Lukas was settled quite happily on the couch, ankles crossed, book in hand. It was dark out, Emil in bed, and Matthias outside cleaning off his ax. The thing wasn't allowed in the house- per order of Norway- when it was filthy, and Matthias was too stubborn to wait another day. Sure, he could have waited, but that wasn't how he did things- so it was dinner (stew) then right outside to care for the weapons, light or lack thereof be damned. Not that Lukas minded, but sometimes their current setup felt like a convoluted game of house- mommy watching the baby while daddy went out and hunted (or whatever it was Matthias did). But that was whatever. Totally fine.

A wail split the air, child evidently awake. Lukas heaved a long-suffering sigh, bookmarking his place before standing up to stretch and tend to Emil. It never failed, somehow the boy always managed to not fall asleep instantly. Usually it just meant telling a bedtime story and watching him nod off- already done. Once in a blue moon, Lukas suspected that it was a nightmare that woke his little brother up. He didn't know that for a fact, of course. Talented as he was, Lukas did not, in fact, speak baby. Perhaps he could turn Emil purple, or make him float, but understand him? Not yet. He stifled a groan, bending to pick up the lantern. He was still a teenager! (At least physically.) He shouldn't be this stiff yet!

"What's wrong?" The door swung open quietly to admit him into the room and Lukas settled the lantern down, scooping up the little one. Emil's face had gone quite red by this point, in stark contrast to his usual fair skin, tiny fists flailing. One thudded harmlessly into his older brother's chest. Lukas hummed, cradling Emil against his shoulder. He didn't know what had the child so upset, but he would do all he could to calm him down.

Slowly, with many fits and starts of tears, Emil quieted down.

"So what was that all about?" No real response, but the baby snuffled, wide eyes looking up into his older brother's darker ones. All Lukas could do was shrug, using his free hand to gently smooth down Emil's hair. Who blinked sleepily, a tiny hand latched onto his pointer and middle fingers, Emil pulling them closer to him before falling asleep.

Lukas let a small smile creep onto his face, standing in a nightshirt, warm weight of his fast-asleep little brother in his arms. This was nice, to be honest. After a quick, furtive check for the presence of Matthias- who was nowhere to be seen- Lukas bent his head down to nuzzle into the child's white-blonde hair.

"You're going to grow up to be a great country, you know." A moment of silence while Emil shifted slightly in his sleep and Lukas tried to figure the best way to articulate his thoughts.

"I love you."