I'm sorry I've been away but I've been really uninspired lately. It's not a matter of not having ideas it more about desire as I know how my stories are all going to go in my head as well as already having my next epic Ghost Hut and possibly a Soul Eater planned out...but..

Between having my wrist problem then being attacked in such a way that was very painful to me and was a personal attack I haven't wanted to write. At all. I haven't wanted to open myself up to that not to mention a full-time job and two boys who need me more than I need to write. I'm trying to put my heart back into it because I owe it to the wonderful people who enjoy my stories and want to know what's going to happen in new adventures-not to mention the rest of them but while I understand and am always grateful for constructive criticism hurtful comments like the one I got leave me afraid to open my heart up and create anything.

Is it a cop-out? perhaps. For that I feel badly but I just haven't wanted to feel that way again nor put myself out there. I will try to get back because you all deserve it.

Thank you for your understand.