HEY GUYS! I've done a lot of thinking and I haven't updated ANY of my stories in such a long time BUT I'M GONNA START UPDATING AGAIN DONT WORRY! Thank you guys for sticking with me, and I promise you won't be disappointed! ALSO just saying we have 196 reviews! THATS INSANE AND IM FREAKING OUT OH MY GOD!

grapejuice101: Yay! Hook and Dorothy are getting closer and I'm so ready for the tension to go down a bit, but it's not smooth sailing from here. They definitely have a lot more of an understanding than they did before, and they do wanna be involved in each other's lives.

Guest 1: I missed this story too! Writing the Frozen storyline is fun but so so difficult!

Guest 2: THANK YOU SO MUCH! I'm totally loving YOU :)

fangirl22: It was very fun to put Dorothy in Frozen and I'm extremely happy you liked it! Peter is just trying to pay his debt to the Snow Queen, and we'll find out why this chapter! He's very reluctant with helping her, and he's playing double agent in order to protect Dorothy!

HermioneandMarcus: Thank you so much for reviewing! :)

After Emma combed through her things and found the connection between she and the Snow Queen, she immediately called Hook, her parents, Dorothy, Henry, and Gold. Peter, who followed Rumple around, ended up joining the group even though no one invited him. The group gathered around the television and watched the video of a young Emma and the Snow Queen. Mary Margaret fawned over her daughter's image, wishing she could have seen her at that age.

Regina hushed the mother, "Are you missing the part where she's with the Snow Queen? Emma, you knew her before you came to Storybrooke?"Apparently, the Snow Queen was full of memory washing magic, having swiped the Savior's memories twice already.

"We were hoping Gold could tell us how she ended up in this world. You spent all this time trying to get into this world, how the hell did she do it?" Emma asked the Dark One, who remained unemotional. He too wished to know how the Snow Queen traveled between worlds.

The enchanted group tossed around why the woman needed Emma in the first place, and Dorothy commented, "That's our next problem." Regina placed a hand on the girl's shoulder, the two mutually feeling the same. In truth, they had their own drama to deal with without having Emma's piled onto their plates.

The Snow Queen seemed to be hiding from them, and the group wanted to know exactly why and where. Henry then spoke, "What about her ice cream truck?" At the looks he received, Dorothy defended her brother figure, "He's a kid, he notices these things." The boy shot Dorothy a smile, and she winked in return.

Charming then proposed the group separate and search the woods for the truck. Dorothy, Emma, Hook, and Regina would take the West side(Dorothy rolled her eyes at how ironic that was) while David, Gold, and Peter would take the East.

"We work best alone." Peter snarked in response, and David sighed, not going to life is argue with his logic.

The foursome found the truck near the Merry Men's camp, Robin joining their pack. Regina dodged Robin's wishes to speak with her, and Emma started prodding at her personal life. Dorothy suggested, "Your best bet is just staying out of it."

"It's bad enough we're stuck with you and Captain guyliner making eyes at each other." The former queen bit back, causing Dorothy to snicker while sending the blonde a look that said I told you so.

The four hopped into the truck and found it empty. The Snow Queen cleared it out before leaving, it seemed. However, Emma noticed the lock on the freezer. Killian told the ladies to step back before he hacked at it with his steel hook.

His daughter quirked an eyebrow before commenting, "You really find any excuse to use that thing, huh?" Hook smiled, Emma said the same thing to him when they searched for the Wicked Witch.

Emma opened the freezer to find two manila envelopes full of papers. She took out a clipping from one of the files and showed it to her peers, "It looks like the Snow Queen's been following me for a long time. As soon as I landed in this world."

She handed Regina the newspaper clipping before diving into the second file. What she saw shocked her. Another clipping. This time, it showed the title, Tornado strikes small Kansas town, one missing

"Emma, what is it?" Hook asked his girlfriend, seeing her perplexed face. Emma stared at him for a moment before reading off the title and the date, "June 26, 1939." Dorothy's eyes widened at that, and she spoke, "That's the tornado that sent me to Oz...why the hell does the Snow Queen have my file?"

