you're a genius after all, no? You can guess what you have to say..." a stinging, harsh smack fell onto one of the asscheeks, but only one, and the hand returned to caresses. After a random amount of seconds, another smack was delivered, open-handed as all of them, with the hand lingering on to send the message clear and deep. His Master was still waiting for his naughty pet to apologize properly~

Hayato hissed as Mukuro drew his fingers over his tender skin, yelping at the harsh smacks. This had stopped being pleasurable a while ago, his skin too numb, tingling and sore to touch to enjoy it. It really was a punishment now.

But what more could Mukuro want? What more could Mukuro want from 'his puppy'?

Maybe... No, that couldn't be right... Ha, this was Mukuro they were talking about, the egotistical bastard, of course this would be what he wanted.

But could he do it? Call Mukuro that?

Even just thinking about it made Hayato hurt inside. He'd be betraying Juudaime again. But Mukuro was now in possession of his body, and quite possibly, eventually, his heart, so maybe he deserved the title. Damn it, why did Mukuro have to ask for this?!

"I-I'm sorry... forgive me..."




'Forgive me Juudaime'.


"I'm sorry Master!"

Hayato couldn't help but let the tears fall freely now. How could he? How could he betray Juudaime like that and call someone else his Master? Where was his pride? His self-worth? He could get no lower than this. He didn't even deserve to be called Gokudera Hayato anymore. Now he was just some useless pet.

Mukuro was strangely quiet, though. The smacks stopped, instead the reddened, hypersensitive skin was treated with care and a generous amount of the lotion, the touches gentle, but firm, not teasing or torturing. When he was done, he untangled the chain from around his puppy's wrists and slid more onto the bed, pulling the silveret with him, coaxing him to lie down with his head in his lap, stroking the soft hair and ears gently, with a small, tender smile playing on his lips, and sombre understanding in his mismatched eyes.

"Ssshh... good puppy... my good, if stubborn, puppy..." he whispered finally, leaning down to place a soft kiss on Hayato's forehead and wipe the tears away. "My precious Hayato... don't regret, this was just a further affirmation of our relations in this setting, when you have my collar on your neck. You're mine, and you're precious, and I'm a good Master... I punish only when you cross the line, and I reward you for good behaviour, no?" he smiled a bit wider. "And I don't lie, nor do I hide anything from you, my beautiful pup..."

Hayato slumped into Mukuro's lap, too drained mentally and physically to protest. His ass and wrists hurt, his heart ached and he was trying desperately to not let his tears turn into sobs.

"Then... then why does it hurt so much?" Hayato asked, voice tight, a hand fisted over his heart. "Tell me why saying that hurts more than anything else you've done to me."

He was strangely fine with all the rules and being treated like a puppy. Mukuro had been ordering him around now ever since the breathers started, so he was used to the punishment/reward game too- doing an especially good job on his payments usually meant an even better dream during the next breather.

But to call Mukuro Master... that made something twist in his chest.

"Because you said something that you somehow realised as true already, but your poor, abused heart still didn't want to accept... until you made it, by voicing it," Mukuro replied softly, still petting the silver hair and fur.

"I told you from the start - there will be nobody else here but me and you. I own you, and you belong to me, nobody else, here. Not with the collar on... but your heart still tried to cling to Tsunayoshi-kun, despite being already so battered and bruised, and starved. Of course this all started as a due punishment for you being naughty and trying to touch yourself, but... don't you feel at least a bit lighter now?" he leaned forwards again, gently turning the silver head to look into those beautiful emerald eyes, now brimming with unshed tears.

"It's okay to hurt, and it's okay to cry. We have the whole night to ourselves, and I won't continue this unless you feel up to it..." and wasn't that a huge confession from a man that dragged him here to seemingly use him instead of the Decimo. "You gave yourself to me, but I won't hurt you as badly as he did. I won't leave you, and I won't starve you, and for sure I won't force you to hide anything. So, weep, my dearest... I'll be here to kiss all of your tears away..." the combination of physical and mental anguish, coined with gentle coaxing, should finally get through to the stubborn, proud male and show him who is truly worthy of his impressive loyalty and trust. Mukuro was willing to let go of his dominating, self-entitled air and show his subdued, more human side, just to show this wolf the errors of his ways.

"It's hard to not fall in love with Juudaime when he's so nice to me. He saved me after all..." Hayato mumbled, before looking up at Mukuro. The illusionist had the strangest look in his eyes, so soft, caring and understanding. They made it seem as if Mukuro's words were going to be true.

"... But so have you. You've saved me too. Mukuro, you said you wouldn't lie to me, so please... don't leave me alone."

It may take him a while to be able to call Mukuro that again without it hurting, to be able to say it with true meaning and emotion, but he'd work on it. Yet he was afraid, afraid of Mukuro to smirk and say he only did it to make Hayato his pawn, to say that every word was a lie and every touch fake and that everything was for his entertainment only. He was afraid that this was all an illusion or his own imagination. Because to call Mukuro 'Master' fell into that category perfectly.

But there was that chance, a small glimmer of hope, that this was real, that Mukuro really did feel that way about him, that Mukuro would stay and give him the attention he so sorely needed.

