''Don't die.'' Russell kept saying. ''Don't die. Don't die.'' He knew it wouldn't help. Raja was going to die anyway. "Is he any better?" A voice asked. Russell looked to see Writer, (I told you I was going to put him in this story with Buttercream) Petshoppenwork's hedgehog. Russell shook his head. Writer sighed sadly and sat down. "Everyone really does love him you know." he said. "Even I do. So does Madam Pom and Gail and Princess Stori and pretty much every one who we've met." Russell nodded. "I Know... why did it have to be him though? He's so sweet and innocent and shy! Why him?!"

Writer shook his head. "Things like these happen Rusty." He said. "Raja can get sick sometimes." "This isn't just sickness!" Russell snapped, standing up. "This is an illness that took Vinnie and Penny's first child away from them! It scarred them for life!" "We all know that Vinnie and Penny aren't able to have children." "JUST SHUT UP!" Russell shouted. "Calm down!" Writer shouted back. "This isn't about Penny and Vinnie, or Scales. This is about Raja, Russell. We need to find a cure for this." "We couldn't find a cure then!" Russell snapped. "How can we find one now?"

"We can try." Writer said. "We arn't gonna let it happen." Russel sighed and sat back down. "Well you don't know how it feels." Russell mummbled. "You don't know how it feel to have your own child dying, when your best friend's son died of the same illness. Sunil wouldn't stand a chance if Raja left forever. He would go back being... so... agressive." "Which is another reason why we need to find a cure." Russell nodded. "Yeah." He said. "Hey, let's see how the little guys doin."

The two hedgehogs walked in. Everyone was crowding Raja. They walked up to him. He was still as pale and sick as ever. Writer gently petted his head. "DON'T TOUCH HIM!" Sunil clawed his paw away. Writer quickly backed up. Sunil quickly picked Raja up and cradled him in his arms. He glared at Writer. "Don't, touch, him." He growled. "I Don't want him to get sicker than he is now." "So if I have germs," Writer said. "That means you touching him won't make a diffrence." Sunil gently placed Raja down and snarled at Writer, claws out. "Is that a challenge?" He snarled. Writer slightly made his claws go out. "Maybe it is." He growled.

Pepper pulled Sunil back. "Sunil don't!" "Stay out of this Pepper!" He pushed herback and kept glaring at Writer. "Writer!" Buttercream cried. "You too Buttercream." Writer told her. The two males snarled at each other. Before they could attack, Minka smacked them both across their faces. "Stop Iit!" She shouted.

"Look at you! Both of you! Look at what this has made us! Raja is dying, and we are all turning on each other! Sunil, we understand you love Raja, but you're pushing your friends and wife away because of it!" Sunil growld at her. "You don't know!" He yelled. "You have no children!" He ran over to Raja and cradled him again. Pepper walked up to him and slightly touched his arm. "Sunil..." "GET OFF ME!" He shoved her down. "Sunil!" Zoe helped her up. Sunil ignored them and continued to cradle Raja.

Pepper began to cry. She ran off. Russell shook his head. "YOU'VE ALL GONE MAD!" He shouted and ran off also. Minka chased after him. "Rusty!" She called out. Russell ignored her. Minka pounced on him. The two rolled around, Russell trying to get her off, Minka trying to hold onto Him. "Russell Ferguson!" She shouted. Russell ignored her and began to try and kick her off. The pink monkey pinned him to the ground. "Listen to me!" She shouted. "We're all going mad! We need to find a cure!" "But there is none!" Russell cried. "But I asure you hedgehog, there is."

Russell and Minka looked to see the thing they never wanted to see, Sanjay.

This story was suppose to be before Sanjay's birthday blast. In this story, all Sanjay is good stuff hasn't happened yet. Tbc!