"What the fuck?!"

Your name is Dave Strider and goddammit the fucking cape thief strikes again! This is the tenth night in a row your cape has gone missing.

You know you don't misplace it, it is taken. Every night you hang your cape over the headboard of your bed, change into your pajamas and go to sleep. Yet when you wake up during what you suppose is night on the meteor it isn't there, so you just get a snack, check the hallways and go back to sleep. When you wake up the next morning it is returned to it's place.

Maybe Terezi takes it? She does have a weird obsession with red, maybe she steals it and cuddles with it at night. That theory seems plausible but you can't just go accusing her of shit, you need to investigate.

Firstly he needed to et a good look at its room, see what he could find. If someone repeated a crime this many times there had to be some evidence, at least that is what all those old and ironic detective movies he watched told him.

The first instinct he had when he started looking around was to look for footsteps. Most of them wore shoes even during the night, when your stuck on a meteor with a drunk girl,a chainsaw happy troll and a crazy juggalo you are always ready to run. For your life.

Crouching down he examined the area near his bed and near both the doors, one of which led from the bathroom into his bedroom and one that led from the hall into his bedroom.

"Ah ha!" He exclaimed victoriously.

There in front of the bathroom door lay a small faded footprint.

He instantly knew it wasn't Terezi, she was a lady but her feet weren't that small. Maybe it was Rose? Kanaya? What reason did they have to take his cape?

Maybe rose took it when she ws drunk, or Kanaya saw it is unfashionable. Honestly he hoped it was the second one, he didn't want to even think of what his sister might do with his cape whilst she was drunk.

Perhaps his cape would give some more clues.

As always the cape had been returned by the morning, and it was currently hanging from around his neck. He carefully slipped it over his head laying it out neatly on the bed to look it over thoroughly.

Everything looked fine to-Wait, what was that? Near the spot where the fabric would fall over his shoulders there was five small holes, claw marks.

It had to be one of the trolls, humans didn't have claws. So keeping in mind the claws and the small feet he had narrowed his list of suspects down to Gamzee, Kanaya and Karkat.

He wasn't really sure if Gamzee had small feet, whenever they had seen eachother Dave's focus hadn't exactly been on his feet. He knew he had sharp claws though and the motivation to steal the cape. What was his motivation? He was fucking batshit crazy!

"Dave, Kanaya has prepared us a beautiful feast. Come on!"

The voice almost made him jump out of his skin, he whipped around to come face-to-face with his sister. She seemed to be sober, then again she was probably going to wash down the food Kanaya made with alcohol and wash down that alcohol with more alcohol.

"What has our lovely vampire friend made, nachos?"

A cringe rippled his sisters expression at the word nachos, she gave him a look that said. "Why are you such a pain in the ass?"

"I realize you were raised on microwavable food and apple juice, but some of us have a palette." She hissed in distaste, her forehead creasing. "Now come on before Terezi eats it all."

"Oh, hell nah!" The knight exclaimed in a "ghetto" voice running out of the room and towards the smell of what could only be recognized as roast beef.

He had to admit the setup was quite beautiful, you know in a totally ironic way.

Several candles were placed neatly down the center of the small yet elegant wooden table, Rose has clearly alchemized for this occasion. Napkins,plates and fancy silverware were already at their places. A large bowl of mash potatoes sat in the middle along with a pot of roasted vegetables, and a plate with a large roast beef.

Kanaya sat at the head of the table sipping small cup of ice water, eyeing Terezi next to her who literally had her head in her mashed potatoes. Apparently she had never heard of silverware, because her hands and face and even some of her hair were covered in food. Across from her sat a rather uncomfortable looking Karkat attempting to contain his anger by assaulting his roast beef with a fork.

"Hey Karkles, what did that meat ever do to you?"

The small troll looked up shooting aa death glare in the young Strider's direction. "Can it Strider, I promised Kanaya I wouldn't yell or swear tonight stop provoking me."

"Well this should be fun,"Dave commented a smug grin turning up the corners of his mouth as he took his place between Terezi and Rose. Wait, when had she got here?