Hayato sniffed, still looking up at Mukuro, trying to hold the tears back as his mind came up with all the ways opening himself up to Mukuro could go oh so very wrong.

"Ssshh... I won't leave you," the illusionist purred, gently pulling his beautiful pet up and cuddling him close, one hand still in the silver tresses. "I won't leave you, ever. You're mine, forever, and I won't let go of you. I'm not lying. I'm not a good person, some may even hesitate in calling me human, but... I am very, very serious when it comes to what is mine. Chrome, those two dunderheads, they were, are and will be mine. And so will you..." he nuzzled the soft locks, slowly running his other hand on Hayato's back.

"I never refused you when you asked nicely, right? I know when you're in need, I know when you're hurting more than you should, all because of some idealistic boy, and that angers me very, very much. You're mine, forever, you've given yourself to me, you're asking me to be with you... how could I not accept?" the truth was there, maybe veiled by his usual phrases and moods, but still there. Mukuro knew that Hayato will be all his sometime, and he was patiently waiting for the stubborn pup to finally submit, to ask him to never leave. He already had his body, had his way into his mind, and now was slowly paving his way into his heart.

"Ssshh... cry, if you want to. I'll accept all of your tears, kiss them away, and then make you not think of anything else but me, being here with you all the time..." he purred with a tiny smile. Oh yes, the mood was ruined for now, but he'll wait until the emotions overflow and ebb away, calm down, and then gently, slowly, he will make his sweet pet mindless with lust and want, and need, steering him back into the setting. He was very, very patient, after all.

Those words... How many times had Hayato wished to hear them? Time and time again, the illusionary Juudaime from the breathers would hold him close and say those words he wanted so badly. He had thought the illusion said the words Hayato wanted to hear the most, but maybe there was more to it, more of Mukuro's own subconscious in there.

Slowly, Hayato wrapped his arms around Mukuro's shoulders, hugging him tightly, clinging to the person who seemed to care about him the most, and slowly let the tears fall.

It was stupid, he had someone here, caring about him, promising to never leave him, yet he still couldn't let Juudaime go, couldn't stop a small part of his heart wishing that it was Juudaime here, holding him close. He knew he shouldn't be wishing, because the fact that it wasn't was very painful.

He didn't want to hurt anymore.

"You'd better keep that promise or else I'll blast you back to hell." Hayato mumbled, trying to sound normal, because crying like a girl was pathetic and embarrassing despite the fact that Mukuro had said it was okay. It was only the two of them here after all, right?

"Kufufufufu... coming from you, it actually might be the most pleasant death I had the pleasure to endure..." Mukuro just chuckled, gently petting him, letting him cry silently as much as he wanted to. "But alas, I suppose I'll have to deny you this boon, for I intend to distract you so thoroughly that you won't know what to do - beg for more or beg for the grand finale..." a note of lust, want, need crept into his voice, shining in his mismatched eyes as well. Pride, possession... care.

"But first you have to let it all out, my dearest. No repressing emotions here, ever, you hear me? I want you to be free, to be open, to be as you want to be, not as others want you to be or want to see you be. No masks, bar physical, no restraints, bar those material I might place on you. And first and foremost... no lies. No lies, Hayato..." he whispered into his pet's ear, licking it then slowly. It was time to start the mood shift, wasn't it? Slowly, steadily, but surely... back to the delicious game of Master and Pet, and he will make his exquisite plaything writhe and whimper in his hold...

To have that kind of tone in Mukuro's voice, directed at him... it made Hayato shiver. What Mukuro was offering sounded wonderful, for Hayato had always been living his life in a way that presented him best to others, all to gain acceptance. Yet Mukuro was saying he'd accept Hayato for who he was, had already been stripping the masks and airs off through these plays and hadn't yet turned away from him.

"...No lies..." Hayato repeated.

Yes, no lies.

Hayato leaned back, looking into Mukuro's eyes. "Then distract me Mukuro. It's about time I forgot anyway."

It was time to forget the lie, time to forget this fictitious, false, poisonous lie and fake relationship with Juudaime he had dreamed up. It was only holding him back now, so he needed to forget it. But he couldn't do it so easily by himself or else he wouldn't be in this situation. He needed Mukuro to help, to give him new memories to replace the lies- who better than an illusionist to do that?- someone who could twist words and actions so beautifully and expertly.

"As you wish, my dearest puppy..." Mukuro cooed, wiping off the last tears and engaging him in a slow, passionate kiss. His hands were roaming the back and pert ass of his pet, teasing the still hypersensitive skin, the base of bushy tail... after some time he reached to the front, grabbing his cock and squeezing it gently, but firmly, giving it a few slow pumps. A tiny, illusionary vine wrapped itself around the base of the hard-on, making his Hayato unable to cum on his own. Yes... it was time to distract him so, so very much...

Hayato let Mukuro kiss him, closing his eyes and sinking into the feeling Mukuro was giving him. He let out the odd moan or gasp as the man's hands wandered- his hands felt cool against his hot, sensitive skin. The feeling of the illusionary tail being stroked was surprisingly nice too.