In the woods, Rumple called out the Snow Queen, "You can come out, dearie. I'm not the one you're hiding from." The blonde appeared and greeted the Dark One, she expected Peter not the man she despised.

"I've come to give you a warning. Emma Swan is onto you, she knows your history started long before you came to Storybrooke." The Dark One stated, trying to pry information out of the witch. This woman knew things she shouldn't, and he needed to stop her before she ruined his plans.

The Snow Queen wasn't having any of it, though. "You didn't come here to warn me, you came here to figure out my secrets."

Peter then appeared, surprising the Dark One. The teenager offered, "Or present a deal, one that would suit you best. Very predictable, Rump." The man stared between the immortal boy and the Snow Queen for a moment before continuing, "But if you decline, I'd be careful."

"And there it is, there's the warning. You want something out of me, Dark One? What about you, you immortal child? Why don't you just ask for it?" The queen sneered at the two, earning a glare from Pan. He had enough of her games, now he wanted answers.

The teenager stepped forward and replied, "If we needed something from you, lass, believe me, we'd take it." The woman raised in eyebrow and challenged, "But you can't, can you? Otherwise, you would. We all know, Rumple, that to get what you want, you need what I have. And you, Peter, you owe me a favor. If a denial of payment is what you give me, then we both know what will happen. The problem with the two of you is you're lacking leverage. And until you get that, I have a warning for the two of you. Stay out of my way."

Emma and Hook marveled at how much time Emma stayed with the Snow Queen, and Dorothy eavesdropped on their conversation until she spoke up. Emma pushed her feelings down about her childhood, so Dorothy pointed out, "Feelings we have when we're young tend to linger."

The blonde was about to refute the girl's statement when Killian agreed with her. Emma then turned on Hook and asked how he would know, and the two teased each other about the man's age. The teenager rolled her eyes and pointed out, "Yeah, well try being a kid for the past ninety years."

Something about her tone sent up red flags with Emma and Hook. It was like a double edged sword-teasing yet completely serious. When the girl walked away to keep Regina company, Emma turned to Hook, who watched his daughter go with a sad stare.

"Hey, what's wrong?" The blonde questioned her boyfriend, finding it weird to even call him that. Killian snapped out of the fatherly trance he was in to address the blonde in front of him. He sighed before he admitted to her, "I just-she's in so much pain all of the time. Her magic has been a part of her for most of her life, and we took that away. We stole part of her."

Silence hung between the couple for a moment before Emma changed the subject.

Meanwhile. Dorothy and Regina searched the girl's file. "Why would the Snow Queen need me? What am I going to give her? My powers are shot." Dorothy asked while Regina read Dorothy's adoption papers. The Evil Queen thought for a moment then responded, "I'm not sure. Maybe she has some kind of power complex." The two silently sifted through the folder for a moment before Regina found something interesting.

"Wait, you were shuffled through adoptions 16 times? How is that possible?" The woman interrogated, and Dorothy shrugged, brushing off the fact. "It was the 1930s, Regina. People got away with murder."

Regina then pulled out handwritten notes from the file and read them. The date showed Dorothy was 10 at the time she wrote these, making Regina smile. She always wanted to know what Dorothy was really like when she was younger, before she went to Oz and Neverland.

Dear Diary,

Charlie died last week, so Bonnie took me back to the home. I tell ya, Diary, I can't wait to to get outta here. I'm gonna go to Hollywood, sign with MGM and become world famous. I'm gonna be just like Clara Bow, on the cover of every magazine. On the big screen at the picture show.

They saw when you're a star at the movies, you get to keep the clothes you wear. Big stars make 30 dollars a week! Imagine making that kind of money instead of being stuck in the dirt here in Kansas. It must be great to be called the 'it' girl, it isn't what they're calling me. But I'll bet you they will one day.

