((Ok so I haven't decided if this will be a one shot or longer story but enjoy it. I guess it depends on the responses I get. ))

For the past few months he'd been at her beck and call. If Mai wanted ice cream at three o'clock in the morning that Oliver was going to find her ice cream. If she needed a candy bar or pickles, he'd find them too. There was the time she wanted crisps and that had proven more difficult. In the end he'd bribed the shop owner to open at 1am and make his pregnant wife fresh crisps.

He hadn't even cursed when he got home and found her asleep in bed, her crisps forgotten about, but he'd been tempted. She was pregnant with his baby and Mai had never asked for anything so how could he begrudge her a few treats when she wanted them so badly. So if it would make her happy he'd do it. Besides, it was already the end of February. Her March due date was quickly coming and then they'd have a whole new set of demands being placed upon them. He was glad that they had stayed in London after the wedding. He liked Japan but his name and family connections here ensured that his wife and baby received the best care.

It as getting late and his cell phone had yet to ring with another request. Perhaps the cravings were over? Perhaps they'd had what she wanted in the house? He dared to hope that he'd get to sleep through the night. Sleeping next to Mai had proven to be quite enjoyable but he was still getting used to sharing his personal space. Oliver had never even shared as much of himself with Gene.

Gene. He smiled sadly wondering what his older twin would think of him on nappy duty. He sadly hadn't been able to communicate with Gene since his wedding. He was hopeful that Gene had found peace and passed but still, he missed him. As he picked his way through the London streets he made his way to his parent's town home. They'd insisted the the young newly weds stay with them so they could help when the baby arrived.

Oliver suspected it was because they were lonely as Luella was having pangs of empty nest syndrome. Truthfully he didn't care where they lived so long as they were together, his previous plan forgotten. He did have to admit though, it would be nice to have help when his child arrived in a few weeks. He'd tell no one but he was nervous about having a small human being being dependant upon him. What if he was a terrible father?

He tried not to worry as he arrived home. Mai would be a good mother and she'd help him. As he pushed open the door the house was in a flurry of activity. He watched as the maid rushed by and quirked aneyebrow. As he looked around trying to figure out why the staff was in such and uproar he noticed Lin sitting on the stairs with a half smile on his face.

"Check your phone lately Dr. Davis?" Oliver frowned and pulled his mobile from his pocket. Dead. Well that explained the lack of calls.

"Erm..It's dead. I must have forgotten to charge it. Where's everyone? What's going on?" Lin smirked at his answer.

"Come on, lets get to the hospital to before your son or daughter arrives." His eyes widened at Lin's statement. Mai. The baby. Of all the damn days to forget to charge his phone, but there was still three weeks!

"Well, come on Man, move!" He said as Lin seemed to be taking his sweet damn time in coming to the front door. He practically shouted in frustration as the older man smirked at him. Hurring him out the door he hailed a cab and together they sat silently. He'd never forgive himself if he missed it.

Mai looked at the clock as another contraction ended. Two minutes apart. She really hoped that Naru made it here soon. Mrs. Davis was holding her hand and feeding her ice chips and Ayako was busy talking to the doctors. When it became apparent that she and Naru were going to stay in England for a while the Miko and monk had arranged their schedules so that they could be with Mai the last few weeks of her pregnancy. Takigawa had been talking about how he was too young to be a grandpa making Ayako smack him upside the head.

As Mai smiled thinking about it another contraction hit. She clenched as her womb squeezed and her small body worked to help push the baby out. As she let out a yell she heard Luella and her adopted sister talking to someone. As she came back to her body she saw Naru looking worried and confused and smiled at him to reassure him that it was all ok. He took up his mother's place at her side and held her hand.

"I'm sorry. My phone died. Why didn't you call the office?" He asked. Ayako interrupted her before she could answer.

"We did, you'd already left. You're just lucky that you made it here. She's already 8 centimeters. It won't be long now. If she'd just get the epidural she'd relax and finish dilating."

