FYI: I Do Not Own the Covenant in Any Way, Shape, or Form…

Danvers History

Everyone knew them as "the happy couple". To the outside world they were perfect. The handsome bachelor meets the beautiful bachelorette. She was definitely the key to his heart. He adored her and she adored him with equal affection in return. Love literally overflowed and embodied others from being in the same presence as those two. The Danvers were the 'it' family that always caught everyone's breathe of awe.

It was so perfect to some but also the worst thing that anyone could ever imagine. Jealousy was the root of evil. Those who loved William and Evelyn separately believed the union of the two would be the epitome of the greatest sin created and manifested.

Of course, each family respectively had to deal with this behavior from people. Being absolutely perfect physically both had its pro's and con's. The biggest curse of all that the families shared was one that most didn't know about. The curse that has lived trapped within the families for over 300 years. The curse that had sailed over from England. They, the founding families of Ipswich, were all magical beings. Warlocks would be a word that bests describes these people, but not the kind that most would confuse as Harry Potter. These families didn't get the luxury to enjoy such power without a price. At 18, the males of the power became one with the power and it becomes there life. Meaning that by using the power, one would be using their own time left for this earth.

William and Evelyn never concerned themselves with those that were jealous of their relationship. None of the families did; especially, when they had other important issues to deal with. As time continued, the happy relationship between William and Evelyn began to drift. After the recent birth of their new born son, William was changing. Childbearing, for the women in these families, came at a high cost. It was not easy in the least. Most women would lose their lives after giving birth. The magic coursing through the child's blood was much too strong for most human women to handle. In the time that Evelyn needed her husband the most, she noticed him becoming more and more distant.

Evelyn could see the habitual patterns filtering into her husband. She could see the curse working on him slowly but surely. The power was seductive and hard to resist once used. One could easily be attached to it without even realizing. It was a late evening and Evelyn was getting worried for her husband. Home alone, with a newborn, all by herself, was something she never imagined her life and family to be like. She was not going to let this become a habit. She was originally mad at Williams's behavior but, after having a couple of hours to fester in her mood, she now became worried.

It was a little past midnight and she had just put little Caleb down again after he had awoke from sleeping. She sat in the first parlor room, right off the side of the front door, and heard when the lock clicked 'unlock'. The door swung open and close behind the entering figure.

"So when do we not use keys to get into the house like normal people?" she asked the man with black eyes.

After letting his eyes return to their normal chestnut color, he looked up at his wife's eyes. Even after just having a baby and spending countless of hours tending to his restless and incessant needs, she still looked exquisite to him. He couldn't stand the fact that he was now, and would always be, a burden upon her. The resistance had become too hard for him. At the current stage of life, he wished he hadn't wanted to be with her so much and loved her the way he did. He knew that it was his unceasing love that kept him from leaving her long ago. He knew that a day would come where he would undoubtedly hurt her. He truly wished that day wouldn't come to pass, but fate and destiny had never spared him nor any other person of his lineage. "It has been a long day. I'm going to bed."


"I said that I am going to bed Evelyn. I've had a long day at the firm."

"This is unbelievable. Do you realize that I have been up since 5 this morning trying to taking care of OUR child? By myself I might add?!" she screamed.

He sighed and replied, "I have had a lot of work."

"Oh William please- you can take off from work. It's not like we actually need the money. Both our families come from old money."

"Yes, but what kind of example would that show our companies. More importantly, what kind of example would that show our son? "

"William that's not the point and you know it. Given the circumstances, everyone would understand." He walked past her towards the staircase. She softened her voice, "is everything ok?" She didn't look at him as tears began to slowly brim her eyes. She didn't want to ask but she needed to know. Her happy fairy tale was crumbling. "Are we ok?" She couldn't hold onto it any long. She chocked on a sob and continued, "I know I'm not the most desirable woman to be with right now. After having a child, your body doesn't just… I'm going to start working out and-"

"Evelyn you're beautiful." William closed the gap between them and pulled his crying wife into him. "You're even more beautiful now than compared to the first day I met you. You become more gorgeous each and every day."

"Oh William please..." she said as she tried to wipe her tears away with a slight smile.

"Look at me." He backed only slightly to hold her head in his hands and look her straight in the eyes. "You are magnificent. I'm sorry that I've been..."

"Distant?" she tried to finish for him

"Yes, distant. But it's not because of another woman. I love you Evelyn. You are the woman I married and are the only woman that can take my breath away." He pulled her back close to him. "I love you so much. I'm never leaving you and don't ever think like that again."

They stayed in each other arms for a moment. William was slightly sad. He knew that one day he would have no choice but to leave Evelyn. She just didn't know it yet.