Klaus and Isabella, the maid, were best friends when they were human, and one night she disappeared. Klaus, left heartbroken, shut out any affection. Hes now in New Orleans, trying to get his throne back. It just so happens that Marcel has his own, pretty, brunette queen...

Chapter One


Bella Pov

Marcels lips gently grazed my cheek but I leant away slightly. Noticing this, he sighed and moved back a bit. "Someone will be visiting us soon...He's a friend of mine - I guess"

"I know" I replied back as I thought back to my vision of him, "I sensed him, but I cannot see him. Only his aura" Weirdly, his aura was black with grey mixed together. It seemed he was dangerous yet broken in a way. I wish I could see his face. He either has powerful witches or he is just a powerful person.

Marcel smiled slightly as if he was thinking back on old memories. He got up from his seat and walked over to the balcony that showed a wonderful view of New Orleans.

"He was like a father to me until one day he disapeared" Marcel hesitated slightly as if deciding how much he should say, "I moved on and created a kingdom of my own"

I nodded silently to myself, as my eyes scanned the massive 'M' imprinted on the wall. He did create a kingdom - quite a massive one in fact.

"He is strong. But we are stronger" Marcel stated as he slowly approached me with a stern expression. I wanted to laugh at him.

"I am stronger" I corrected him, with pursed lips. Seriously...he was powerless without me.

Marcel said nothing as he returned to his seat beside me. He refused to acknowledge my words. However a troubled expression passed over his face for a moment before his expression returned to a netrual one. But I caught it.

I gently grabbed his chin, and turned his face towards me, "Marcel, whats wrong?"

"Without you, I'm nothing. He would literally take down my - our kingdom" Marcel murmured, making sure to correct his mistake knowning my temper.

"What is his name?" I asked in disbelief. I'm pretty sure he wasn't that powerless - that some random supernatural could swoop in and steal his kingdom. He had loyal friends - servants in a way.

"Niklaus Mikaelson"

Just those two words made me freeze. My whole body stiffened as old memories tried to break through my shield I had built up over the years.

10th century ( The day before the Mikaelson's were turned)

"Maid, you must leave. Now!" Esther whispered furiously at me.

"Why?" I cried silently. I couldn't leave Nik behind!

"You will be a danger to our family!" she exclaimed in anger as she glared at me with such hatred that could kill me on the spot.

"But you did this to me" I pointed out, in a strained voice. Fear clouded my eyes as her glare seemed to darken further.

Esther pursed lips, "Girl, you must leave! Here" She handed me a small necklace with a blue gem, "Now leave. This shall protect you from the sun beams. Now be gone!"

And with that, she pushed me out of her door and into the night.

As I began to walk, all I could think about was dear Nik, and how he would take it. I hope he will forget about me and not hate me forever.

Why did Esther do this to me! She loved me like her own. Then one night, she seemed distant, yet excited. She invited me up to her room to show me witchcraft...

I blocked out the horrible memory and shook my head sharply.

"Bells?" Marcel asked me, concern lacing his voice suddenly. He usually doesn't show much care for me so I felt slightly touched at him and guilty in a way. I hadn't told Marcel of my past.

"I've heard legends about him" I murmured quietly hoping that Marcel wouldn't hear the guilt in my tone, "Hes brutal"

"I know" Marcel said - oblivious to my worry, as he wiped the hair from my eyes, "I know"

He leaned in and our lips touched briefly before there was a rapping noise on the door. Someone was desperately, knocking on the door. He pulled away, annoyance in his eyes before he turned towards the door.

The door busted open just as the words left Marcels lips, "Come in"

One of Marcel's favourite vampires dashed in through the doors and into the large room.

"Marcel! Theres an Original here" The vampire spat as soon as he reached us. He had all too familiar sandy blonde hair and icy blue eyes. Thankfully, he wasn't Niklaus, but only another vampire who shared a small resemblance with him.

"Is it Niklaus?" I asked Marcel in his ear, even though I knew it wasn't. Niklaus doesn't simply stroll in without some sort of danger. Maybe an attack or possibly a death? I wasn't sure because I didn't know Nik anymore. I only knew his memory added to the rumors I gathered about him over the years.