He moaned once again as Mukuro softly played with his cock, until something weird happened. He made a questioning noise, leaning back and opening his eyes to see what Mukuro had done. He didn't like what he saw.

"What the hell?" He sighed, having no energy to get angry. "I get the puppy stuff, but this...?" He looked down indicating the vine of all things wrapped around him. "Something tells me it's not a decoration."

"Oh, believe me, it's far more than just decoration..." a sly smirk appeared on Mukuro's face. "This will be a vital tool to help me make you forget..." he purred huskily, before grabbing his puppy's ass firmly and standing up, holding the silveret up with no visible strain. After a very short walk he sat down on the bed again, legs firmly on the floor. With a swift, sure move, he turned his puppy around, still keeping him in his lap, legs spread so deliciously and his half-erect cock slipping between the asscheeks.

"Look, my precious..." he pointed to the large mirror, whose primary function was now revealed. He could see himself and his pet reflected clearly, everything was visible, the twitching ears, the fluffy tail that was now carefully shifted sideways to not be pressed between their bodies, his pet's bound, hard cock... and his own dick as well, brushing against Hayato's ballsack. "How beautiful you are..." Mukuro breathed, licking his ear slowly, his hand once again pumping his toy's erection, his eyes never straying from the reflected emerald orbs. How will his dearest puppy react to this development?...


Hayato didn't know where to look, at himself, the tail, ears, Mukuro's fucking sly look or at their- their- aaah!

"M-Mukuro!" Hayato screeched, squirming in Mukuro's hold, trying hopelessly to cover himself somehow, a blush fast rising on his face even as he tried to look away.

What on earth was the bastard thinking?!

"Oh no no no, no looking away, my dearest, I can't let you miss such delicious sights..." Mukuro chuckled, keeping a firm grip on his writhing pet, making sure that he clearly saw his reddening face. His hand made another slow pump, twisting and squeezing the other's cock skilfully, wanting to see more of this embarrassment, wanting Hayato to finally lose himself in the sights...

"Don't think. You're thinking again. Stop. Don't think. It's just you and me here, nobody else... and you know I love your body, your reactions to me, everything. I want you to see it as well... to see just how beautiful you are when aroused so much, wanting nothing more but release, panting, begging..." he nipped gently on the pale neck, still holding the squirming male in his steady embrace.

"And then I want you to see how I enter you, stretching you so much, filling you up, claiming what's mine... giving you so, so much ecstasy..." he moaned at the thought, his cock twitching and hardening quite a bit. "I want you to lose yourself, to give into the urges, forget about everything but me... look, it's me here, with you... nobody else... just me."

So that was what Mukuro was trying to do.

Hayato stilled, partly in understanding and partly because of the pure futility of his escape attempts- his feet couldn't even touch the floor so he had no leverage whatsoever. But Mukuro was right, he had to stop thinking and start taking instead. The illusionist was giving him exactly what he asked for- a way to gain new memories to replace his fantasies. And the mirror, as weird as it was, was giving him the perfect perspective to view everything from.

Just like Mukuro had described, he and Mukuro would be in every scene, every picture he remembered. There was no way for him to pretend it was Juudaime touching him.

And Mukuro's words themselves... along with his touch, was rather arousing, he had to admit. So he relaxed further into Mukuro's embrace, slowly turning his head to look at the mirror in front of him.

"A-alright then... I'll try." He said, finally submitting. Mukuro was right that things had been more pleasurable when Hayato had just followed the flow, stopped thinking and let carnal desire take over.

So that's what he'd do.

"Good boy..." Mukuro breathed lustfully and bit down on the pale shoulder, giving the hard cock a wicked twist as a reward. The other hand slid across the toned chest, playing with the nipples, pinching them, rubbing and tugging gently, as his mouth chose yet another random spot and made another hickey, lavishing him with attention, never straying from him. If his Master was giving him that much love and care, then the pet should just submit and go with the flow, right...?

Hayato hummed in supposed agreement, the noise soon turning into a groan, moving his head to let Mukuro have more space to attack his neck. His eyes flicked to the mirror, watching Mukuro work, their attention purely on his body, his neck, his chest, their arms wrapped around Hayato.

It felt good to be here. He would let Mukuro work his magic, giving the man free roam of his body whilst he sat here and soaked it all in. Maybe if he watched enough, he'd find the reason Mukuro called him beautiful and fell in love with him.

Oh, Mukuro was planning to show him all he could. With another purr he nuzzled his pet's neck, licking and nibbling at it, as he quickened the pace his hand was sliding along the silveret's cock, squeezing it harder as well. The other hand was very busy with the nipples, worrying them, pinching and stroking, until they were hard. Then he slid that hand down, across the flat, toned stomach, to his pet's groin and lower, cupping his ballsack and starting to play with it, spreading his pet's legs even wider and pulling him closer, so that their cocks were pretty close.

"Look at me, puppy... look just how excited I am to give you all this pleasure... to see you flushed, to hear you moan, pant, whimper..." his hot breath was back at Hayato's ear, his tone low and husky, lustful. And indeed, his impressive cock was almost fully hard again. Mukuro was watching everything in the mirror, to see whether his dearest toy followed his orders and also was observing everything.

