Hi Everyone! It's me EthanLover! But you can call me PrincessErica of DarkMoon (aka DarkMoonPrincessErica) I am posting this story on here because I think I will make this story darker and more sexyer.

Ethan's POV

I was sitting in my room texting Erica while my jerk of a twin brother, Eliot, and Benny were down stairs doing who knows what.

Erica- u excited 4 hs?

Ethan- totally! Nw scool nw hot guys!

Erica- dont wrry abt people finding out ur gay. Sarah and I will kick Eliot and Bennys ass if they tell.

I was about to text Erica back when I heard a scream. I looked about my window and saw Jane holding her stuffed bunny while Mom ran over to her. I looked to the door and saw Benny and Eliot with junk food stuffed in their mouths. Mom, Dad and Jane walked inside.

"Ethan get down here!" Mom yelled. I quickly ran down stairs as Dad told Benny to go home.

"Jane go to bed sweetie." Mom told Jane. I ruffled her hair as she walked by me.

"Eliot Ethan I'm very disappointed in you. More Eliot then Ethan. But that besides the point." Dad said.

"You two are starting High School tomorrow. We have no choice but to hire a babysitter." Mom said. Both Eliot and I groaned. "Now go to bed."

Next Day at School Ethan's POV

"So I got an interesting call this morning." Erica told me as we walked to school. "Your mom called me. She wants me to babysit you guys."

"While I was texting you Benny and Eliot let Jane wonder out of the house." I grumbled. "Have you seen Sarah anywhere?"

"She's probably with Jesse." Erica said. I pushed up my glasses and sighed. Ever sense Sarah started dating Jesse she's been to busy for us.

"Hey guys." Sarah said as she walked up to us. Sarah was wearing sunglasses and had her hair in a pony tail.

"Shouldn't you be with Mr. To Cool for School?" I asked as both Erica and I crossed our arms.

"Look I'm sorry I haven't been hanging out with you guys, but things have been complicated lately." Sarah told us. "Besides Jesse and I broke up."

Jesse's POV

I can't believe Sarah doesn't want to be a vampire! I groaned as I drove Sam and I to school.

"Why don't you just date a guy?" Sam asked. "I mean come on its no secret that you prefer guys." It was true. I've known for 50 years I preferred guys, but I've never really acted on it. I pulled my sunglasses down when I saw Sarah talking to two of her friends. One was a blonde haired girl with pink glasses. She was wearing a 'Dusk' shirt and blue jeans. The other was a guy with short shaggy brown hair and black thin rimed glasses. He was wearing a black shirt and faded jeans. Sam looked where I was looking and grinned.

"If I'm correct that's Ethan Morgan best friend of your ex girlfriend." Sam told me.

"I think I found myself a new boyfriend." I said with a smirk.