AUTHOR'S NOTE: I am not deleting this fan is not a new chapter. I am simply informing readers that I have published a second version of it on my profile. Link s/13373039/1/BREAKING-YOU-BAD-VERSION-2.

I was reading my own work and realized how many mistakes I have made so please readers understand why I am recreating a plote I love very much and want give it a new look. Readers do read the new version and if they do still think that I should continue with this version then I will but the new version will have slow update. Don't judge it before reading it though.

Thank you! Dheyl, 2 Guest and iNYX05 for inspiring me after all this years to right again. I was going through a slump due to various reasons and won't give any lame excuses for it. I am still in that slump but I still want write on.

Previously I had faced with some complains that while I kept the original character in their Japanese name, I gave my own characters English name. I thought a fan fiction was about my own imagination running wild. Japanese language is not my first language so there are some I cannot name my characters with the Japanese name since the meaning is not known. Beside what I created was a mixed race so please do try to understand my point of view,

In the Second Version I'll probably delete some character and might add some new ones. I might change some of the names; I will alert the readers on time.

This story will also be uploaded on my wattpad account. link: story/198584074-breaking-you-bad-version-2-a-bleach-fanfiction

Profile name ZoyenceAbigail.