Hello once again readers. I'm back with another chapter. Enjoy!

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto.

"So, there's no trace of Sasuke or his look-a-like anywhere in the village or anywhere within a five-mile radius?" Naruto questioned.

"No, we also investigated nearby towns but there were no signs of either of them," Zetsu informed. "Maybe you shouldn't have been so careless with security just because Leader is away."

Naruto took a step towards Zetsu teeth clenched but Fu grabbed his wrist and held him back. Naruto let out a grunt of frustration but relented.

"You can leave now," Fu ordered.

"Very well. Try not to fuck up again," Zetsu said before sinking in the wall and disappearing.

"Tch, he really pisses me off. He talks all high and mighty for someone so weak," Naruto grumbled.

"Don't let him get to you. He's just trying to rile you up," Fu soothed.

"Maybe, but what really pisses me off is that he's not wrong. Pein trusted me to watch the village and I failed him," Naruto lamented.

He tried to throw his hands up signaling his frustration, but a weight held one of them down. He looked down to see Fu still holding his wrist. She quickly let go murmuring an apology, a blush adorning her face. The slight interruption took the wind out of the blonde's sails, but it did nothing to assuage his feelings of irritation and ineptitude. Naruto sighed deeply, hoping to level out his emotions.

Fu moved behind him and placed her hands on his shoulders. "You need to relax. What happened is not your fault. Sure, maybe if you had acted like Pein and killed the intruders this all would've been simpler. Instead you showed mercy. I don't think that is bad."

"Maybe, but that aside we have work to do. We have to tighten security. There's a good chance Konoha will send someone when Sasuke doesn't return after a while. And we need to start repairing the damage at the battle site," Naruto ordered.

Fu went to go put the orders in motion when Naruto stopped her for a moment.

"Thank you," he said his signature grin back on his face once again. She smiled at him and left to go put his orders in motion.

Sasuke jerked awake. He was in a cell, but not the one he remembered being in. He sat up and noticed his hands were bound. It was then that he remembered the events of yesterday. His conversation with Madara. Followed by his brief encounter with Itachi. He remembered fleeing because his chakra hadn't recovered but he collapsed before he could get to safety.

The last loyal Uchiha looked around. He didn't recognize the type of cell he was in, but he suspected it was not a prison cell that belonged to Akatsuki. Whether or not that was better for him was still unknown. It was then that he noticed a window. It was obviously too small to escape through. But upon looking through it he realized the how futile it would have been regardless. Outside the window was nothing but a drop with no visible end and violent winds. Before he could ponder this further, he heard footsteps approach. He turned to face the people approaching. Coming into view was a short old man floating above the ground, he knew him as the Tsuchikage, a slim black-haired woman who looked not much older than himself, and a broadly built man who loomed over his companions.

"Each of our cells has a window like that one. It's so that our prisoners can despair over a freedom that they cannot possess. And even if they obtain, it is shown to them that death is that awaits them," the Tsuchikage said. Sasuke did not respond and so the old man continued. "We are not a village who often takes prisoners. We only built five cells and never once have they been full. Those who are in a position to be captured are cut down. But today we find ourselves in a peculiar situation. In one of my cells is the last loyal Uchiha."

"I saved your Jinchuuriki," Sasuke cut in his gaze nor his tone ever wavering.

"Already bargaining for your life. Cheeky brat, you are not in a position to bargain for anything," the old man quipped.

"Why should we believe you? As if a Konoha shinobi needs a reason to attack an Iwa shinobi?" the girl accused.

"Relax Kurotsuchi," the bulky man said. The girl, now identified as Kurotsuchi, huffed but fell silent.

"Roshi has already awoken and said he did not know who you were. He said he was attacked and defeated by Kisame of the Akatsuki," the Tsuchikage continued. "And while I do not think he would lie on your behalf. I find it unlikely that you happened to be this in country with only noble intentions. So depending on how you explain yourself will decide what your fate is."

"I am in this country because the Akatsuki are trying to force me to force my older brother in a battle," Sasuke explained. Oonoki opened his mouth to speak but Sasuke continued. "But don't get it confused, I may be in this cell but this is the extent of what you can to do me. If you harm or kill me you risk war with Konoha and Suna."

Oonoki chuckled at this. "You really are a cheeky brat. But you're a smart brat, I'll give you that. You're right we won't risk war. But you still trespassed on our land and as such we have the right to detain you. Konoha can not contest this. I would get comfortable in this cell if I were you."

Sasuke did not respond. He had expected this outcome once he realized he was in Iwa. But despite he was not just go to operate on their terms. With that in mind he broke free of his restraints.

"I think we're done here," the avenger said matter of factly.

"Tch, cheeky brat. Come Kurotsuchi, Akatsuchi we're done here."

Danzo was a versatile man. He had to be, it was a necessary attribute for being a useful shinobi. But recently his versatility was being tested. Ever since Kakashi was chosen to be Hokage Danzo knew that some of his actions would be brought to light, specifically his involvement in the Uchiha Massacre. Since then Sasuke had doggedly tried to expose him. He had done well to avoid him for the better part of three years. But he had miscalculated.

He had not expected Sai betray him. Sai had revealed the seal on his tongue. And Sasuke being the apprentice of Jiraiya was able to convince the Sannin to break the seal. Sai's testimony had unearthed all of his Root activities. He had immediately been placed under house arrest pending an investigation and then trial. His only reprieve had come in the unlikely form of the Uzumaki boy. He had apparently survived being captured and Sasuke had immediately diverted his attention away. But even with the spotlight off of him, Danzo did not have a clear path to slipping out of this impending trial. Hiruzen had let his actions slide because he understood what he was doing was necessary. Kakashi did not share the same sentiment.

The bandaged man's thoughts were interrupted by the appearance of a presence behind him.

"Hello Danzo."

Danzo turned to face the intruder. He wore an orange spiral mask and an Akatsuki but despite this defining features Danzo did not recognize him.

"How the mighty have fallen. Once a rival to the revered Sandaime but now reduced to this, a jaded old man that is shunned by his own village," the intruder mocked.

"Who are you?" Danzo demanded.

"You can call me Madara."

Danzo's visible eye widened.

"Good, you understand the futility of your situation," Madara said and without warning he attacked.

Madara grabbed Danzo by his throat and lifted. Without prelude he crushed Danzo's windpipe. He then followed up by stabbing him through the heart. Danzo struggled for a moment before his body went limp. The Uchiha dropped the now dead war hawk. He reached down and ripped the bandages on his face away revealing Shisui's eye.

The self-proclaimed Madara plucked the eye from Danzo's skull. He then took off his mask and placed the eye into his empty socket.

"It's been some time since I've had vision like this. I must thank you Danzo for keeping this eye safe for me. I had thought using it was not necessary, but my plans have been delayed recently. With this I can put things back on track."

Without another word the Uchiha twisted out of existence once more.

Madara has Shisui's eye, Sasuke is a prisoner, and poor Naruto just wants to prove himself.

Also I've been thinking about trying to make the chapters longer but I don't want to bog them down with so much plot in each chapter. What do you guys think? Should I stick with the lengths I've been doing until now or go for something longer?

I'd love to hear your thoughts about it. Please Review! Until next time.