BloodyEnchantress here…. I'm new so well this story will probably be worse than the fattest woman alive wearing a bikini….[I think I just scarred myself] anyways I hope that it will not be that bad but feel free to give suggestions, CONSTRUCTIVE criticism, and things like that to me I would greatly appreciate it...





Swords talking

Demons Talking inside head

[Author's note]



Okay I don't own anything obviously, or I would not be here now would I ? I mean geez use your, no wait, those who think I own any of this shit go out a buy you a brain that's not smaller than an atom! Or one that actually exists...

*"Inuyasha! No!" I called out to him but it was too late. I watched him come at me with his claws, felt a sharp pain, and let the silky ink-like darkness drown me into oblivion.*

"AHHHH!" I cried sitting up. Seeing that I was in my room I sighed out in relief, but it seemed the fates thought that I did not deserve it for I noticed the time, "Shit Inuyasha's going to kill me!" I got up and started packing. When I finished I jumped down the well and felt the well's magic caress me as it worked its magic, however half way through something went wrong and instead of violet-blue I was surrounded by a violent red color. Then pain struck through me and I blacked out...

Short but necessary I guess...

Anyways, read, review, follow, favorite, or whatever...

Just do not kill the bunny, kitten, or puppy. That's the government's job!

Ja ne

Word count (291)

Total word count (291)