Philia- Ancient Greek word for love, in the sense of close friends. This is not meant to imply romance.

Kaldur doesn't quite comprehend the idea behind a 'best' friend. The others tried to explain it to him several times. Contrary to what they believe, Kaldur understands the concept. What he doesn't is the execution.

There are fair weather friends, and there are true friends. He knows, without a doubt, that the Team are his true friends. But there are many types of friends. There are friends you go to when you're feeling sad, friends who can lighten your heart with little effort. Here, he thinks, Wally belongs.

But sometimes, when sad, one doesn't want to hear jokes and laughter. Peace, quiet, and understanding is needed. Connor fits the type well.

And there are times when he simply needs to talk. M'gann is a good listener, and she's good at offering sincere comfort.

Artemis will always speak her mind, nor will she mince words. Though blunt, Kaldur knows that Artemis is the friend you go to when you need advice.

Robin is a fellow soldier. They understand experiences the others do not, fought beside their mentors. He is the friend who offers support.

All these thoughts and memories fly through Kaldur's mind as the sees the steel-tipped arrow.

He can't see Roy's eyes, but he knows they are scared, desperate. His entire world has been shaken to the core, and his friend is in freefall. The archer tenses, and Kaldur knows that Roy holds his life.

And, in that moment, he thinks he understands what the others meant.