Heaven can wait we're only watching the skies
Hoping for the best but expecting the worst,
Are you gonna drop the bomb or not?
Let us die young or let us live forever,
We don't have the power but we never say never


"He can't breathe!"

"Call Polyuska!"

"I need space to work- move!"


Im sorry, but Master makorav has passed away.

All of Fairy Tail sat, reflecting, on the events that have transpired. The last week was horrendous. The nation of Alvarez surrendered after Zeref was defeated and the country of Fiore was saved from the wrath of the dragon Acnologia. But the road to recovery and rebuilding an entire nation was just the beginning. And for some, it was simply the end of their roads. Several from other guilds had perished- Brandish simply disappeared in the midst of battle, but some of the battle comrades did not fair so well.

Lucy was sitting in the corner with Natsu, silently comforting him. Not that it was helping the pink headed dragon slayer any. The young lady had red, heavy, and tired eyes from shedding so many tears and staying up late at night with a head overflowing with memories and missed opportunities. The man was leaning on her, eyes staring straight ahead while at the same time, looking at nothing. He was tired- mentally. But emotionally? He had nothing left- he felt like his second heart had been ripped away from him again. That one of the people he loved most in this world was lost. This was almost worse that the day when Igneel was murdered right in front of him. Once again, he was powerless to protect someone dear.

There were so many adventures we were supposed to go on… I'm not ready for you to leave us.

Gray sat across the table from Lucy and Natsu, between Erza and Juvia. Juvia was crying. Not sobbing uncontrollably, but the awful kind when one's eyes cannot stop the production of tears. No one was too sure if she knew that she was crying because she wasn't even trying to wipe the tears anymore. She accepted the deep pain of the loss of the only father she had ever known. The dark veil of the hat she wore covered her eyes, but anyone with a lick of sense knew that they were bloodshot, puffy, and dull. She looked up to the master more than anyone could have imagined and the death cut her deeper than anyone would ever know. Gray's arm was around her- only in a comforting way. She had helped him through so much that it was the least that he could do in return. The Ice mage was all too aware of how much physical contact meant to the young lady and he was happy to comfort her because it honestly was just as much for him as it was for her. He almost wanted to smile at the thought of something that the Master said to him long ago, saying that he would freeze his head in a block without Juvia around. Much to his dismay of course. Yet, in some way, he was right. The old geezer was good at spotting the couples that needed to be together- who was good for who and all that stuff.

I still have questions- don't leave us yet!

Erza was stoic, simply picking at a slice strawberry cake and sipping on a tea. She didn't have much of an appetite as she was simply exhausted and wanted to go home. But she knew if she were left to her own devices, her thoughts would begin to drift to dangerous places that the Master would never approve of. She needed to relish in the sweet, bitter, and painful memories. Remind herself of the god times so she could help others through this, but even the strongest fall on hard times. She wanted the presence of her friends- her family- to comfort and attempt to make the hole- the gap- in her already broken soul bearable. She needed them to help her find her way out. Not that she would ever say that aloud- she was the one that needed to pull others out of the deep black and back into the light. That was the kind of person her master would want around his 'children'. She could be weak and vulnerable later. But right now, they needed the sadness. It must run its course before they could move on.

I can't… but you gave me the courage

Mira was wiping down the bar counter, tending to stay in the same area- reliving old memories. Laxus was sitting next to her at the bar. The giant man looked exhausted- absolutely drained of all life and energy. He was clutching the staff of the master- former master- in his hands. The same staff he held in the Fantasia parade all those years ago. The one he used to beat the sense into his 'children'. The same one he used to lead the guild into battle with. It was iconic of him- a painful reminder that all of the guild members will cherish forever. Laxus clutched it hard and tried not to think too much about all of times he screwed up and Makorav forgave him. How, with his last breath, designated him the next master of Fairy Tail- leaving no room for refusal- before he closed his eyes and released his final breath. Laxus fought back the tears when Mirajane rested her hands on his own, gently and comfortingly.

I'm Sorry… I'll never stop missing you.

"Death is inevitable. But when our day comes, those we leave behind must cherish or life. Celebrate the memories and advice we have left behind. But that doesn't mean we must sit and wait! We watch the skies because heaven can wait. We must not watch the bomb drop in awe- but do all the things we call in the freefall of destruction! We mustn't live like fools- be wise with our short while. Who knows how long we have left.."