Hello readers! This is the third story I have ever written. Unlike the others, however, this story will have actual chapters. Yay! If you like this story, feel free to read and review my other two stories, Take My Pain Away and Until It's Too Late. Like the others, this will be an akuroku. Don't expect me to write about any other couple. They are my one and only favorite! No flames please! Don't like, don't read.

Disclaimer: I do not own any aspect of Kingdom Hearts. They belong to Disney and Square Enix. I only own this and every other story I have ever written.

Axel's POV:

I sat on the Clock Tower with a resounding thud. I held my Sea-Salt ice cream with a vice grip. That Roxas, always speaking his mind. He doesn't regard other's feelings, and I'm sick of it. His words filled me with such anger, such hatred. The conversation we had earlier kept replaying in my head, and every time I re-listened to it, I only grew angrier and angrier.


I was walking past the hallways of The World That Never Was after a strenuous mission. I wanted nothing more than to go to the Clock Tower and eat Sea-Salt ice cream with my very best friend in the World, Roxas. Sigh, how nice that would be. Watching the sunset with him, the rays creating a halo over his blond hair, making him look like an angel...how romantic. Yeah...I have been in love with him since forever.

Roxas suddenly passed me, snapping me out of my thoughts. He always looked more beautiful in person.

"Hey Roxas, how was that mission in Halloween Town?" I questioned, wanting to start a conversation.

"Horrible. Those pesky kids kept on bombing me. I couldn't fight back since they are well...kids!" He mumbled. Poor Roxas.

"Poor you. Well, why don't we go to the Clock Tower, for old time's sake? That will cheer you up." I requested. Please say yes, please say yes!

"I'm sorry Axel, but I am embarking on another mission. I have to go to Twilight Town to eliminate the Organization Imposter." Roxas replied.

"What?! Another mission!? Why!? We don't even get to hang out anymore! It's as if you are always on a mission!" I screamed.

"I apologize Axel, but it is how it is. I have to do it."

"No you don't! You can do it tomorrow! Only one mission has to be done a day! We haven't hung out in forever!" I angrily replied.

"No, I have to do it." He whispered.

"Are you trying to ignore me!? Well!" I exploded.

"Some things are just more important than others." He whispered.

"Are you saying an unnecessary mission is more important than your best friend!?"




"Forget this!" I screamed. "If you want to ignore me, then so be it. You are despicable! I hate you!"

"You...hate me?" He whimpered.

I turned to walk away. I could practically hear the tears streaming down his face, but I didn't look back. I was so pissed off at Roxas. How dare he ignore me and place me below an unnecessary mission. And he has the nerve to cry?! I went on to the Clock Tower without him.

Roxas's POV:

Why did Axel have to say that to me? I wasn't trying to ignore him. I only wanted to sort my feelings. I mean, there is a strange fluttering whenever I see him. I struggle to keep from studdering near him. I can't help but to sneak glances at him when isn't looking. I didn't know what I was feeling, and that's why I took the extra missions; I could have more time to myself to think.

But what he said earlier, it hurt. It still hurt. I can't believe he hates me. And to top it all off, he didn't even turn around when he heard me crying. He really does hate me.

Right then, I had to focus on the task at hand; I must eliminate the Organization Imposter. I could make up with Axel afterwards. As I turned towards a dark, abandoned alleyway, I felt a dark presence watching me. It was him.

Show yourself you imposter! I know you are here!" I screamed.

Suddenly, in a flash of darkness, the imposter appeared. He wore our coat, our uniform. A raven blindfold covered his eyes. He had long, silver hair. He pointed his sword at me, ready for battle.

"About time you showed up." the imposter spoke.

"Enough talk. I'm here to eliminate you for wearing our coat." I said resolutely.

"Heh, don't bother. I'm here to steal your soul." He replied ominously. Steal my soul? For what?

I summoned my Keyblade and lunged toward him. He skillfully dodged my attack. Just as he was about to slice at me though, I guarded and managed to land a critical hit on his side. We continued to fight for what seemed like hours, neck in neck.

"Why do you want my soul?" I inquired.

"I'll tell you why. I need it in order to wake up my love from his deep slumber." He responded.

His love? He would risk himself being killed to save his love? I wish Axel was like that with me, but that will never happen; he hates me.

Suddenly, he lunged his bat-like sword directly at my chest. It was lightning quick; I couldn't react fast enough. It stabbed right though me. I could feel the blood gushing from my wound, and my soul slipping away. At these last moments, I realized that I loved Axel, but it was too no avail since my love was unrequited. After a moment of excruciating pain, everything went black.

Axel's POV:

What was that? An unbearable pain in my chest came out of nowhere. Roxas. There must be something wrong with him. Following the pain, I rushed down the Clock Tower. The pain was growing worse and worse. Suddenly, what I said earlier to Roxas flashed through my mind. I hoped he was okay. I regretted saying those words to him, and I had the urge to smother him with kisses and apologize. A trail of red flowed from an alleyway. The pain in my chest became unbeabably strong. Please don't let that be his. I rounded the corner.

What I saw next would haunt me for the rest of my life.

How did you like it? Please review and tell me what you think. F.Y.I: I will only update this story when I receive reviews. That let's me know that people like my story. So please, please review!