A/N: It's been so long! I've read your reviews and to be honest, I'm so surprised haha. this was my first fanfiction and i didn't think it would get to where it was now and when i reread my work, i want to hide in my bed; it's so embarrassing LOL

but since it is my first fanfiction, I've been learning and growing as a writer and I think it's important to keep going at it until you're satisfied!

Lucy watched his calm and peaceful look on his faxe while he rest in the infirmary. It had been two days since the fight with Minerva and Sting still hasn't woken up.

"I will not let you hurt my mate." Sting stood in front of Lucy. Lucy couldn't register what was happening.

"Isn't that cute? You have a little mate!" Minerva taunted him.

The whole thing kept coming back to her as guilt ran through her. He had come to protect her from Minerva.

"Sting.. wake up so-on okay?" She hiccuped. Her eyes were glossy, her hair was a mess and had heavy bags under her eyes yet she still never left his side.

"Sting-kun is strong! Fairy-san shouldn't worry too much." Lector had also stayed by his side, and gave Lucy comfort. She sat beside Sting's bed hugging his bare arm to her head while Lector hugged Lucy.

Something had been pondering Lector's mind and decided to ask. "Fairy-san?" Lector called out.

Lucy's head turned towards him. "Yes Lector?"

"Does Fairy-san like Sting-kun?" Lucy didn't answer right away, she played with the question in her mind.


"Does Fairy-san want to be with Sting-kun?"

"Yes." Before Lector could ask another question, Rogue causally walked in with a plate of hot food.

"Eat. You need it." Rogue sits the plate down in front of the celestial mage as he put another smaller plate down for the exceed. "Lucy?" Rogue called out to her as he leaned against the wall with his arms crossed.

She could smell Mira's homemade breakfast but couldn't bring herself to eat, but forced herself to eat anyway. "Yeah?"

"I'm planning on signing Sting and I up for Fairy Tail." Her head shot up. "You're joining Fairy Tail?" Rogue faintly smiled.

"Close your mouth or bugs will fly in." Lucy then realized her opened mouth as she quickly closed her mouth looking away. "I've looked at places for myself and Fro." He glanced at the cosplaying cat. "Fro thinks so too!" Fro agreed, running towards Lucy for a hug. "What about Sting..?" Lucy's head raised as she frowned. "You are his mate, I doubt he'll want to be away from you." Rogue smirked.

Lucy felt her face immediately rise up as she accidentally squeezes fro tight. "Fairy-san-n!" Fro tried to escape the summoner's arms. "Oh, sorry Fro." Lucy frowned as she stroked the cute cat. "Lucy, go out on a job." Rogue suggested. "You need to pay your rent and your friends and spirits are worried about you." Rogue clarified. "I'll watch him with Fro and update you on anything. Lector will also go with you." Rogue than began to help the blonde up only for her to lightly push Rogue away. "B-But I-I.. I wanna stay with Sting.." She held onto Sting's arm, pleading. "It'll only be for the day, go out and get some sun." Rogue once again pulled her up, only this time; she obliged.

As she walked out of the infirmary, the guild was loud as always but when Lucy came out everybody was walking on eggshells around her. "Lucy!" Mira cheerfully called her out as she hurried towards her. "What is it, Mira?" Lucy glanced at white sheet of paper in her hands. "I heard your rent is coming up soon, and I know you don't want to be far from Sting, so could you help me get some stuff from the market?' Lucy happily nodded as she didn't have to leave Magnolia

"Thanks Lucy! it'll be a great help!" Mira then walked back to the bar. "Lucy! I'll come with!" Lisanna kindly smiled at her. Lisanna only came back 6 months ago but she and Lisanna had gotten pretty close.

As they walk to the market, they laugh and talked and bonded. "I remember when they were kids, Natsu lost to Gray once and Natsu wouldn't stop crying!" Lisanna burst into laughter. "He did?" Lucy was close to tears as she laughed really hard for the first time in a while.

"Fairy-san, can we get apples?" Lector sat on Lucy's shoulder. "Yeah, of course." she smiled. "So, Lucy.. about Sting.." Lisanna slowly brought up. "How are you doing?" Lucy bit her lip. "I'm.. good. I guess. I don't know." Lucy sighed. "Do you like him?" Lucy nodded. "For some reason, I can't explain it but when he kissed me at the ball.. It feels like I was missing something and now I've found it, you know?" Lisanna nodded in agreement.

"I understand even though i haven't actually experienced it myself.. but I think it's a wonderful thing. Some people search and search for their other half but sometimes they never find it." Lisanna smiled sadly.

They picked up all the items at the market and stopped at a magic shop. "Welcome ladies, anything I can help you with?" an old man welcomed them in with a wrinkled smile. "Do you have any new keys?" Lucy looked around the store as Lisanna looked at magic restoring pills. "Actually in fact a very rare key that just came in today!" the old man's smile widen even more. "It's a dragon! unfortunately I have no clue what kind or what dragon it is." he frowned.

Lisanna and Lucy stared at each other with wide eyes. "Dragon..?" they mumbled. "I'll take it!" Lucy shrieked. "Alright! no need to panic, young ladies." the old man chuckled. "For you, a gift since you're a mage at fairy tial. I owe that old man Makarov a favor." he winked. Lucy's mouth gaped open. "No no, I couldn't possibly.."as she tried to pay, the old man waved her off. "I can tell you have a good heart.. This dragon needs a good owner." He smiled. "Thank you very much!" Lucy gave a bow and waved goodbye.

As they walked back to the guild, Lucy studied the key. "Hey Lucy, if you want; you could go to an open field and see the dragon if you want." Lisanna suggested. "Really?" Lucy widened her eyes at her. "Yeah! i'll be going back, since it's not much of a walk." Lisanna smiled as she grabbed Lucy's bags walking off. Lucy then walked off to an open field with Lector.