"I wanted to wait till you got here," she looked at her husband and smiled. He smiled back, the secret one that he reserved only for her.

"Call the doctor. Get it now. I'm here. " He kissed her forehead and she heard Luella tell the nurse that Mai was ready for the epidural.

Oliver cringed as he saw the long needle that was going into his wife's spine. He held her hand as she hunched over and the catheter was threaded into her spine to give her pain relief. She was visibly more comfortable when she laid back down. As he waiting for his child to arrive Dr. Oliver Davis reflected on the last year of his life.

He'd saved a little girl, gotten married, turned twenty-two, and now he was waiting for his child to be born. As the evening gave way to night he became more anxious.

After two more hours the harried doctor came in and checked Mai. Telling her she was fully dilated that it was time to start pushing. His heart was hammering in his chest. He helped to hold her leg and count down as each contraction brought their baby closer to being born.

Ayako watched as Naru helped Mai through each painful contraction. He was surprisingly gentle with her. Four years ago no one would have ever though that he could be so kind to another soul. If she hadn't seen it with her own eyes she wouldn't have believed it. When a head of dark hair started to emerge everyone held their breath.

"One more push and they'll be out!" The doctor encouraged Mai who was exhausted. Nodding she pushed harder and a slick baby emerged. Everyone gave a cry of relief as the baby's scream rent the air. The vernix covered baby was pushed into Mai's waiting arms and Naru was handed scissors to cut the cord.

"You have a beautiful son Mr. and Mrs. Davis!" The doctor cried. Naru looked around and his eyes met Ayako's in tears.

"I have a son" he said and Ayako nodded, tears in her own eyes. "We have a son" he said turning to Mai and kissing first her head then his son's.

"You have a beautiful son" She said to the pair as she and Luella Davis quietly left the room to give the new family time together to bond. They made their way to the waiting room and Ayako went to her own husband's waiting arms.

"It's a boy!" The new grandmother announced the waiting room. Everyone was smiling, even Lin.

In their room they marveled at their new son. He was sleeping quietly at the moment cuddled in this mother's arms. Oliver couldn't believe that something so tiny was real. He was a bit early so he'd been worried but the doctor had pronounced him healthy, and left the new family alone to bond.

He looked down at his son who had his eyes clenched shut from the light. Mai was busy murmuring softly to him and cuddling him close. After a while she looked up at him and held his baby out.

"Would you like to hold your son?" His heart stopped. He'd never held a baby he realized in a sudden panic. What if he did it wrong. WHat if his son didn't want him to hold him instead of his mother. His wife must have seen his fear because she gave him a gently smile. "Here, sit next to me, I'll help you."

He perched next to Mai on the bed and she helped him to get his hands ready to hold the baby. When she felt he was ready she put the small bundle into his arms. As he held his small baby to his chest the he saw his son open one eye to see what was going on before he closed it again, apparently satisfied with what was going on. He looked down at the small face, memerizing every line and angle.

As he was busy looking at his son he heard Mai gently ask, "So, I was thinking of Eugene. For his name?" He looked up and met her eyes. He looked down once again at his small son before nodding. Tears in his eyes.

"I think that's perfect" he said. Eugene. Gene. He snuggled him closer till the baby began to root around looking for something to eat. He laughed softly handing the baby back to Mai who held Gene to her chest to feed him.

He sat with his wife and his son till there was a knock at the door and he went to answer his father.

"We were wondering if you'd named him yet?" Oliver nodded and smiled to his father.

"Eugene. Eugene Davis." He said and saw first surprise then a smile spread across Martin's face.

"I think that's perfect son. Yes, I think everyone will like that. " Martin excused himself back to the waiting room while Oliver went back to his wife. Mai looked tired so he told her to sleep and he cradled young Gene to his heart. He walked over to the window where the London skyline was lit up against the dark. He held his son to his heart and wondered what this new adventure would bring.