Regina thought about the times Dorothy grew up in. Kansas in the 1930s, the Great Depression while almost everyone she knew now lived in a castle as princes and princesses. It must have been quite a change for her to go to Oz then Neverland and finally be back in her own world, everything changed from what she grew up with.

Dorothy looked over her shoulder to see what Regina was looking at, how did the Snow Queen get my old journals?

"Wow, I haven't seen those in 80 years. Man was I a delusional kid. Always wanting to be up on the silver screen, go to California, become a star. Wanting the world to remember me, I guess my dream came true." Dorothy smiled a little bit, a piece of her childhood came back to her.

Rumple and Peter sauntered into the Snow Queen's cave side by side. The two old friends figured they needed to take down the woman before they needed to destroy each other. The Snow Queen was the priority.

"I had a glimpse of your mirror today." Rumpelstiltskin stated, and the Snow Queen rubbed it in his face, "Impressive, isn't it? I had no idea your bride would be so easy to turn." She was crossing the line on that, no one insulted Belle to him and got away with it.

At Rumple's agitated expression, Peter continued, "Now, I have no idea when you intend to use this mirror, but you should know that we won't allow you to hurt those we care about."

The blonde looked bored, and she replied, "Pan, we've talked about this. Dorothy will not come to any harm, but I won't allow you to interfere with my plans because you and the Dark One have gotten overly sentimental. Now, I can't make any other promises into who may or may not survive."

"You know, you were wrong before. I have leverage." Rumple stated before the sorcerer's hat appeared in his hands. Peter smirked next to him, the Queen had become too much of a problem for him. A pest. He didn't need to know whether or not his true love would survive, he knew she would. He needed her to be with him, and helping Rumple would be the way to do that.

The Dark One, after having a conversation with Peter, knew what the woman was up to. She wanted a family, but that would derail his plans. He needed Dorothy and Emma. "Now that I know what you're up to, we can have a real talk. You might want to reconsider your position because I doubt you'd want to become another embroidery on this hat. Looks like you just lost your leverage, dearie."

At the Snow Queen's frightened expression, Pan waved his hand and disappeared with the Dark One.

The pair, now in Gold's shop, deflated for a moment. It had been a tough day for the old friends. They each shared a secret with the other-Rumple admitted he gave Belle a fake dagger and Peter told why he owed the Snow Queen.

The immortal sorcerers didn't trust each other, but they respected the other. There was just too much history between them to ever make up for what happened. Some things just weren't possible.

The Dark One broke the ice first, "I'll put in a good word for you. With Dorothy, I mean. She still cares for you, but she needs to work on herself for a while. She hasn't been the same since Bae. But, I think you should tell her your involvement with the Snow Queen. One thing I know about Dorothy is that she values honesty and loyalty above all else, just like you."

Peter shook his head and replied, "I don't know. She won't like it, that's for sure."

Rumple saw how much Pan changed in that moment. He wasn't the same, and he didn't know if it was Dorothy who made him different or if Peter refused to be a monster anymore. Either way, it was admirable. "You did it for her, she'll have to forgive you."

"After all this time, laddie, some things just can't be forgiven. Even if I wanted to, how do I tell the girl I love that I froze my heart to be with her? She doesn't want this life, and who am I to take that from her?"

Elsa, Emma, Dorothy, and Hook gathered in the Sheriff's station to look at the heraldry book Elsa found at the library. Apparently, the Snow Queen is Elsa and Anna's aunt.

"Her name is Ingrid. I didn't know my mother had any sisters, I'm just as surprised as you are." Elsa told, and Hook tried to bring up the mood a little. "Love, when you've been in this town long enough, you realize just about everyone's related."

Dorothy snorted and quipped, "Amen to that! High five!" She held out her hand for her father to high five her, but Hook gave her a bewildered expression. He clearly had no idea what she was talking about.