Hayato's breath started to pick up, coming out in soft pants and long low moans as Mukuro continued to stimulate him, somehow knowing all the best places to touch. He threw his head to the side and whimpered as both of Mukuro's hands played with his private parts, a shiver running up his back.

But when Mukuro spoke, voice rough, Hayato couldn't help but look. Mukuro was like that because of him...? He was making Mukuro feel good? He whimpered again, heat flashing through his body at the sight. He didn't know what to do, his body trembling slightly, his hands fisting the bed covers, his eyes always coming back to the mirror. But he did know he didn't want Mukuro to stop.

"Don't silence yourself, my dearest pet... moan and whimper all you want, I want to hear you..." Mukuro purred, still pumping Hayato's cock, while his other hand slipped even lower, to touch and press on the toy that was still inside his puppy. He grabbed the base that was outside and twisted the toy slowly, making it press right into his pet's sweet spot and torture it even more.

"Touch yourself..." an order fell out of nowhere. "Play with your nipples and balls, I want to see you do that..."

"Na-ah!" Hayato cried, arching against Mukuro as the toy was fiddled with. The illusionary ears flicked and the tail jerked around, brushing against both of their skin as the pleasure continued to build.

Hayato followed the order without a word, a little lost and hazy by this point, wrapped under the spell of Mukuro and the mirror. His hands left the bed, leaving Hayato to rest his full weight on Mukuro, one hand crossing his body to brush against a nipple, trying to copy what he remembered Mukuro doing to him. The other hand was more hesitant, slipping between Mukuro's arms and pausing, before cautiously touching the sensitive skin and eventually playing with himself properly.

Hayato's eyes were locked with those of his reflection, watching it as if it was another person entirely. It was hard to recognise himself in the figure before him; he was blushing in places he didn't think possible, moaning, whining, whimpering, lips open and panting, eyes half lidded, sprawled across Mukuro, everything on display so lewdly. Somehow the sight merely aroused him more.

"That's it, yes, like that, good puppy..." the illusionist moaned, twisting the toy even harder and sliding it in and out, already working on that tight hole to make it more accommodating for his cock. "So beautiful... needy, wanting... exquisite..." his teeth started to worry Hayato's ear as his hands moved quicker, with more purpose.

"It's only you and me, Hayato... nobody else..." he whispered hotly, licking the reddened ear shell. "You're mine, and I'll never ever leave you, never abandon you, never lie to you... never let you crack or fall... because you are MINE..." and he accented the last word with a particularly wicked twist of both the toy and his hand on Hayato's cock. He wanted to hear more of those moans and cries...

Hayato cried out louder and longer than before, bucking hard into Mukuro's hand at the twin spikes of pleasure. He didn't care if he was whining and needy as long as Mukuro kept going, kept supplying this wonderful feeling, and enjoyed what he was doing to his pet- because that was important too, he didn't want to be a burden to anyone.

"Aah... Mukuro..." He gasped, unable to say much more since it was so hard to gather the concentration to do anything right now, anything other than react to what Mukuro was doing to him. His mind was empty of everything but the two of them, here and now, them and their unbelievable reflections- a reflection of a puppy basking in the attention and rewards of his Master. Assuming the mirror was no illusion, that's what they really looked like. Hayato couldn't care less, because someone was finally paying him attention and love, and that's all that he had ever really wanted.

Finally Mukuro decided it was enough of playing around, time to get to the real action. So, with a fraction of a thought, he summoned one of his lotus vines, ordering it to retrieve a bottle of lube from the cabinet. The illusion quickly fulfilled the order, and with a small growl Mukuro let go of the straining, dripping cock and slowly, teasingly, pulled the toy out, relishing in the needy whines and pull of the tight hole, which wanted to be filled again.

"Sshh... time to move on, my dearest... I'll give you even more pleasure very soon..." he whispered hotly, removing the toy completely and dropping it on the floor. He'll clean it later nicely, so it would be ready for another play time. Now, though... now he picked up the lube, opened the bottle and thoroughly coated his fingers with the cool, thick gel. Then he slipped the prepared hand between them, teasing the hole at first, making sure everything was clearly visible in the mirror, before pushing two fingers inside. Slowly, carefully, his pet might be used to having something inside thanks to the toy, but two fingers were a bit more than that. And he didn't want any pain now - hell no. He wanted his puppy to melt in the ecstasy, to beg for more, to whine, moan, cry, plead so sweetly...

"Watch, my beautiful, how greedily you swallow my fingers..." the illusionist purred with a tiny smirk as he felt the tight passage clench around his digits, accepting them and wanting more. "So honest you are, my sweet... your body is so honest with me, and I love it... and soon I'll teach you to be honest with your words as well... and your thoughts... words... and your heart... my darling puppy..." his other hand was back on Hayato's cock, massaging it and pumping to cover any discomfort he might've caused.

Hayato whimpered and squirmed in Mukuro's hold. Things were different, cold and slightly painful, but it was okay because he was distracted by Mukuro's hand on his cock and voice in his ear, and the fact that it was clear from the reflection that Mukuro was trying to be gentle, to not hurt him more than necessary. The sight and Mukuro's words sent a flash of heat and lust through him.

