HELLO PEOPLE BEYOND CYBERSPACE! Name's Ultrasonic215 and THIS is my first fanfic, so please go easy on me. For my first story, I would make an AU story of Sonic the Hedgehog and Injustice: Gods Among Us. Now for any confusion you may have for this fic, it is technically a crossover between the two, but I thought it would be a crossover when characters from said games would meet each other. So for this fic, the Sonic characters would be acting as the Injustice characters, following the same story line as well. Here are my current casts for this fic, but keep in mind the some names of the hero/villains would change for this:

Sonic: Superman/Super-Sonic (Maurice will be this secret identity)

Shadow: Batman/Shadow Knight (Sounds cool, huh?)

Silver: Green Lantern/Blue Lantern (For this fic, the Lantern Corps from DC comics will exist)

Jet: The Flash/Quick Slash (Instead of lightning bolts on the costume, there will be blades in place of those lightning bolts)

Blaze: Wonder Woman/Blazing Cat (It was the best I could come up with, sorry)

Rouge: Catwoman/Batwoman (I know, stupid right)

Espio: Deathstroke/Stealth Strike (For this fic, Espio has left the Chaotix and became a assassin for hire, sorry, don't flame me)

Mephiles: Doomsday/Darkdays (make sense if you think about it)

Knuckles: Bane/? (I need help for his new name)

Charmy: Shazam/? (I need help for name)

Wave: Hawkgirl/? (Again, need help)

Tails: Cyborg/? (Do I have to ask?)

Shade: Raven/?

Scourge: Joker/Scorcher (pretty dumb, I know)

Rosy: Harly Quinn/?

Black Doom: Ares/?

Eggman: Lex Luther/ Julian Kintobor

And lastly, Dark Super Sonic: Regime Superman

Remaining characters is where you guys can help me with, just kindly give me suggestions in the reviews, OCs are welcome IF they would make a reasonable sense to be those characters. And one last thing, I DO NOT OWN ANY OF THE FRANCHISE, both belong their respectable owners, SEGA and Nether Realm Studios. Now, ON TO THE STORY, ENJOY!


The city of Station Square is no longer alive. It was once a city full of great joy, peace, and prosperity. No one had any fear when leaving their homes for any daily activities. Even though the people of the city have seen many things that would give great fear, such as the "Chaos" incident that happen some years ago. But they know that they would be protected by their great hero, Supersonic, the living wind of freedom. No matter the challenge, Supersonic would overcome any challenge, becoming a symbol of hope.

But now, that very city is now destroyed. What now remains' an empty horizon with ruined buildings, all vaporized to nothing but ashes. So to the lives that once lived in the city.

"Station Square Destroyed-Millions Dead," this very title is now in every media channel and web post, spreading the word of the destruction of a fair city. But the sister city, Westopolis, seems to have a greater grieving moment for the city.

The G.U.N Unit of Westopolis could not believe the destruction they are now seeing. Some were running to their phones, to contact if anyone they know had ever survived the destruction. But they have the man, or rather mobian, responsible for this great crime. Armed guards were covering the Interrogation Room, and they, as well as everyone in the entire floor, can hear a laugh. But this laugh had shown that it is a sinister one, full of insanity and murder. For this laugh has come from the destructive mobian, quills that are green as leaves, eyes that are blue as a dreadful sea, and a purple suit, with stains of blood all other the sleeves meaning that he can play "dirty." This mobian is named Scorcher the Hedgehog.

The laughter silenced as he was shoved down to the seat in the room. Standing before him is another hedgehog, but with black quills with red highlights, having burning red eyes, full of rage and purpose. Unlike Scorcher, this hedgehog wore a metallic armor, a long black cape hung by his shoulders, colors matching his appearance is on the armor, with an odd round shape with spikes on the center of the chest armor. His fist pounded the settled table, showing that he would not be playing games. This is ace G.U.N Agent Shadow the Hedgehog, or by his code name, the Shadow Knight.

"THE NUKE! WHERE'D YOU GET IT?!" the dark knight exclaimed, wanting to know the answer.

"Why, you want one?" the evil mobian asked, as if this was a joke. He scoffed before he said, "Copy hog."

Shadow Knight yelled, having enough of this sick hedgehog's attitude. He reached over to grab Scorcher, but he stopped when there was a sudden explosion that created a large hole in the wall of the room. Scorcher had seen what, or rather who, caused the explosion, giving a small giggle to the visitor.

Floating to the room was Supersonic, wearing a unique red and blue suit. This suit, made by Tails, helps maintains his bright, golden, super form, making him purely invincible. As he enters the room, his face, the expression shown on that face, was pure rage.

"Get away from him!" he said, stepping to the room once he landed. "I'm handling this," Shadow ensured his friend, not wanting for anything to get from bad to worse. Supersonic ignore his friend as he walked slowly to Scorcher, and he flung the table aside. He grabbed the sick hedgehog and pinned him to a wall, make cracks on that same wall. He stared at the eyes of the mad mobian.

"YOU DRUGGED ME! Made me…" he could not finish that sentence, he was reminded of what happened before the bomb was ignited, remembering his loved ones. In a grieving voice, he whispered "Amy…my daughter…" His head hung, closing his eyes, seeing the dreadful memory of his wife…and unborn daughter.

"First Mobius, now Station Square. People you love tend to blow up, don't they?" Scorcher asked in a mocking voice, as if it were a joke than a question. Supersonic growled, raising a fist to deliver a deadly blow. "SONIC DON'T!" Shadow intruded, wanting to stop his friend form making a mistake. Supersonic made the punch but it hit the wall instead, making a dent with cracks on that spot.

"That's why I like you, Sonic. You're much more gullible than…" Scorcher nodded his head toward Shadow Knight, making his point. Sonic was more enraged, throwing Scorcher to an opposite wall of the room. Scorcher picked himself up, walking to his seat while straightening his back, giving a painful moan.

"You think that you can have a family that locking me up will magically reform me, and they'll be safe," he explained before he took his seat. "So big, so dumb," he gestured. "Now run along so I can break out of here. I've got lots of planning to top THIS!" he claimed with a wicked grin.

Supersonic growled and grabbed Scorcher by the throat, lifting him up in the air. "That's enough!" Shadow warned, moving towards Sonic, trying to end the conflict. However, he was shoved away by Supersonic's immense strength, not wanted to be interrupted.

Supersonic turned his gaze back to Scorcher, who began to speak. "I know it's soon but, you think you'll ever love again?" Scorcher asked with an almost caring tone, "Maybe you won't kill your next family." Supersonic could not tolerate this any longer; his rage had reached its maximum point. His eyes faded into white, no sign of his pupils or other emotions but pure rage. His golden form now turned darker; to a darkest black, matching the emptiness of space. He raised his free hand, but his hand was in a claw-like form. Shadow Knight watched in shock, knowing what was about to happen. Scorcher only grinned, seeming not to care what was happening. Supersonic made the final strike, jabbing his hand INTO his victim's body. Scorcher had made his last laugh as his very life has ended; his black heart being ripped out.

And on that day forward, the hero that was Supersonic has become something else. No one can describe what he has become, only that everyone will soon fear him…and his rule.

So that's the prologue. I had to see the prologue from the game to make it right. I thought that it would be nice for Sonic and Amy would have a daughter for this story, plus I am a Sonamy fan myself. Tell me what you guys think, and suggestions for the remaining cast. I almost forgot to say that you have to tell me the details of your OC if you want me to use them in this story. Thanks for reading and see ya!