This takes place after Luna Gleeful. I thought I'd make a one shot.

I was sitting down sulking in thought, when Mabel happened to knitting a sweater while playing Sev'ral Timez music loudly. They are pretty crappy. But that's my sister for you. Take the biggest piece of crap ever and she'll like it. "Mabel, turn it down." I told her. She frowned, turned it off, and stopped knitting. "What's wrong, Dip? You haven't been yourself lately. You would be reading your journal right now." she said, her head cocked to the right in a confused manner. "I'm fine. I'm just thinking about how annoying my life is." I snapped. Mabel got really confused. "Annoying? How? You can tell me, you know." she said, clearly trying to cheer me up. "Okay. So you know how Luna said she had a crush on me?" I asked her. She nodded and muttered, "That evil witch..." Then I started to explain everything. "Well, I'm still dating Candy, but Luna's being a nuisance. She jump-scared and stalked me. At one point I thought she'd even try rape, she's so annoying. Once when I was reading my journal to Candy in the forest, Luna spoke in a stupid, shrill voice, and kept telling Candy to wazz off. It's like, come on, Luna, even your brother knows your freaking crush on me." Mabel nodded sympathetically. She looked like she was expecting me to say something else, but instead, she spoke. "How do you think I feel? Gideon still sends those creepy love letters. Opening one is like opening a Howler. I get embarrassed and want to run as far from the envelope as possible. Gideon still wants me to go out with him again, but he needs to take a hint." I smiled. It was nice having someone know exactly how you feel. "Never mind, Mabel. I think I'm alright now. Luna just got easier to deal with." I said, picking up my journal. This is an example of a time where I really loved Mabel's presence.