"A high five, you know." Dorothy said before grabbing her father's hand and slapping it with hers. Killian pursed his lips and uttered, "How strange."

The blondes ignored the father daughter moment and continued, "This book traces the lineage in Arendelle for generations. That's Gertrude, my mother, that's Helga, my aunt, and that's Grace, my mother's cousin."

Hook then looked at the book and then the women he loves, "Bloody hell, Swan, Dorothy, they look just like you two. Maybe that's why she's obsessed with you, why she kept those files from your childhood."

Elsa picked up the scroll Emma found in her file, "She was looking for the Saviors. This scroll, the writing is in runic- it's a prophecy. It says, 'The names of the saviors are Emma and Dorothy.'"

"She knew?" Emma got up from where she was sitting to process the information. Ingrid knew Emma was the savior even before she did.

Elsa kept going, "And it says here, 'And the saviors shall become Ingrid's sisters.'"

Dorothy asked what that meant, and Elsa answered, "Well, my mother died, and her other sister and cousin aren't around anymore. I think Ingrid believes in this prophecy. I think she's looking to replace them."

They were all taken out of their musings when Belle walked in and admitted that she knew Anna and let her be taken by the Snow Queen. Dorothy was immediately disappointed in Belle, but she got a quick flash in her mind. A memory, Belle needed a memory that had something to do with her mother.

She couldn't decipher what happened, everything was too fuzzy. But, this was good for Dorothy. A true vision, although hazy. But, Belle was human. She couldn't be selfless and heroic all the time, it just wasn't in human nature.

"We have a more pressing concern. The Snow Queen has a mirror imbued with terrible magic that can do terrible things." Belle started, but she was interrupted by Hook. He wanted to just smash the mirror.

"It's not that simple, Rumple told me it's part of an awful spell." Belle spoke, but Dorothy finished her sentence, "The spell of shattered sight."

Emma turned to her daughter figure and asked, "What is that, what does that mean?"

The girl sighed and responded, "The stories say the mirror was created by the devil to distort everything it reflects, making good people bad. One day, the mirror shattered as it fell from the heavens, pieces no larger than a grain of sand. These splinters were blown by the wind all over the earth and into people's hearts and eyes, freezing their hearts like blocks of ice and making their eyes into the mirror itself. Only seeing the bad and ugly in people. If the Snow Queen casts the spell in Storybrooke, everyone will turn on one another."

The father added, "Bloody hell. The town will destroy itself, and there'd be no one left."

Emma turned to Dorothy and Elsa, "Except us. She'd want it to be just the four of us, her perfect family."

Emma sat down next to Dorothy at Granny's, the two having a long day. The blonde could tell Dorothy was still putting up a wall with everyone, something Emma practically invented. So, Emma was going to do what no other would dare; she was going to call the girl out on it.

Instead, Dorothy sighed and made the first move. "Another day in the life of saviors, I guess." Shocked for a moment, the blonde took in the girl next to her. Just for a moment, Dorothy's walls were crumbling down. Just for a moment, she was letting Emma in. Because Emma knew exactly what she meant.

"You told me over a year ago that this life is difficult, so we need to take in the moments. What happened to that girl?" Emma pressed, genuinely wanting to find out what changed her. Dorothy used to have a glow about her- everyone trusted her and wanted to protect her. Now, while everyone still loved her, they had to protect her from herself.

The teenager scoffed and stared at the hot chocolate in her hands, "She did something she never thought she'd do." The girl then looked her father's girlfriend in the eye and stated, "She grew up."

It was then that Emma finally understood what Hook told her. Dorothy was in pain because of what they did. They brought Marian back and took away the girl's magic. They could have killed her but here she sat. A survivor.

Emma was a survivor herself. And she wouldn't wish it on anyone. Because there's something no one tells you about them- they're tired. Survivors have to fight every single day of their lives. Mostly they fight themselves. An exhausting and debilitating struggle.