"Someday..." He mumbled, turning his head to rest his cheek against Mukuro's. "But you don't...ah, need my words when you're already in my head." Mukuro knew more about him and his past than anyone else, even Bianchi or Shamal. "You read me like a book." Because Mukuro had a weird way of seeing through his masks.

"What about you?" He asked, keeping an eye on Mukuro's face in the mirror. "Are your words honest... is, is your body?" It was hard to talk, but Hayato still asked anyway, his hand reaching past Mukuro's to softly caress Mukuro's own cock. The illusionist was still hard, and his facial expression said he enjoyed playing with Hayato's body, which was a lovely, reassuring sign to see.

"Kufufufu... how do you think, my lovely?" Mukuro breathed at the shy, soft touch on his cock, using the small break to slip his fingers in fully and start stretching his puppy thoroughly. "I'm honest with you... and I like that you wanted to check it yourself..." a small grin flashed on his face as he twisted his fingers, trying to find Hayato's sweet spot.

Hayato barked a laugh in return, although it came out far more breathy than he had wanted. "Che, sure... you're just pleased... that I'm touching you... pervert."

His statement might have had more meaning to it if one, he himself wasn't so obviously enjoying Mukuro's touch, and two, that he didn't gasp loudly soon afterwards, stars flashing, body arching as Mukuro pressed against that spot that set him on fire. He didn't even worry that his grip on Mukuro's cock might have tightened a little too much.

"Oh fuck." He breathed, body relaxing.

Mukuro touching that spot had far more impact than he would have thought.

"Sshh... don't think anymore, Hayato... just feel..." Mukuro twisted his fingers, aiming at the spot that made his dearest pet react so wonderfully. And the thought of how his cock would make him react... aaah, delightful! Even the tightening of those wicked fingers on his cock wasn't that bad...

Using this new source of pleasure, he quickly added the third finger and started to stretch his pet thoroughly, making sure it was all visible in the mirror. He couldn't wait to finally slam inside... but first - ah, yes, first, the preparations, and then... then his darling puppy will have something to do, yes...

Wriggling against Mukuro, Hayato released another whine as that wonderful spot was pressed again. The pleasure almost drowned out the uncomfortable feeling of being stretched further, a glance in the mirror showing him- oh hell, he looked like some kind of whore, panting and moaning, Mukuro spreading him open, but the feeling was just too good to care about.

His hand continued to slowly caress Mukuro's cock- the man was making him feel this good, it was only fair to return the favour.

"Kufufufu... I think... I think you're ready..." Mukuro breathed deeply and slowly slipped his fingers out. But what he did next...

"I want you to slick me up and then... and then, by your own hands, line my cock with your hot, tight hole and impale yourself on me..." was his low, husky order. Of course, he'll make sure his darling puppy won't harm himself by rushing or something, but he will also ensure that Hayato will watch himself do all that - on his own, using his hands. After all, he gave himself up to him, right? And he wanted to be loved, to be cherished... wasn't it something wonderful, when your owner gave you such freedom? Mukuro could've just prepped him and just fuck him, but he gave him some amount of control. He gave it up to his precious, beautiful pet. Would anyone else do such thing for him?...

Hayato blushed even more at the words falling so easily from Mukuro's lips and the images those words produced.

He would... he and Mukuro would be...

By following Mukuro's order he would be handing the man the only pure thing he had left. He had always hoped that he'd let Juudaime be his first, to take his virginity- and boy had that been hard to keep whilst being a vulnerable child in the Mafia. But now he had the choice to give it to Mukuro.

Yes, the choice, because Mukuro hadn't forcefully made it his like he was prone to doing with anything he wanted badly enough. Hayato had the feeling that if he said no and got off Mukuro, the illusionist would accept it with that annoying 'you'll be back' smirk, because they both knew he would.

So it was a good thing he wasn't going to say no.

He knew he didn't need to say anything, express anything, because Mukuro already knew. Whether through information gleaned through his mental strolls during their breathers, or through Hayato's reactions and actions this night, Mukuro would know the importance of Hayato's acquiescence- especially considering just how many times Hayato had dreamed of this moment with Juudaime- just like Hayato recognised the importance and symbolism of letting him control the initiation.

So he followed Mukuro's actions from earlier, one hand fumbling for the bottle of lubricant, drizzling a large amount over his hand- it was probably too much, but better safe than sorry- and gripped Mukuro's cock, pumping slowly, spreading the gel as much as possible. He was ready for this, he wanted to do this.

"Like that... exactly... haah..." Mukuro breathed out loudly, leaning backwards to give Hayato more room for everything. He also slowly slid a bit more onto the bed, so that his pet would have enough space to kneel and prop himself when he did the act.

F-fuck, the gel was so cool on his heated flesh, plus those deft fingers... but what made him even more aroused, to the point that he had to bite his lip, was the concentration on his puppy's face. The determination, acceptance, need, want... he could glimpse all that in the mirror. He raised one hand and started stroking and kneading the base of the fluffy tail, which was attached to the lower part of the spine, right where the nerves controlling legs and groin were placed. Of course, the tail was connected mostly to the second type...

