Movie Night


This chapter is for Thewizardofoddness' Contest.

"That movie was AWESOME!" Masamune exclaims, as he walks in with the others.

"What movie?" Hikaru asks.

"We're not telling!" Yu and Kenta say in synch.

"Oh, really?"

"Yeah. But anyway, it was so awesome!" Gingka says. The boys start commenting on their movie.

"We watched one last night and it was pretty good!" Madoka says as she comes over to join the conversation.

"Ours was better!" Kyoya comments which shocks everyone. He shrugs, and says it's true. Benkei backs him up with a couple B-B-B-Bull's!

"Nu-uh!" Madoka says.

"Yeah, huh!" Masamune taunts.

"How this? Tonight, we switch movies." A voice from the back says.

"What do you mean, Tsubasa?" Yu asks. Tsubasa smiles, and answers.

"I mean, the girls watch our movie, and we watch theirs."

"Okay, and the group who can't handle the other's movie…they have to…." Kenta thinks for a moment.

"Do the chicken dance in chicken suits in the Bey Park!" Yu snaps his fingers, when he gets the idea.

"Does everyone agree to this?!" Madoka asks, and everyone agrees.

"One thing though!" Kyoya says. Everyone looks at him.


"Boys are going to dominate!" He smiles, and the bickering begins.

(At the Boy's Hide-Out AKA Tsubasa's apartment)

"We get to stay up late to watch a movie!" Yu and Kenta squeal.

"What is it? Let me guess, My Little Pony?!" Masamune taunts.

"No…" Gingka laughs as he speaks. "Sesame Street!" The two boys laugh, as they over-exaggerate the characters from both shows. Tsubasa defends the girls, saying that those are shows made for kids, and that the girls picked a movie with a PG-13 rating.

"It's a movie called Twilight." Tsubasa goes on to explain what the movie's about. Gingka and Masamune hear the words Werewolf and Vampire, and start getting excited.

"Well, put it in!" Benkei says. Kyoya sits all cool like on the couch with Benkei standing behind him.

"Alright, let's play this sucker and show the girls that we can survive their girliness!" Masamune says with air quotes around girliness.

(At The Girl's Hide-Out AKA Madoka's room at the B-Pitt)

"A movie, huh?" Hikaru lays on the bed.

"Yep, just for the fun of it."

"What did the boys pick?"

"A movie called… The Avengers." Madoka puts the movie.

"What's it about?" Hikaru grabs the popcorn they had made.

"Some superheroes that join together to stop an alien invasion."

"Cool…I guess the boys don't have THAT bad of taste in movies."

"Let's turn it on, and see about that statement." They click play and the movie begins.

(At the Boy's Hide-Out AKA Tsubasa's apartment)

"I had never given much thought to how I would die, but dying in the place of someone I love seems like a pretty good way to go." The movie starts.

"Really?" Kyoya asks. He scoffs, and starts to stand. "I'm out of here."

"Wait, we all have to watch the movie….or we lose." Gingka says.

"And you know what will happen if we lose!" Kenta adds.

"FINE!" Kyoya sits down, and pulls his knees up. "I have to watch this stupid movie…" He mutters with some growling and snarling.

(At The Girl's Hide-Out AKA Madoka's room at the B-Pitt)

"The Tesseract has awakened. It is on a little world, a human world. They wield its power, but ally is working knows it's working, so that they never will learn. He's ready to lead, and our force, our Chitauri will follow. The world will be his and the universe yours. And the humans, what can they do, but burn." The movie plays and the girls ooh with the narration.

"This is getting good…" Madoka sings.

"I know right," Hikaru and Madoka lean in a little, and chow down on popcorn as the movie continues.


(At the Boy's Hide-Out AKA Tsubasa's apartment)

"Is it over?" Yu begs. He peeks out from behind the pillow he was using.

"That would mean I would have to open my eyes, and ears to find out…" Masamune shouts.

"That was…PURE TORTURE!" Kyoya comments.

"And coming from Yo-Yo, that means something!" Yu hangs his head.

"Guys, where's Kenta?" Tsubasa asks, after parting his undone hair. It hangs in his face, his way of covering his eyes.

"Um, he's under the table…" Benkei says, as he stands up. Gingka and Tsubasa walk over, and try to coax him out.

"The movie's over, Kenta!" Gingka smiles a little. Kenta clings to the table leg for dear life, and rocks back and forth.

"No more sparkly vampires…" He chants over and over. "No more sparkly vampires!"

"Tsubasa, the menu's up again…how do I turn this off?!" Yu calls. Before Tsubasa can answer, Kenta screeches, and runs for the TV. He launches Sagittario, and it crashes into the TV screen, shattering the pictures of the characters Edward and Bella.

"Well, that was…" Gingka starts.

"I was about to…" Kyoya says with a chuckle. "He just beat me to it."

"How about we check in with the girls, and see how their movie went?!" Tsubasa tries a smile as he opens his laptop, and opens his Skype. The girls are on, and he requests a video chat.

"Hey, boys!" Madoka laughs.

"What's up?" Hikaru says before whispering something to Madoka. The two girls start laughing, but quickly stop.

"How did your movie go?" Tsubasa asks.

"It was….wait for it….wait for it…" The girls share a look. "AWESOME!" They start laughing, and acting out parts of the movie.

"What about yours?" Hikaru smiles.


"Are you saying you couldn't handle our movie?!" Madoka giggles.

