Just thought I'd clarify something, this is all taking place in Forks and Bella has not moved there yet.

Any other questions ask and I will try to answer and clear any confusion

DISCLAIMER- I do not own Harry Potter or Twilight they belong to their rightful authors Stephenie Meyer and J. K. Rowling



Jasper quietly makes his way to the door hoping to get far away before anyone notices his absence. He just needed to get away for a while so that he doesn't get too close to the child.

He couldn't risk everything for something as unsure as the possibility that Harry might have similar feelings for him when he is older. But because Harry is only human his feelings for Jasper will never be as strong as Jasper's because Harry would not feel the insistent pull from their mate bond urge him to give everything to his mate for the hope that his feelings would be returned.

Yeah, he gets that love never is a sure thing but Jasper couldn't risk the life of a child for that possibility. And that's why he had to leave.

"No no no. NO!" His fiery little sister easily glides into the space between him and the door.

"Alice.. move."

"I'm not letting you do this." She crosses her arms and hardens her stance.


"No. Don't you 'Alice' me as if I am the one in the wrong, Mister. I am not the one who is about to throw away his life as if it doesn't matter. Your happiness matters Jasper! I know that you don't think so but it's true and we all want it for you." Alice looks straight into Jasper's eyes as she spoke. "Yeah you can run away from this if you want but that will get you nowhere. I've seen it! I've seen versions of the same thing. In some of them you come back and in some you just leave and we never see you again. The only good outcomes I've seen are the ones where you stay."

Jasper looked torn as he stared back at the fiery girl who he has come to think as a sister and best friend. He honestly didn't know what he was supposed to do. There were too many options and most of them end badly.

"Try for a week." Alice suggested softly. As soon as the words leave her mouth Jasper looks affronted. When it looked like he was going to protest. She raises her hand to stop his protests. "Then and only then we will let you leave and we won't try to stop you."

"Alice I don't think I can handle that.."

"Just try... that's all I'm asking. For you to just try." She pleads. "Do it for Harry. He needs you just as much as you need him."

"He doesn't need me." Jasper sighed turning away from the door. "He is a sweet little child in emotional distress who latched onto me for some bizarre reason I can't figure out. He needs someone who won't hurt him."

"Then don't hurt him. Leaving will only hurt him more. Stay... Please?" Alice moved away from the door and out of the room.

That clever girl.. She was leaving the choice to stay all on him. Smart, because if she forced him to stay he would of blamed her for anything that went wrong.

She was right though, he would hurt Harry if he left now. He hated when she was always right.

Well it looked like he wasn't going anywhere today.

In the kitchen Esme smiled as she listened to her son's footsteps going up the stairs and into his room.

Alice smiled knowingly beside her as she hummed quietly and arranging some flowers in a vase. She knew Jasper would stay easily he just needed someone to give him a reason.

Jasper didn't know it yet but that raven-haired boy was going to steal his heart. And when that happened he will never think about leaving his side. This is because Jasper loves with his whole heart and he would never desert someone he loves not unless they ask him to and even then they better have an unarguable reason.


"Good morning sweety."

"Harry? Are you hungry?"

"I made you a delicious breakfast."

"Did you sleep well?"

"Did you want something from the store too?"

"Please stay close to me."

"I'll miss you."

"I will only be away for a few hours."

"I love you."

"Hello Harry."

"Morning Harry!"




"Hey there."

'Jasper..' Harry stood in the doorway of the living clutching the book to his stomach. Did you want me to read more of that to you.

Harry nodded slowly. Jasper sighed but still out-stretched his arm motioning for Harry to come closer. Reluctantly Harry handed the book over and sat down on the couch beside Jasper.

"Phoenixes are magical birds of Greek origin that is believed to raise from the ashes..." Jasper easily fell into a lull of reading. Harry beside him so eagerly hanging off of every word.

This routine went the same for weeks. When Jasper wasn't there and in school Harry sat quietly in a corner flipping through the pages of his book looking at the pictures and quietly reciting in his head the names of the ones Jasper has read to him.

Today was the same, he waited quietly and every few minutes glancing at the door. This was around the time when he always came home.

Harry didn't know what made Jasper so special. He just felt drawn to him, like he needed him to stay close. Jasper was safety. Something about being around Jasper made him feel like everything was going to be okay and he didn't need to be scared anymore.

Another hour passes and there is still no sign of Jasper. Harry was starting to worry.

'Where was Jasper?'

'Did he leave me?'

'What if he just just doesn't want to see me?'

'Did I do something wrong?'

Why was it suddenly so hard to breathe? Harry gasps and it feels like the room is closing in on him but his thought are still going down that dark alley so it distracts him from the spinning room.

'He hates me.'

'I m too broken to love.'

'I wouldn't even love me.'

'No one will ever want me.'

