I am using Marry Me by Train, but I do not own anything. Review peeps!


"Forever can never be long enough for me

To feel like I've had long enough with you

Forget the world now, we won't let them see

But there's one thing left to do

Now that the weight has lifted

Love has surely shifted my way

Marry me

Today and every day

Marry me

If I ever get the nerve to say "Hello" in this cafe

Say you will


Say you will


Together can never be close enough for me

To feel like I am close enough to you

You wear white and I'll wear out the words "I love you"

And you're beautiful

Now that the wait is over

And love has finally shown her my way

Marry me

Today and every day

Marry me

If I ever get the nerve to say "Hello" in this cafe

Say you will


Say you will


Promise me

You'll always be

Happy by my side

I promise to

Sing to you

When all the music dies

And marry me

Today and everyday

Marry me

If I ever get the nerve to say "Hello" in this cafe

Say you will


Say you will


Marry Me by Train began to be played, acoustically. For a wedding chapel in Vegas that was quite classy.

Kensi didn't waste any time buying a white silky dress. She bought the first one she could find as she knew Suzanne would make her have a larger wedding upon arriving back in Texas eventually. Deeks threw on some jeans, a purple shirt and a blazer, it was the only thing he could find in such short time. He scurried up to the altar and waited for the love of his life to walk down the aisle and sure enough as the song started he glanced up and saw his beautiful bride. Kensi was there, walking down the aisle. Hips in full sway, small cut on her forehead, in a silky white dress. Her hair was down, laying perfectly right over her shoulders. She looked up at him and mouthed a few lyrics of the song to him, "Marry me

Today and every day

Marry me" and Deeks easily responded with the next line, "I promise to sing to you…" They both busted up in laughter. He would sing. He would sing, always, for sure.

As Kensi took her stance next to Deeks, she took his hand. The preacher began, "If anyone has any reason why these two should not be joined in Holy Matrimony, please speak now." Deeks was so lost in Kensi's eyes that no one else existed. He played back the last fews years they had had together. Their partnership. Their fake engagement. The way they fell in love. The way that they hadn't quite expected but sure enough, it happened.

"Um excuse me one moment." A voice came from the back of the chapel and sent chills through both of them. They both cringed and turned to look at the short woman in the back of the chapel, sure enough, she did know everything.

"A word, you two?" She motioned them to her.

"I know you think that this is…." she began as Deeks cut her off.

"Hetty, I am sorry but no you don't know. We are in love and we just got in a plane crash, a plane crash and I...refuse to listen to you telling us that you know what this is...that you think you know what is happening right now, because you don't. I almost lost my best friend. My partner in life and love and I am never taking any chances again. I don't want one more minute to go by and not call her mine...forever and forevermore." Deeks said as he snaked his arm around her waist.

"I see, Mr. Deeks. So what you are saying, is you are making decisions out of impulse and are not stable enough to make rash decisions in this mission." Hetty kept her lips thinned out and what Deeks swore, was a wink from her.

"Wait, I don't understand." Deeks looked at Kensi hopeful.

"I knew...I knew...that my passionate dears would do something like this and good for you, you don't waste life. Good. However, I needed to make sure I was here to be able to report back to Vance and let him know that you two encountered trauma and your decision making is a bit impulsive and off and that he should probably find someone else for the job." Hetty said as she took Kensi's hand in hers and handed her an old locket necklace.

"Here my dear, something old because I guarantee I am older than anyone you know and out of all your guests." She said and motioned Kensi to listen to her whisper, "Kensi, I want you to keep your family, the family that a part of me wanted one day, but because of the path I chose, the job...I never got to have, until Mr. Callen and the rest of you came along that is…Keep the locket and remember what it is that is your top priority in life, above the career and all...figure out what it is and run as far as you can with it." She kissed her cheek and looked at them both.

"Wait, Hetty...so you are saying..?" Kensi clarified.

"I'm saying, I see the love. I'm not a complete idiot. You two have proven time and time again that love is a key and vital part to life no matter what the job. You are meant to be, and that is clear. I think it is time for you to both take some time off and plan a real wedding and really prioritize and figure out how you want your lives to look, and then we will all regroup and meet again, after the wedding that is because the invitation says the 27 of this month." She winked again towards them both.

"Wait um, what?" Kensi looked at Deeks.

"I don't even know how, but my bet is on my momma." Deeks laughed and took her hand.

"Come on babe let's get out of here, Excuse us Hetty, we are on the next flight to Texas." Deeks said smiling from side to side.

"Yeeeehaw!" Kensi yelled and ran out with Deeks.

He waved down a taxi and Kensi whispered in his ear, "maybe you can show me how to wave down a cow in Texas!" she chuckled.

"Kens, thank God you are adorable because it is definitely rope down and I don't know if I am that Texan, I do have some L.A. swag." He laughed and poked her sides.

"Deeks, thank God you are adorable because no one says swag anymore." She just laughed as he tickled her.

They got in the taxi waving to Hetty and drove away, headed to Texas, for possibly the last time.


I updated for you guys, hopefully it doesn't suck. I am closing this up in a couple chapters. The Wedding chapter next and then probably one or two more. Thanks for still reviewing some of you guys, it's because of you this exists.