(This will be a collection of shorts under this title, lots of everyday situations that show all those emotions of a budding romance between Dean and Cas. I'm open for requests on this, any typical or unusual situations you want to see their love, humor, lust or jealousy shine just shoot me a PM and I'll see what I can do for you.)

Castiel appeared and looked around the room, there were pizza boxes and beer bottles scattered everywhere and Dean was eating a jelly doughnut while looking over Sam's shoulder as he worked on the computer.

A blob fell off and landed on Sam's shirt, Sam frowned as Dean licked it off, "Sorry…getting my serving of fruit."

Castiel shook his head and tugged on Dean's jacket, "Strawberry jelly is not a fruit, you need to eat better."

Dean suddenly got that look in his eye that told Sam he was up to something, "You know what blue eyes your right, I need to eat better. Wanna go shopping with me?"

The angel eyed him warily, "You are not planning on anything untoward are you Dean?"

"Me? No way I want to go fruit shopping…you and Sam always think I have motives and stuff."

Sam smirked and kept on typing, "Dean you are so gay."

Dean snapped, "I am not gay Sam!"

Sam chuckled, "Keep telling yourself that enough and maybe it will come true…Cas don't let him around the vegetable section."

Castiel took Deans hands and smiled softly, "Oh Sam vegetables are healthy!"

"Not the way Dean uses them."

Sam watched out the window as the pair walked together, the angel locked pinkies with Dean right up to the car, Dean opened the door for Castiel and then gave Sam a thumbs up.


The angel held up the kiwi examining it closely, "Dean is this a good fruit?"

Dean bumped against him from behind and whispered, "I love all my fruits little, furry and sweet."

The angel looked back at him and frowned, "Why are you whispering?"

"I'm trying to be sort of …you know…flirty."

"You are not gay remember, do you want the kiwi or not?

Dean sighed and grabbed the kiwi, "You don't pick up on things very easily do you? Maybe there's a sledgehammer section."

The angel brightened up when he saw the bananas, "I know what these are, I like these Dean!" Dean tried the sexy whisper thing again and when the banana joke didn't go over either he gave up.

Dean took off on his own and came back with a huge bag of red licorice, he tossed it in the cart and watched Castiel picking out cucumbers. He had them lined up according to size and tapped his chin thoughtfully.

"Geez just pick out a cucumber already Cas you're not making a salad for Gordon Ramsey!"

He ignored Dean and fingered each of them then a slight smile passed his lips, he picked one up and put it in the basket, "Perfect."

They checked out and Dean brought the bags to the car, Castiel fished out the cucumber and sat there holding it, Dean glanced over every once in awhile and finally pulled the Impala over.

"Ok what's with the cucumber, are you naming it…should we stop and pick up some glue and googly eyes and then give it a proper name?"

Castiel petted the cucumber, "It is my new boyfriend."

Dean grabbed it and tossed the cucumber in the back seat, he looked around to be sure no one saw him and then grabbed the angels hand and pressed it between his legs, and kissed Castiel on the ear, "Now that's a nice piece of produce."

Castiel lowered his eyes and his cheeks flushed pink, "Are you saying you will be my boyfriend?"

"Only if you break up with the cucumber."


Sam watched as they held pinkies right up to the door, his brother held it open being a true gentleman and Castiel walked in with a rare smile on his face.

Sam watched them with amusement finding his brother and Castiel the best free entertainment ever, "So did you two learn anything today?"

Dean patted the angel's bottom, "I learned Cas is my little kiwi."

Castiel rolled his eyes toward the ceiling to think of a good answer, "Yes Sam, a real boyfriend is better than a cucumber."