My skin is blue


„Loki? Are you there?" Thor sneaked through the big door of Loki's room.

Of course he was there. Where else should he go? He was a baby…his baby brother.

The little baby boy was sleeping peacefully in his crib.

Thor tiptoed closer to the crib, careful not to scare the baby.

He came to visit his brother as much as possible. Too bad he wasn't allowed to see his brother very often. His father didn't want Thor to see him, thought he never told Thor the reason. So the stubborn blonde was upset and his curious nature didn't make things better. He loved Loki since he first met him. So even if it was against his father's word, he tried to spend as much time as possible with his beloved brother. He wanted to show him everything, to play with the baby and simply be with him.

"Hey there, brother!" he smiled down at the baby.

The baby opened his eyes slowly, looking up at his older brother.

Confused why he got woken up, he started crying.

"No, no! Don't cry brother, father will hear us." Thor begged.

He took the crying baby and tried to calm him down. Soon the baby stopped crying and snuggled into Thor's arms. Thor let out a sigh of relief.

"Sorry for waking you brother, but I felt lonely and I wanted to play with you again." Thor apologized and stroked the baby's black hair.

Loki looked up at the grin he knew just too well and smiled at the face he trusted.

"So, nice to see you." Thor smiled and held the baby close.

"Badada" the baby babbled, Thor laughed in amusement.

"Trying to start a conversation there, brother?" he smirked.

"Ba!" The baby cheered.

With Loki in his arms, he peeked through the big door and looked around.

"No one's around…" he smiled to himself and sneaked through the corridors.

The baby babbled and laughed happily in the arms of his brother.

But just as Thor ran around the corner he bumped into something and fell to the ground.

"Ouch…what the-"the kid rubbed his head, but went silent as he looked up and realized, who he just bumped into. The silence ended when Loki started crying.

"Thor! What do you think you're doing?!" Odin snapped.

"F-Father, i…"

"I told you not to carry Loki around the house!" Odin had to shout or else Thor wouldn't even hear his father through Loki's cries.

Odin instantly took Loki away from Thor and calmed him down.

"But why father?! I want to play with my brother and show him the outside! Why isn't he allowed to be free?" Thor complained.

"Silence!" Odin shouted and immediately Thor fell silent.

"Not just yet…He's not ready to see Asgard…yet…" Odin mumbled and stroked the baby's head.

Thor stared at his father's hand as it touched Loki's head.

"It's so unfair…" Thor mumbled and walked away, tears forming in the corner of his eyes.

"Someday he'll understand…" Odin said to himself.

Loki looked up at Odin and remained quiet, looking after Thor as the kid disappeared.

"Dadada" Loki hold his arm out in the hope, that his brother come back to take him back.

But he didn't.

That was always something that Thor remembered sometimes. He never knew the reason why Loki wasn't allowed to leave the palace as a child. Loki always seemed to be unhappy in this family…Sometimes it appeared to Thor that Loki was discriminated by his father, since he could think. Thor realized that the first time, when he thought about that time, when Loki wasn't allowed to go outside. But why? Why was he different?

There was one thing he never remembered though, he never even realized over the love he had for that child…

Back then Loki's skin was blue….