I'm sensing that i only have like.. two chapters left, so that's kind of bittersweet. I've been working on this for so long, and it feels awful to know it's going to be finished so soon - plus, it's the first fanfiction i've ever finished, so.. I am completely taken aback by all the positive response i've gotten and completely amazing by the numbers of people reading this. I thank you all, and i really do hope you like this story.

that was it from me so far!

Hermione couldn't really understand what had been going on. She had awoken in a hospital-bed, Draco, Blaise and Madam Pomfrey bend over her, smiles on their lips.
She had been told what had happened, but she just felt very rested. she was appalled by the fact that Pansy had done this, but she could feel that her boyfriend had been holding something back.
"Draco, just tell me. I won't get mad." She croaked and coughed. Madam Pomfrey came with a glass of water with her, and Hermione gratefully took it.
"Hermione... It's pretty rough. He said, biting his lip.
"Just... Tell me." She looked at him, and he gazed back, taking her hand.
"Pansy wasn't alone on this. She had been organizing this whole thing with someone else.." He didn't finish, but Hermiones stomach twisted into an uncomfortable knot.
"And.. Well.. Hermione, do you really need to know?" He asked her. She nodded.
"It was Ron. He apparently wanted you, but decided otherwise when he knew you were pregnant; then he just wanted you dead." Hermiones face fell. Her mouth hung agape and she couldn't believe it.
"I want to see him. NOW!" She tried to get out of bed, but Draco pushed her back. She started crying, realizing that her best friend and former boyfriend would do this to her. She sobbed and sniffed into Draco's arm.

"Can i go now?" She asked, eyes still red.
"NO, not in a million years. He's undergoing trials right now."
"I WANT TO KILL HIM." She schreeced, and Draco smirked at her.
"Trust me, so do i. But, we can't do that." She laid down again, staring into the ceiling.
"Thank you, Blaise, for figuring this mess out. I thank Merlin for your quick brain." She said. Blaise smiled at her, nodding his head. "No problem, 'Mione." She smiled.
"When can i leave?" She asked Madam Pomfrey.
"I don't see a problem with you leavin now.. But i would like to check on the baby." She said, looking sternly at Hermione, who pulled her shirt up to reveal her stomach.
Madam Pomfrey waved her wand over Hermiones stomach, the tip glowing slightly yellow.
"Oh." She said as it started glowing blue.
"Oh, what?" Draco said, suddenly looking alarmed. Hermione looked at her boyfriend, taking his hand in hers.
"Well... You two might need a bigger place." Pomfrey said smiling.
"What..?" Draco looked dumfonded.
"Well, two turns four soon." Pomfrey said and Hermione started crying. Draco smiled widely and Blaise jumped up and down.
"THIS MEANS I'M GOING TO BE GODFATHER, EH!?" He said, jumping next to Draco who nodded slightly, but kept his eyes on his girlfriend.
"We're having twins.." She whispered, caressing her stomach. She smiled at Draco and suddenly the world felt whole again.

Hermione had contacted her parents soon after she found out what was going on. A letter came back, her mother wishes for the best and her fathers apoligy.
Draco's parents had been imensely pleased when they heard - a letter with two yellow ribbons came to the young couple, who had started looking for palces to live; they were only two weeks from graduation, and they wanted to go straight away.
hermione had found a beautiful lake-house, with a view made for gods. Even four bedrooms, a huge kitchen and livingroom and two bathrooms. She had instantly fallen in love with the place, but had quickly realized that they would never afford it.
She had gotten quite big, too. Draco couldn't help but smile at her, thinking he couldn't possibly deserve her - whenever she wrapped her hands around his neck and her stomach pressed against him, he couldn't help but feeling so selfish; he wanted to keep her, here forever. She was glowing with light, her hair still falling in ringlets, now past the middle of her back, and he adored her.
They graduation neared quickly, and Draco had taken on the classes of DADA for her, and she had been fiddleing with finding their stuff and packing it down while Crookshanks ran around mewling at her whenever she moved him.

