Alright, so I've officially had it.

With FFnet that is. Not fanfiction in general. I've ben trying for ages to upload my new chapter but it just refuses to work. Seriously, for months I've been sitting on the new chapters, months! And no matter how many times I emailed tech support on the site, nothing ever happened. So I just got sick of it all and said to myself "Screw it, I don't have the energy for this stupid redacted" and that was it.

But then I kept getting fav's and follows and boy did I feel guilty.

So I've gotten myself an account at Archive of our Own, same username. And I've started uploading my stories there. Mind you, I've still not uploaded all the chapters that I have here, but I promise to get it done under the week. And then, of course, the new ones you haven't had the chance to read. So, be expecting something new to read coming next week.

And thank you all so much for sticking with me all this time. I know it hasn't been easy, my updates having been sporadic at best, and I can't promise you it well get better. But I can promise that the next time I have a chapter ready, it will not be sitting in my desktop folder gathering dust for half a year. When I write something, it will be uploaded. There: a guarantee.