'Jasper is better off leaving me.'

'He is never coming back.'

'He never wants to see me again.'

'He wishes that-' Harry's line of thought is cut short when a hand falls gently on his knee.

"Harry... I need you to slow down and a concentrate on my voice. Okay?" The hand leaves his knee to rub his back gently. "Listen to my voice. And just breathe."

Was that Jasper? No, that's impossible Jasper hates him now.

The coolest of the hand rubbing circles into his back feels good and he so can feel his air come more easily to him. The voice keeps talking and telling him to just listen to it. It's a nice voice that flows easily over him soothing him.

He can finally see who the voice and hand belongs to. He looks up to a familiar face looking at him in concern.


"Welcome back kid." He smiled. He makes a moves like he is going to stand up and away from Harry but he quickly grabs a handful of Jasper's shirt to keep him where he is.

"It's alright kid, I'm not leaving. I was just going to grab something from my bag." Harry looked down and sure enough there was Jasper's backpack laying abandoned on the floor.

All of the other Cullen's are in the doorway looking at him with the same sad look. Oh no! He broke a rule! He brought attention to himself... Now they were going to ask him to get out. Tears flood his eyes . He hears some whispers and Jasper shifts beside him.

"I wanted to switch up our reading and I found this in our library and thought you would like it.." Jasper pulls a book out from his bag. "It's a book on all mythical creatures and beasts not just the Greek ones. Want me to read it?"

He looks up again and the rest of the Cullen's are nowhere to be seen and Jasper is sitting on the couch behind him. Quickly, he gathers himself off the floor and sits beside him.

"I'll take that as a 'yes'. Here we go; The Kitsune comes from Japanese lore of mystical fox that has multiple..." They read through a couple more creature then Jasper stops and looks to the doorway. Doctor Cullen is standing there smiling.

"Harry. Haley had to stay later at work and she won't be done until the morning. So you will be staying here tonight. Is that alright?" He asked.

Harry nods.

"Good, since we don't have an extra bed you will just have to share with Jasper." Doctor Cullen smiled and left the room.

Did Jasper even want to share his room with him? He should ask him first... But he's not allowed to speak..

'Jasper wouldn't care, he's nice.' Exactly! That's why Harry needed to be good and follow the rules!

Jasper got up and started talking to Alice who had entered the room.

Should he talk to Jasper too?


Late that same day

Well, today had definitely not gone as planned. His plan was to get home and go straight upstairs. No he wasn't going to ignore Harry. If Harry came to him he would have been nice and read to the kid some more.

But no, he was held up at school by Rosalie who felt the need to yell at him and didn't want to do it where it could upset Harry if he heard. And boy did he get an earful...

When he did finally get home something had happened and he found Harry having a panic attack. Esme and Alice were hovering over him without touching because he would flinch away every time they tried. So he stepped in already reaching out through the air with calming waves but it didn't seem to do much. Jasper had then started to talk to Harry gently and he showed some signs of calming.

It took some time to calm the kid down to the point where he actually recognized Jasper but he was able to get there. And when Harry had grabbed onto him to keep him from leaving the look he found in his eyes was so heartbreaking... Why had he even thought about doing this to the kid yesterday?

Harry did need him.

Even now looking boy on the sleeping boy in his bed, he couldn't imagine leaving him. Harry had gotten so sad when Jasper moved to leave after settling Harry down for the night.


"Okay kid, this is where you will be sleeping tonight." Jasper patted the bed and pulled back the covers.

Harry climbed onto the bed without protest and laid down. And Jasper brought the covers back up tucking the kid in.

"Goodnight kid." Jasper smiled and turned to leave. Jasper nearly topples over from a huge wave of sadness that washes over him.

"...stay..." Came a whisper from the bed. He heard a gasp from downstairs, they heard it too. Was that Harry?


"...stay here.. with me..."

Harry was talking... To him.

"Okay, Harry." Jasper sat down on the bed beside Harry and grabs their book and starts reading. Harry slowly moves closer to Jasper snuggling into his side. Jasper continues to read as Harry slowly drifts to sleep lulled by Jasper's voice.

Eventually, Jasper stops reading when he can tell Harry is deeply asleep. He looks down at the sleeping boy and can't stop the small smile the escapes. He gently strokes the raven locks that are covering his face .

This boy was someone special he could feel it. And as much as he wanted to let Harry be someone special to him, he knew that it would have too much risk involved. Harry didn't need that in his life.


Harry tossed a little in his sleep and mumbled but he settled down again curled up against Jasper. Jasper just smiled again ruffled the kid's hair affectionately which caused Harry to smile in his sleep.

Who could ever even think of hurting someone so precious?

He will find them and they will pay.

That was a promise he made then and there and it was one he would definitely keep.


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I know, I know... I suck I don't update in forever... But still I hope you like!

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