"Lector what kind of dragon do you think it is?" she happily smiled. "Sting's dragon!" Lector proudly exclaimed. Lucy only giggled. "You think so?" she also secretly agreed. As they found a nice open area they began to call upon the dragon. "Open! Gate of the Dragon!" as she twisted the key, a large glow came, blinding both Lucy and Lector from seeing any further.

"I am Weisslogia, the white dragon." A deep voice roared out. Weisslogia.. "You're Sting's dragon!" Lucy stared in awe. The dragon only huffed, sounding like a laugh. "Sting? you know him? you sure do smell like him." Weisslogia laid in the meadow, using his full form. "I'm.. uh." Lucy did her best to say 'mate' but somehow it couldn't come out of her mouth. "Mate!" Lector blurted out. "Lector!" Lucy whined.

"Sorry Fairy-san!" Lector giggled. "Mate?" Weisslogia's eyes widened. "If Sting is your mate, why have you not fulfilled the mating ritual?" Lucy frowned. Mating ritual? "What's the mating ritual?" No one's ever mentioned any of this to her..

"The mating ritual is where you become one with your mate. You may have found your mate, but that doesn't mean it's complete. You unite your souls together by mating, tying together your life as one. If one dies, the other follows. He is your other half, as you are his. You cannot live without each other nor stay away from each other for long." Weisslogia explained.

Lucy only watched the huge dragon explain the process and the importance of mating. "why haven't you fully mated yet, master?" Weisslogia questioned her. "Please don't call me master, we're friends now! I'm Lucy." She grinned. "We-e haven't mated-d yet because he rejected me.." she mumbled. "I'm sure there's a misunderstanding, Sting knows the importance of mates and clearly wouldn't give up his mate." Weisslogia encouraged.

A bright light then surrounded Weisslogia as he slowly altered into a small Weisslogia. "Woah, you're so tiny!" Lucy poked the white dragon, laughing. "Lucy, this is my portable size, I assume my larger form takes up a lot of magic, doesn't it? so let's walk while we talk, yes?" as he slithered onto Lucy's arm while Lector on the other shoulder. "Sting-kun would be so happy so his dragon again!" Lector beamed, but only for the smile to slip off his face as he realizes Sting was in a coma.

"He would be.." Lucy smiled sadly. "Is there something with Sting?" Weisslogia pushed the issue as he sensed a depressing aura. Lucy glanced at the snake-like figure of Weisslogia as she recalled on the memory that haunted her for the past couple of days. "You see.. Sting's ex teammate attacked me, but Sting stood infront of me to take the attack and afterwards, he hasn't woken up.." Lucy bit her lip to stop herself from tearing up.

"I see. He's already chosen to protect you with his life." Weisslogia faintly smiled. As they walked further, Lucy sensed her commuation lacrima. Onscreen was Rogue. "Rogue? Did Sting's condition change?!" Lucy than began to panic, imagining the worst. "Yes, please come back." Rogue replied. "I'm sorry, Weisslogia, we'll continue this later!" "Of course, Lucy." Weisslogia replied as Lucy forced his gate closed."Lector, please fly us there!" Lucy pleaded the exceed. "Of course, fairy-san!" Lector then carried a panicked Lucy towards the guild.

As Lucy ran inside the guild, there was no aura of sadness anywhere, instead the fire dragon slayer walked up to her and pushed her towards the infirmary. "Good luck, Luce!" he grinned. Lucy looked at Natsu's face with confusion, but waved it away. As she turned the knob of the door, she took a deep breath as she walked in. "Lucy..."

She stared at the figure on the bed as Lector ran past her towards Sting. "STING-KUN!" Lector cried as he ran into Sting's arms. "Lector! I hope you've eaten well." Sting gave off the biggest boyish grin. Lucy's heart then swelled seeing the smile on his face. "Of course, Sting-kun! Fairy-san was with me!" Sting than raised up his head to the blonde celestial mage. He then realized that tears streamed down her face as he opened his arms to her. "Lucy, come here." He hardened his face as she hesitantly walked towards him. "C'here." Sting than pulled Lucy into a tight hug.

"Lector, come." Rogue's voice called out. "Rogue-kun, why?" Lector frowned. "Leave those two alone for now." Rogue chuckled. After a faint sound of the door clicking,

"If anything were to happen to you.." raspy, he took in the scent of his mate. "Sting.. I was so worried.." Lucy weeped. "Lucy.. Don't cry anymore, I can't handle my mate crying." Sting chuckled. "I don't want to be away from you any longer.." Lucy cried. "Never. Leaving your side was the worst mistake of my life, I'll follow you until you're annoyed enough to pull out your hair." he laughed. Lucy only nodded as she clinged onto Sting's broad shoulders.

"Will you let me perform the mating process..?" Sting raised up Lucy's chin. "Yes." Lucy accepted. Suddenly, Sting crashed his lips onto Lucy's as she matchingly kissed him back. She could feel the heat coming off his chest, as she ran her hand all over Sting's rather sculptured torso. Pulling away, Sting managad to say 3 important words. "Lucy, you're my life." Sting stared into her brown chocolate eyes, as they both try to catch their breath.

The end.

A/N: If you're wondering, the mating ritual is intercourse! It's just.. I'M TOO SHY IT WRITE IT OUT LOL

I hope you guys enjoyed this as much as I enjoyed writing this, also I'd like to thank all the reviews and supporters, if it weren't for you; I'd probably wouldn't even bother writing this.

I might write another story and there will be a poll on which ship you guys would like! Please vote! thank you for everything. (:
