Arthur's Jones Journal


Dear journal

My name is Arthur jones I live with my older brother Alfred. I'm 11 years old I have blond hair and green eyes Alfred my older brother is very tall as I'm very short, compered to most people who are the same age he has blond hair and blue eyes and loves being the hero and is very protective of me witch is very annoying but helpful at times.

Alfred and me and very close as Alfred looks after me all the time. Since our parents passed and is at college while I am at school and he also works so I sometimes I'm on my own or out next door neighbour is their, My friends are Feliciano Vargas Ludwig Weillschmidt Honda Kiku Francis Bonnefoy Antonio Fernandez Carriedo Lovino Vargas Felicano's older twin brother and Gilbert Weillschmidt Ludwig older brother. My best friend and secret love interest is Antonio Carriedo we have known each other since we were little.

Antonio is from spain and is apart of the BBT The Bad Touch Trio. The other to members of the BTT are Francis and Gilbert all three together love to cause trouble for us and others, but it funny in how they do something and then either get caught or get away with it. Antonio is tall with green eyes like mine but they have a olive green colure to them while mine are emerald and sun kissed skin he is extremely kind and caring but at the same time is incredibly dense as hell when it comes to things - " Arthur you finished we have to go or we will be late" that my brother I have to go I'll wright in tomorrow bye.
