So this is a combination of a Happy Birthday Fic to Naruto as well as a Happy Halloween one. I was originally going to post this on the 21st, but I've been busy. There is more than one chapter. Therefore, it will take a few days to post the rest of the story. It should all be up by the 31st! Anyway, let the story begin!

WARNING: Lemon, Lime, OOC, Original Characters, etc.

Prologue: The Spell Book

A girl with greenish blue hair sat on a rock staring over the village below. She had black and white butterfly wings on her back. She was wearing black pants and a black shirt. Black ripped cloth swung over her shirt and pants like a dress. Her eyes where blue with aquamarine eyeshadow. She wasn't pale nor tanned. The girl smiled as she saw some villagers walk pass her. The smile was one of pure evilness. As the moon rose higher in the sky, the dark fairy stood.

"Now Kuroyuri," she chuckled darkly. "Let's have some fun." She jumped over the edge and headed towards the Halloween party the village was having. All around her were people dressed up as vampire, werewolves, ghosts, devils, witches (she laughed each time she saw one), and several other creatures. What caught her eye was a boy with black hair tinted blue hiding in the darkness. It looked like she was the only one to see him. She followed his gaze. It lead to a boy with blonde hair. The blonde was dressed up as a fox, and not just any fox, a demon one.

Now Kuroyuri knew about the villages' past with the great demon, the Nine-Tailed fox. She knew that many of the villagers hated the one who hosted the demon that took so many lives including their Hokage, the Fourth. But she watched as several people walked up to the boy and chatted away with him as if none of their hatred ever existed. She turned back to the raven who glared at the happy scene. An evil grin flashed on Kuroyuri's face. She walked right up to the raven who let shock slip through his mask, but only for a few seconds.

"What do you want?" the raven asked.

"That's what I want to know," Kuroyuri said. "Let me guess. You are either jealous of the blonde, jealous of those around the blonde, or you just want revenge on this village for something only a few people did to your family."

The raven glared at Kuroyuri. "Hn."

"Hn? Ah," she smirked. "Sasuke Uchiha, I'm guessing. Then it is then last two."

"Two?" Sasuke raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah," Kuroyuri said. "You love the blonde."

Sasuke snarled. "I do not love Naruto."

"Then why not kill him?" Kuroyuri asked. "Now would be the best chance. His guard is now. Heck, you could just burn Konoha to the ground this very second."

"That's because," Sasuke paused. "Who are you?"

"Oh just a simple fairy," Kuroyuri said. "Well, how about I show you something much more entertaining than a village on fire? Ever seen a village destroyed be its own villagers?" Sasuke shook his head. Kuroyuri grinned. "Well, let's change that. But first, you need a costume." Kuroyuri pulled out a book. It was blood-red with white lettering. Sasuke could not read the words on the book. Kuroyuri flipped through the book. "I think this will work." She muttered a few words. Suddenly, red mist surrounded Sasuke. Sasuke was about to use Susanno when he saw his clothes change. Feathers appeared all over black pants and a black shirt. Wing appeared on his back. He could tell that they were fake.

"What are you planning?" Sasuke glared.

"Oh, just some fun," Kuroyuri said. She flipped a few pages then smirked at Sasuke. "The name's Kuroyuri, a fairy of Darkness. And this book once belonged to a witch. In other words, it is a real-life spell book. And I'm going to cast a little spell. I hope you enjoy it." Before Sasuke could move to stop her, Kuroyuri began to chant. "Mereka berpakaian seperti orang lain pada malam ini terang bulan, kini akan menjadi apa yang mereka berpura-pura menjadi. Apabila manusia, kini syaitan. Setelah normal, kini makhluk kegelapan."(*) Red mist/fog appeared and swept through Konoha. Screams of fright and confusion spread among everyone. The same fog surrounded Sasuke. In a matter of seconds, no human was left in Konoha. Instead, creatures of the night and of darkness stood.

(*)Malay for: Kono tsukiyo ni tanin ni fun shita mono wa, ima, karera wa furi o suru no ka ni narudearou. Katsute ningen, ima oni. Ichido nōmaru, ima yami no ikimono. {Japanese}


Those dressed as others on this moonlit night, shall now become what they pretend to be. Once human, now demon. Once normal, now a creature of darkness.