"Good boy... haah... very good... thank you..." he smirked a bit at the surprised and astonished look that flashed across Hayato's face. "After all, you want to give me your first time out of your own free will..." he stated quietly. "You know that if you refused, I'd let this matter slide... for now, sure... but still. And yet you want it so much... almost as much as I want it... want you..."

Astonishment turned to understanding and then into a blush-filled heated look. Mukuro wanted him, and Hayato knew he wanted Mukuro too. It wasn't just the lust and need caused by Mukuro playing with the illusionary tail and their current actions in general, but the fact that he wanted Mukuro to touch him more, wrap his arms around possessively, even... even t-to have Mukuro inside him, everything to burn into his memory and body the fact that there was someone other than Juudaime he could love and find comfort in.

Deeming Mukuro ready, Hayato changed positions, kneeling above Mukuro yet still facing the mirror, watching Mukuro's face in the mirror to check that he was doing okay and still getting everything correct. Taking a few steadying breaths, Hayato took Mukuro's cock in hand again, using his other hand to spread his asscheeks, and slowly moved downwards.

"F-fuck!" He hissed, biting his lip.

He could feel the moment Mukuro entered him, stretching him so wide. And it hurt. It hurt more than when Mukuro had pushed the toy in, more than when Mukuro used his fingers, but he persevered on anyway because he had already known this was going to hurt.

Mukuro's face contorted slightly when his puppy finally started to take him in, he was so tight - so hot - so wonderful... even the pained expression that he could see in the mirror was wonderful. But he quickly reached out and put both hands on Hayato's hips, stalling him from lowering himself more.

"Wait a bit... let yourself get used... slowly, my beautiful... patiently..." he breathed, even though he wanted nothing more but to bury himself in that tight ass and just fuck him senseless...

Hayato released a painful sounding whine when Mukuro stopped him, opening his eyes to look at the other in the mirror, although he couldn't find the energy to glare at Mukuro.

"Patient?... You're telling me... haa, haa... to be patient? You're not the one in pain here... You try... ah, ... having a dick up your ass... and being fucking patient..." He gasped. This half-kneeling position wasn't the easiest to keep, his legs and arms trembling to keep him up and still. Yet still he waited, trusting in Mukuro's superior knowledge and experience.

"I know, my beautiful... it's not easy... but you have to pace yourself, otherwise you can hurt yourself," Mukuro stated calmly, his hands gently caressing the soft skin to give Hayato more delicate pleasure to help him relax and lessen the pain. After some time, one hand crawled back to his puppy's tail and started stroking the base rhythmically.

"Can you feel this? Relax... and when you feel ready, when it doesn't hurt so much... slip down a little bit, but only when I do this," and his hand pressed onto the sensitive appendage, giving pleasure and not pain. "Bit by bit, pet... bit by bit... just concentrate on my hands and relax..." he would help his sweet little toy, because the more pleasure Hayato felt right now, the more eager he will be for another time... and another... and another... finally unable to fully relax without Mukuro's touch, kisses, or even sex. He wanted Hayato to firmly imprint these moments in his memory as the ones filled with utmost ecstasy, love and care, the ones that will warm him when he's on a long mission or unable to come for a breather.

He wanted Hayato to think only of him when he wanted to feel safe and loved. So he would make this first time an unforgettable experience, lavishing his puppy with care and gentleness and love, to bind his most perfect possession to himself for eternity.

Between Mukuro's deep, smooth, seductive tone and the hands caressing his skin and the illusionary tail, Hayato felt himself relax, not clenching so hard around Mukuro's cock. He released a pleasured sigh, because, really, that tail was so damn sensitive and felt so fucking good that thoughts flashed through his head of keeping it, or at least gathering up the courage to ask Mukuro for it again next time...

Hayato caught Mukuro's eye in the mirror, which wasn't hard considering how Mukuro was always looking at him, and gave a small nod- like a good pet should, he'd listen to Mukuro's commands. So he lowered himself a little more, watching in the mirror the rather erotic sight of Mukuro's cock disappearing inside him, and stopped when Mukuro's hands returned to his hips. This was torture, pure torture, but at least he wasn't in as much pain now.

Mukuro calmly guided him, only giving the harder strokes when he felt the tight hotness relax around him. He didn't care how long that took, they had the whole night for themselves, right?...

Finally, his dearest puppy sat on his hips with a mewl, filled up thoroughly. At that point, Mukuro sat up slowly and coaxed him to change his position again, spreading his legs wide, so that it was clearly visible just how deep his dick was buried in his pet. With a soft chuckle, the illusionist nuzzled his beautiful toy, letting him get used to the fullness and heat so deep inside of him. He had one more change of position in mind, but that was after Hayato remembered very well how he looks like when so aroused and needy and wanting more... he didn't say anything, what was there to be said? Later, yes, but now?... now he held his puppy close, nuzzling him and petting slowly, like a good pet.

Hayato spent a few moments doing nothing other than breathing and trying to collect himself. Mukuro's suggested change of position meant that their cock had slid further in, and Hayato had never felt so full before, being stretched open as if Mukuro was trying to break him in half. He couldn't keep his eyes away from the mirror which showed their situation, Mukuro buried deep inside him- Mukuro, not Juudaime. Mukuro was the one who had made his breath hitch and cheeks blush, the one supporting his weight and touching him so softly.

