
Disclaimer: I do not own the Vampire Diaries because if I did things would be a lot different.

This is my first story so please be kind:)

Chapter 1

Esther watched her children from the other side. This was her curse her punishment for her part in creating the evil that was now part of this world. Her fate was sealed until she could find a way to fix what she had done. She watched as her once honorable son Elijah turned into a cruel monster. He calmed to be the moral one and in comparison to her other children perhaps he was but in truth that was not saying to much. She watched as Finn spent nearly 900 years in a box. Finn who was to help her end the abomination she created. That was until he was reunited with his Sage. She watched as Kol turned from a charming young man to a blood thirsty killer with no conscience . She watched as Rebecca her sweet Rebecca became as ruthless and violent as her brothers. However worst of all she watched Niklaus her third born become the worst of them all. She watched knowing it was her fault he turned into the cruel, bloodthirsty, unfeeling monster that stood before her. In an effort to protect him from Micheal she neglected him acted as if he meant little to her when in truth she loved him most. How could she not he was the product of love she had known from the moment he was born that he was not Micheal's son she knew the minute she looked into his eyes she knew he was Eirik's. Esther knew he was part wolf and yet as a child he showed a kindness she had never seen before a kindness that Micheal mistook for weakness and punished him for it every chance he got. She knew that Michael suspected that Niklaus was not his. She married Michael because her family had arranged it. At the time she did not know about love and passion Micheal was sweet and handsome she felt as if she had all that a women could ask for. It was not until they came to the new world and met Eirik that she realized there could be more. Up until that day she believed she was happy it was then that she realized how cruel Micheal was how he had changed from the sweet boy she had married. He had made it clear to Esther that she was to stay away from Eirik he had noticed how he had looked at her and he would not allow any man to look at his wife that way. However Eirik had other plans. He would always know when Michael wasn't around and although everyone in the village feared Michael they most certainly feared the wolf more. Eirik was not just any wolf either he was an alpha he was respected and admired by all the people in his village. Esther had tried to stay faithful but in truth she was drawn to Eirik in a way she could not explain. So when she found out she was pregnant with child after being with Eirik part of her knew instantly it was his. She knew Michael had his suspicions however she had never given him a reason to suspect she was unfaithful so he did not question her. Instead he took out his suspicions on Niklaus. So to protect him the only way she could without confirming Michael's suspicions she acted as she did not care when Micheal punished him or was cruel to him when in truth it took every ounce of strength she had not to kill Micheal herself. Had it not been for her other children she would have. However time had changed her once kind and loving son and turned him in to monster. So know she watched waiting for her next chance to correct her mistake.

Esther wasn't the only one to watch in horror as the Michelsons changed throughout their thousand years of existence. There was another who felt the burden of responsibility. He however did not want to see his siblings dead he wanted to see them become what they once were. He watched as the quarter back killed Finn and could do nothing. He watched as the young hunter and the doppelgänger killed Kol and could do nothing. He watched as Elijah walked away from his family instead of fighting for them and could do nothing. He watched as Rebecca finally turned her back on Niklaus and could do nothing. Perhaps worst of all he watched as Niklaus came so close to becoming the brother he remembered when he was with the young vampire only to have one of her friends attack him in some way causing him to act the opposite of the brother he once knew and he could do nothing. Since he himself was not supernatural he could not see or talk to any of his family once they passed their was no way for him to be reunited with them or let them know how no matter what they had done he stilled loved them all. However that did not mean he would not try and find a way to help them. Considering it was his fault that they were turned into vampires in the first place he needed to find a way to help them. If only he had listened to Niklaus and not gone to watch the men change that night. The only reason his brother had gone was to protect him. In the end they had blamed him for Henrick's death. Henrick was determined to find a way to help.

Bonnie watched as Jeremy slept. She had still not allowed him to tell her friends she was dead. She had him send them text every so often and so far it had worked they were continuing on with their lives just as she wanted them to. She checked in on them every so often just to make sure they were alright. Elena was happy which make her happy mostly. She was still not Damon's biggest fan but as long as Elena was happy then she could accept him. Caroline on the other hand was a different story she was still waiting for Tyler to come home. She pretended to be ok with the fact that he had yet to return but in truth she was hurting. The problem was Bonnie was not sure if Caroline was hurting because she missed Tyler or because she missed someone else. In death Bonnie had examined her life and in that life she did not regret how she fought to help and protect Elena however she realized that in her efforts to help Elena she seemed to forget about Caroline. Hell that was putting it nicely. She didn't just forget Caroline she had threatened her when she first became a vampire in contrast to trying to save Elena and when that didn't work she did everything in her power to be there for her. Worst of all she allowed Damon and the others to use her as Klaus's distraction. Klaus the original hybrid who was most definitely one of the most feared and deadly creatures on this earth. Had she protected Caroline with the same energy she had used to help Elena she wouldn't be wondering who it was that Caroline was missing. Even though Klaus was cruel when it came to Caroline he was almost human. She know that even if Caroline would never admit it she felt something for Klaus it was almost as if she was drawn to him by some mystical force.

Kol watched his siblings in New Orleans once again Nik had daggered Elijah but that wasn't the worst of it he had given his body to Marcel. Marcel who was once like family to them. Now he was the enemy. Kol feared for Elijah Marcel wanted to eliminate the originals and he was planning on using Elijah as his guinea pig. He may still be angry with Elijah but he did not want to see any real harm come to him. He wished there was a way that he could help them but he was stuck on the other side unable to communicate with any of them. When Kol first started watching his siblings he looked for a witch with the power to see the dead however there were no witches in New Orleans willing to help him out of fear of what Marcel would do to them. So Kol just watched as Elijah laid lifeless in a coffin, as Rebecca befriended the wolf girl, and as Niklaus attempted to regain his kingdom. Kol needed to find someone to help him someone who could help his siblings but who? Little did Kol know that the help he sought was right around the corner.

Quetsiyah watched in horror as Silias was awakened. She had created the hunters to dispose of him however they had failed. She needed a new plan a new way to end him. She now had a new plan a new way to defeat Silias once and for all. Silias thought he was invincible however there is no such thing she just need the assistance of the second most powerful being on the plant to help. Unfortunately that was easier said then done she noticed as she watched the witches in New Orleans struggle to keep Klaus under control and on their side. They were foolish enough to believe that a miracle baby would do the trick. No that worked for Elijah and Rebecca but not for Niklaus. In order to get Niklaus to help to truly help Quetsiyah knew that she needed get the baby vampire to help. Caroline Forbes was the key because she could do what no other was capable of she could bring out the humanity in Niklaus Michelson. So it was for this reason that Quetsiyah was about to bring together four souls to help her. She had watched Caroline over the past 2 years mainly out of curiosity never had she seen a vampire with the level of control that Caroline had and knowing how young she was she could not help but admire the girl. She transformed herself from an insecure child into a strong independent women. She knew that with Caroline's help she could convince the hybrid to help her. However in truth she would be helping Caroline as well because she needed for Caroline to admit how she truly felt about Niklaus. So Quetsiyah was going to bring together four people who could help and for their help she would offer them each what they wanted most in return.