Marcel shook his head, "He likes to make an entrance" It was like he took the words from my mouth. Obviously I wouldn't say that because lets be honest, if I told Marcel the truth about Niklaus and I, I'd be out the door. Well not necessarily, maybe he has a silver dagger somewhere with some oak ash.

Eventually Marcel sent the vampire off telling him to tell the Original he would be there soon.

"Bells, I'm going to leave now. Don't invite anyone in please, hun" Marcel told me after the vampire had left. He pressed his lips to my forehead before blurring out the door.

When I was sure Marcel had left, I returned to our room upstairs. I pushed the wardrobe over to the side before I slipped the small key from my boot. The key had no end, it was just like stick with a curl on the end. I bent down and wiped the trap door with my hand. I clutched the small key in my hand and chanted with my eyes closed for a moment before snapping them open. I pressed my hand to the lock on the trap door and felt the key end grow in my hand. Once it was complete, it looked like a normal key with rust covering it.

I shoved the key into the lock and turned the key, waiting for the click. When it clicked, I pulled the trap door open, and slid inside, pulling it shut behind me.

I felt cold air gush around me as I fell down until I reached the bottom. Swiftly, I flicked the light on and soon I was fully submerged in memories. The mention and reminder of my past love had my heart beginning to chip.

I walked over to the old stereo and wiped the dust off it. Quickly, I opened it, making sure the disc was still in there. It was. I pressed play and went to sit on the sofa in the corner of the room as the intro of the song began to pour through the speakers... I usually came to this place when I couldn't hold my emotions back any longer. Of course I wouldn't show Marcel any weakness. It was just an old cellar with an additional light I had added in. I put a sofa down here and a stereo, and thankfully Marcel hadn't noticed. There wasn't really much. Although it was sound proof, that was a bonus. I haven't came down here mont-

I was cut off as the singer began pouring out her emotions into a beautiful song.

When I look up from my pillow
I dream you are there with me
Though you are far away
I know you'll always be near to me

That was true, half the time I imagined Marcel as Niklaus. Obviously, I hadn't told Marcel that.

I go to sleep
And imagine that you're there with me
I go to sleep
And imagine that you're there with me

I look around me
And feel you are ever so close to me
Each tear that flows from my eye
Brings back memories of you to me

At that I felt wetness on my cheeks, automatically bring my hand to it. Tears. They began to pour as I let out everything I've held in for too long. Niklaus, I miss you so much. He doesn't even know I exist. He thinks I died centuries ago. And thats exactly why I didn't contact him.

I go to sleep
And imagine that you're there with me
I go to sleep
And imagine that you're there with me

I was wrong, I will cry
I will love you till the day I die
You were all, you alone and no one else
You were meant for me

Niklaus was meant for me. We were practically exactly alike...A father who hated us...But my father died to the wolves. Soon after my mother took her life in vain, not caring that she had a child to care for. Then there was also the fact that we were abandoned by others...

When morning comes again
I have the loneliness you left me
Each day drags by
Until finally my time descends on me

I go to sleep
And imagine that you're there with me
I go to sleep
And imagine that you're there wit-

I was cut off by a loud rapping noise on the front door, upstairs. Quickly, I jumped up, worried and began to switch everything off and escape back up stairs. I re-locked the door with my magic and cleared my face up, adding a bit of mascara. I did this all within a minute. I fled to the door and opened it quickly, hoping whoever was there wasn't angry.

"Hello Bells" Marcel greeted me, "I'd like you to meet someone" Whoever that someone was, I couldn't see because they were behind the bush at the front. Even if I craned my neck I couldn't see them.

"Isabella, I'd like you to meet Elijah" I froze at his words, and barely stopped my eyes from widening.

"Hello, Isa-" Elijah cut himself off when he saw me. Marcel couldn't see that Elijahs mouthed had dropped and that his eyes were bulging, thank God. Marcel turned and Elijah fixed himself just in time.