His body was hot, so hot despite the fact that he was fully naked apart from the bandages wrapped around his lower ribs. How could Mukuro stand it, being almost fully clothed, even if his shirt and trousers were open?

"Mukuro..." Hayato whined, asking permission to move without even being asked to. He couldn't stand this waiting for much longer.

"Aaah... right, time to finally finalize this, hm? My Hayato..." Mukuro purred into his ear and very gently, whispering instructions and helping his darling pet, directed him to move in such way that they ended up on the soft carpet, his puppy on all fours and propped well on his elbows, with the illusionist kneeling behind him, both hands on the slim hips, the pose making it very easy to see everything in the mirror. Of course, he didn't slip out of that wonderful, tight heat, so he was treated with absolutely sweet and wonderful mewls and moans when his cock moved a bit and pressed into different spots.

"Haah... look closely, my pet... watch who is claiming you for themselves..." Both heterochromatic eyes were slightly glazed, but they never strayed from the reflection of the emerald ones in the mirror. And when Mukuro was sure that Hayato was watching, he slid back and did the first thrust, moaning softly at all the sensations.

Hayato gasped as Mukuro moved, his cock twitching at both the sight in the mirror and the expression on Mukuro's face. And Mukuro's voice...whether speaking or moaning sounded so nice. Who had ever heard Mukuro sound like this before?

"Yes, Hayato... just feel... look and feel..." Mukuro breathed as he continued moving slowly, waiting until he was sure his darling puppy didn't feel too much pain. "Moan for me, my beautiful pet... don't be silent... show me how much you love what I'm doing to you..." with that, his grip on his pet's hips tightened and he slowly picked up the pace. He will make Hayato ascertain who he belongs to once again, but a bit later... when his puppy was almost mindless from unreleased pleasure.

The first sound to escape from Hayato's lips was not a moan but a gasp as his eyes opened wide, white flashing across his vision. That feeling again, Mukuro pressing hard and long against that spot inside him that gave so much pleasure. Ooh, that was good.

Enjoying this, Hayato rolled his hips in time to Mukuro's thrusts, moaning at the feeling of Mukuro rubbing inside him, feeling so full. Mukuro had called him beautiful, wanted to hear him, wanted him! That was all he'd ever wanted. So he whined, asking Mukuro to continue, telling him that he did indeed love this.

"Kufufu... what, pet?..." Mukuro smirked, leaning forwards a bit to deepen his thrusts and make his cock always press right into the silveret's prostate. "Do you want... more?... then ask nicely... you know I'm a good Master..." yes, he was a very good Master, taking care of his puppy, giving him warmth and meaning, and so much attention... and he also got some exquisite pleasure from this, so it was all good. His darling toy will learn how to pleasure him without any prompting, but that would come with time... for now, this submission, this openness was just perfect.

Hayato cried out as Mukuro changed positions, throwing his head back. He couldn't help but pant, gasping and moaning at Mukuro's wonderful movements.

"Ah... Please... Please, Mukuro... more..." He pleaded, voice horse and strained through his laboured breathing. He didn't care about the embarrassment of asking Mukuro for something anymore, not when his erection was needy and tight against the cock ring. Right now more was exactly what he needed.

"Please, what?... tell me, Hayato..." Mukuro chuckled breathily and slightly sped up his thrusts, trying to reach as deep as possible, to give his pet even more pleasure. All these reactions were so precious, to see the proud, guarded man so open, so vulnerable... it thrilled him, just how easily he gained control of his puppy, just how easy it was to slip through the cracks, root out the little Vongola and take his place, offering possessiveness, care and so much attention in exchange of submission... oh, he knew that there was still tons of work before him to make this success work out outside of his bedroom as well, but this was a huge step forwards. And, well, the sights and sounds were a very pleasing reward as well...

"Aah! Nng... Muku... ro... mmm." Hayato moaned as Mukuro continued to provide so much blissful pleasure. He could feel Mukuro's hands burning into his hips, Mukuro's body heat so close, the occasional warm breath on his skin, and Mukuro's eyes... he could feel them boring into him through the mirror, hungry and possessive.

More. More of that look. Chocolate brown eyes would never look at him like that, nor would glorious fiery sunset. But these mismatched jewels, these he wanted to burn into his memory.

"Mu-kuro!... ahn... I... I'm tired... gah... make... me... forget!" He beseeched, using those words that meant much more than they seemed, words that only Mukuro would understand, that only he could fix.

"Look into the mirror, nowhere else..." Mukuro's voice was harsh and clipped, as he kept thrusting into the tight, tight heat. "Look and see..."

And the scene in the glass world changed, now they were in Gokudera's room, fucking so shamelessly, as if that was a perfectly normal thing, not something to hide. It was bright day, the windows were open, letting in sounds, and it was clear that they were doing it pretty openly, not caring who could hear them. And indeed, some playful quips from the other guardians filtered through the windows, praising Mukuro's stamina and Hayato's high-pitched voice. Then there was the voice of his pet's mother, giggling and commenting that she was so glad her dearest son found such a devoted, passionate and protective lover... and Tsunayoshi's voice, deeper, cheerful, saying that these two were just perfect and that his most loyal Right Hand had his blessings to continue this, as both now were more stable, happy and living, not only existing.

