I really hate doing this and i hate it when people do it to me but i really have a problem. Those that have been following me here and on tumblr know if my story the Hidden Journal...you also know that recently my computer got messed with and alot (90%) of my plotline planning got deleted.

Its been wicked hard trying to get the story back on track with the little plot info i have since i made all my modifications and changes on my computer one. Right now I personally feel that the story isnt flowing in the direction that it was heading.

I would like to scrap the story and start a new one fresh but...its is up to you guys...If you would like me to finish the story than i will.

If i scrap the story i will start a new one in a completely different context than the Hidden Journal. It saddens me to even write this post but i felt i should be honest with you guys.

So...you honest thoughts?