The day arrived, and of course, even though she was pregnant and tired, Hermione had gotten the highest GPA in the history of Hogwarts. Draco followed closely, and as they both sat down, their hats on and dimplomas in hand, he caught professor McGonnagalls eye. She smiled slightly at him.
"Dear students! I thank you for another wonderful year here at Hogwarts. We praise you, who, against all odds, came through" she looked at a smirking Blaise, and continued "And a congratulations to all of you who overcame your differences and found friendship and love in one another. I'm very proud of this years students, and i couldn't be more pleased with you. I praise you." She raised her glass and cheered for them all.
"Now, our Head-boy for Slytherin would like to say a few words."
Draco stood up, looking a bit nervous, and smiled shakily down at Hermione.
"I wanted to thank you all. Thank you, for letting us teach you, thank you for accepting me.. And i think i owe you all a cheer." He raised his glass towards his fellow students.
"Now, for something else. As you all might know, Hermione and I are having a baby - well, we figured out, not long ago that we're having twins," Cheers sounded around the room, but Draco silenced them with a wave of his hand. "and i think it's about time i do something very new to me and to Hogwarts."
He looked at Hermione, her brows furrowed in confusion.
He got down on one knee, and looked smiling at her.
"Hermione Jean Granger." He said loudly, a hush falling over the great hall. "I want you for the rest of my life, and i know you dislike being owned, but... I love you. And i want you to be mine for the rest of my life.
Will you marry me?" Silence dawned on the room, and Hermione looked baffled. Suddenly, she lit up in a huge smile, and tears began to flow down her cheeks.
"Yes, you stupid ferret, i will." Draco smiled at her, and they both stood up, kissing as he pulled out a small box. The room errupted in cheers.
"I've been running around with this forever. Please, wear it?" She opened the box, and gasped. Inside laid a silvering, a single band with a green diamond ind the middle. She nodded, speechless, and put it on.

The rest of the evening went by in a flash. Hermione and Draco were approached by many students, congratulating them, and even the headmaster came down to give her regards to them.
"I wanted you to know that Miss Parkinson have been placed in Skt. Mungo's - they found her mentally unstable during the trials, so they thought it was most suitable. Mr. Weasley, on the other hand, have been removed from his post as a junior auror, and is still undergoing trials." She smiled at the pair, and left them again.
"Thank god. I'm happy when all of this is over." Hermione leaned on Draco. He smiled and kissed the top of her head.
"Let's go to bed, huh?" He winked at her and smirked when he saw her blush. She nodded and took his hand, leading him out of the great hall and al the way up to their common-room.
As he kissed her and removed her shirt, she couldn't help but giggle at how the pregnancy affected her and her lusts.

The following day, Hermione and Draco sat down in the Hogwrats express, hoping to get some moments of silence and sleep. They hadn't gotten much during the night, and Hermione had blushed everytime he smirked at her, remembering the night before.
They sat, Hermione reading with Draco in her lap, her book resting on her tummy.
"I love you." He said sleepily.
"I love you." she said, and then he was sleeping. Hermione leaned back, letting the book close and slip down to the floor as she fell asleep, too.

They had woken up minutes before the train had arrived at Kings Cross, and shuffled to get outside.
The Malfoy's were waiting, smiles on their faces, and to Hermione's suprise, her parents too.
"Hello! We came to see you off. Draco, we have done what you asked." Narcissa said, smiling slightly.
Hermiones mother squaled when she saw the ring, and her dad came to shake Draco's hand.
"I am sorry for my earlier behavior. I hope we'll get along." They shook hands, and Hermione rolled her eyes.
"What do you mean, see us off?" She asked curiously. Narcissa shook her head.
"It's a suprise darling." Hermione smiled, and took Draco's hand as the group of people walked through the billowing smoke and out in the muggleworld.