That last part was a gamble - would his toy crumble, or would it strengthen him and his resolve to belong to Mukuro? This was what the illusionist wanted him to remember, to know, that he belonged to the lord of six Hells, with the blessing of his precious Juudaime, that it was Mukuro that was fucking him mindless, and that it was perfect... Mukuro was ready to erase this memory if needed, or alter it to erase Tsunayoshi, but this had to be done. Twist, muddle, shapeshift, transform, bend... mould into something perfect, into something that would make his puppy latch only onto him, make him want and need only him...

Somewhere in the back of his mind, Hayato knew what he was seeing was an illusion- his mother was dead after all- but he was too far gone, too mindless in lust and pleasure, for that to register on a conscious level.

A memory like that scene would be nice. To know that the Guardians still liked him despite his dark past, that Juudaime sounded happy, that he was still Juudaime's Right Hand man. It was good that Mukuro was still by his side in the future, flaunting their relationship so openly. Surely that meant they were close? That Mukuro had fulfilled all his promises of staying by Hayato's side, of hoarding and possessing him, not letting him crack and break?

Was the illusion a future Mukuro wanted too, or just one based upon Hayato's desires?

Whichever it was he wanted it. He wanted to be happy damnit!

"Mukuro... please..." Hayato begged, voice breathy and pitched. Although he wasn't actually sure what he was asking for- for Mukuro to make that future a reality, to keep providing more of that delicious mind-numbing pleasure, or to finally let him climax, releasing that unbearably tight coil in his stomach.

"Kufufufufu... say that correctly... pet..." Mukuro purred, slowing his thrusts teasingly, wanting to remind his pet who ruled here as long as the collar was on the slender neck. And in the mirror, a stray shimmer of light fell onto the strip of black leather, contrasting with the pale skin, a sign, a proof, a promise.

A twitch of his eye and the ears and tail disappeared, leaving only his fully human toy. His beautiful Hayato, his newest and most precious possession. "Who you are asking, pet...?"

A keening frustrated cry escaped Hayato's lips as Mukuro eased his thrusts, cruelly teasing his pet. No, no! Don't stop. It felt too good to stop, his body trembling even more now. Mukuro's grip on his hips was too tight for Hayato to attempt to move against him.

He looked back up at the mirror with the intention to glare at Mukuro, but was met with the continued vision of the illusion, the collar gleaming in the light, the illusion-Mukuro wrapping his fingers under it to pull the illusion-Hayato closer for a deep loving kiss.

Mukuro was using that collar to symbolise their relationship and the promises Mukuro had made to him. Considering everything Mukuro was doing for him, was one little word really all that much to give in return? That word and 'Boss' were two different words, two different meanings, so it would be fine to give them to two different people, right?

It's not like he was going to get the opportunity to call Juudaime that- he'd never want to be called that.

Gathering the courage to reply was made all the quicker by his lustful desperation. "Master... my Master, please!" Mukuro had better know how hard it was for him to say that.

Yet again, a beautiful, almost radiant smile appeared on Mukuro's face. He reached with one hand to the collar, copying what his reflection did and kissing his darling pet deeply, while upping the strength of his thrusts back to the former level.

"Like that, my good, beautiful puppy... you ask so adorably... how can I not listen...?" and with these words he finally allowed himself to lose control, making the illusion in the mirror disappear, along with the vine serving as a cockring. He was so close... and it didn't take long for him to finally reach his peak, moaning his pet's name loudly, spilling his load as deep as he could. Hayato would cum right after him, he could just feel it from the way the tight heat was clenching around him...

Hayato almost screamed as the cockring was removed. The pressure of the binding ring, the tension in his groin, all released practically at once. It was such an overload. His eyes and mouth were wide as he came, body taut, wracked with hard jerks, stars and flashes crossing his vision.

He collapsed to the side a few moments later, his body spent, limbs like jelly, unable to support him any longer. That was… that had been… sublime. Euphoria still clouded his mind, his nerves pleasantly buzzing as the fire bled out slowly.

This was calm. This was peace. This was happiness.

With that feeling wrapped around him, Hayato's eyes closed on their own accord, lights dancing across his vision, and he fell.

I think I might hide from everyone now so I don't get any pitchforks thrown at me...

Before anyone picks me up on it, Mukuro purposely doesn't give Hayato safewords to use because otherwise Hayato would back out and nothing would get done. Hayato needs pushes at this stage, which is what Mukuro is giving him, however painful they may be.

The 'quote' for this chapter is inspired by my own feelings of depression and how someone helped me start to get better. I added it to this chapter back in August when I started getting Acupuncture. In the first session you tell the practitioner everything about yourself, both physical, mentally and emotionally, and I felt a whole lot better after that. I'm a hell of a lot brighter and better now after getting acupuncture weekly. It's really worth the effort/money (and no, the needles don't hurt that much).

Anyway, back to normal chapters next time, no more smut.

Phantom Hitman 1412

First Published: 15 April 2015.