"No, we just…" Gingka starts, but it's hard to speak with Kenta going crazy in the background.

"NO MORE SPARKLY VAMPIRES!" He screams, as he runs around with a club.

"Is Kenta screaming and holding a chair leg?" Madoka asks.

"I got him!" Yu says. He runs off, and a couple minutes later, Yu runs screaming as Kenta runs after him.

"You're a sparkly vampire, you must DIE!"

"Kenchi, if I'm a vampire, I can't die!" Yu shouts, hoping that will stop him. Kenta stops, and thinks about this, rocking back and forth on his toes.

"You can die by fire!" Kenta suddenly holds up matches. He strikes one, and starts moving towards Yu with a deranged laugh. Gingka, Masamune, and Benkei rush over, and try to stop Kenta from burning Yu.

"It was…." Tsubasa starts again, but Kyoya intervenes.

"It sucked, and we hated it. Kenta's having a mental breakdown so I hope you're happy!"

"Oh," Hikaru says.

"We're on our way!" Madoka says.

(Fifteen Minutes Later)

"Hey guys, what's going on?" Hikaru asks as the girls enter. The boys seem to be looking around for something.

"Kenchi's gone mad!" Yu says as he clings to Tsubasa's side. His eyes are wide.

"He's convinced that Yu's a vampire from the movie, and keeps trying to kill him with fire." Gingka explains as if he's saying the girls could have a cookie.

"Okay, where have you checked?" Hikaru asks, as Madoka turns around a mess with something on a table beside them.

"All over!" Kyoya hits a couch cushion as he stands. "We can't find the little brat anywhere!"

"AHHH!" Kenta yells, as he runs in the room. He knocks Madoka over with his chair leg and leaves the room.

"Are you okay?" Tsubasa asks.

"I'm fine!" She gets up, and messes with something on that table again.

"SPARKLY VAMPIRES DIE!" Kenta yells. Benkei pops out of nowhere, and Kenta runs into him. Kenta flies back, as Benkei's belly makes a funny sound. He falls, and his eyes spin.

"Grab him!" Kyoya shouts, as he and Gingka grab and stand Kenta. They grab a chair, and tie him to it.

"Will he be okay?" Hikaru asks.

"Yeah… I think so." Benkei answers. But then, all heck broke loose…

(The Next Morning)

"That was a rough night!" Yu comments, as he looks around the apartment. The place looks like a war zone had a party with an atomic bomb.

"Yeah, it was!" Madoka says. She stands up, and looks at the sleeping Kenta on the couch.

"Good thing you called me!" Ryo laughs.

"We did?" Gingka rubs his head.

"Yeah, it was three in the morning. Kyoya sounded kinda panicked, and I could hear a chain saw and screams in the background, so I rushed over." Ryo walks over to Kenta.

"So, he's fine now…" Yu asks, eyeing his friend.

"Yeah, he'll be fine. I've dealt with this before." Ryo laughs again. Just then, Kenta wakes up, and everyone jumps a little.

"Hey, guys." Kenta smiles before frowning in confusion. "What's going on?"

"How are you feeling?" Masamune asks, as he nudges Kenta with a golf club.


"Okay…" Gingka sits down with him, as Madoka starts playing with her laptop in the back. Gingka holds up the Twilight case slowly, and leans back a little.

"Is the movie we were supposed to watch?"

"Yeah…" Gingka gulps, as Kenta takes the case. He looks at it, and reads the back. He shrugs.

"Sounds like a good movie…wait a minute, did I fall asleep while you watched it?!" Kenta looks around.

"You mean, you don't remember last night?" Masamune asks.

"Nope… was it good?"

"NO!" Everyone says in synch.

"But, I thought Madoka and Hikaru said it was good."

"It wasn't." Hikaru said, panicked. "We were kidding. We watched it again last night with everyone, and we decided that we hate it. We got it confused with another movie that we liked."

"Oh, what…"

"So, does this mean we lose the contest?" Yu cuts Kenta off.

"I guess….I don't know?" Hikaru looks at Tsubasa.

"Well," Ryo starts. He asks what the rules were, and they tell him. He thinks for a moment. "Yeah, you guys, technically, lost."

"So we have to do the chicken dance thingy?" Yu says with a face.

"Nope!" Madoka says with a smile and laugh.

"Why not?"

"Cause I had something better." Madoka turns her laptop towards us, and hits play on a video. The video replays everything that happened the night before. Kenta laughs nervously before apologizing.

"That's your punishment. I set up a camera last night and recorded everything."

"Um, Madoka…" Gingka smiles. "You're in it to." Madoka pails, and turns the screen towards her just as the video plays Kenta chasing her around with Silly String cans spraying everywhere.

"Oh…" Madoka frowns and everyone starts laughing from exhaustion.

"Let's go to sleep and…" Tsubasa doesn't even finish before Yu's asleep on the floor.

"Good night." Everyone says, but Kenta's not tired.

Thanks for reading this long story but I hope it made you smile! I had so much fun typing this story for Thewizardofoddness' contest.

It actually was going to be a lot longer and be a different plot. The original plot was it was a boys night/ girls night switch and the movie was the first event. I was typing the Skype part when I went back and changed it to what it is now.

I hope you laughed and smiled and all that! That was the story was for.

So, yeah. Thanks for reading. Tell me your thoughts in the review, even if you're not a judge for the contest and so on and so forth.

TTYL guys!