Hi everyone! My name is awesomekittycat, and this is my third fanfic. My first was Percy Jackson and the Wrong Hero, and my second is betrayed by Home. I am done with the first.

Okay, here is the story.
I walk into head quarters and sign in, then I check in the main room. Celia sees me and waves me over.
"Annabeth, we have another note from the "Dictator" or whoever he is."
Valerie, Celia's partner, sticks her head up.
"He told us where he is attacking."
"Great, keep digging," I tell them.
"Annabeth!" I hear, and head over to Bella and Savannah's station.
"The president's daughter was kidnapped, same style as before."
"Okay, any news on Robert Downey's kid?"
"Yeah, he was found in the White House. She's in the back room now."
I head into the interrogation room and see a scared boy sitting at the table.
"Hello?" I say softy.
"Who are you?" he says.
"I'm Annabeth Chase," I tell him, and his eyes widen.
"They told me about you! They said to tell you "Your turn is coming!"
"Can you tell me about them?"
"They treated me like royalty, then they dropped me in the White House and here I am! Where am I, anyway?"
"You're in a secret base. I'm a secret agent, work for Females Against Cunning Terrorists."
"Never heard of it. Sound weird."
"You're not supposed to, and I know it sounds weird. Listen, did the men that kidnapped you have any kind of symbol?"
"Was it a trident?"
"Yeah, how did you know?"
"I know who they are. The Men Against Cunning Terrorists."
"They sound like you guys."
"Yeah, but they are the guys, we're the girls. Our group is all women. Theirs is all men."
"Are you allies?"
"No. We know nothing about them, except for what I told you, and that they work for the same things we do. "
"Well, thanks for cooperating. We're going to send you home now."
"One more thing. Are those guns real?"
I pull them out and show them to him, then I go back to my office and read reports from other agents, until I hear, "Boss," and see Piper grinning at me.
"The president's daughter called 911, and we intercepted the call. They're holding her in the Empire State Building."
"Alright, lets go now." I stand up and we grab our guns, coats, and badges. Celia, Hazel, and Katie, another demigod agent, are nominated to come with us.
We pull up in front of the Empire State Building. The doorman glances warily at us, but his face lights up when he sees me,
"Annabeth! 600th floor?"
"No, Darry, we're on a case. Did you see a suspicious group of men come with a little girl?"
"Yeah, they went to the 101st floor, then I was watching them on the security camera, and a couple of men and the girl went to the top by using the stairs."
"How many?"
"Altogether, twelve."
"Thanks, Darry. See you on the winter solcist."
We climb into the elevator and wait while it goes up. It feels short to me since I'm used to going up 600 floors, but to Celia it must seem long.
As soon as we're out, Katie makes the plants sitting by the elevator grow over the doors.
"Alright, Celia, come with me, the rest of you, take out the others."
They all nod and silently, I push open the door to the stairs. Celia pulls out her gun and I do the same. I count down on my fingers and then kick open the door.
"Aaagh!" I hear, which has to be the president's daughter. Suddenly, a man drops out of the rafters and grabs Celia's gun then throws it away from them. She punches him in the face and soon they are fighting hand to hand.
"Aaaagh!" I run to the closed door and open it. The only person in the room is the president's daughter.
"I'm sorry," She says. "They told me that if I screamed until you came in here, I could have more powdered donuts."
"What?" I ask confused. Then, too late, I hear footsteps behind me. Before I can turn, I feel a dart in between my shoulder blades. I fall ungracefully on my face and remember the words of a kid earlier.
"They told me about you! They said to tell you "Your turn is coming!"
As I am falling unconscious, I curse myself for not realizing what he meant.
I am being kidnapped.
Then the world goes dark.
I wake up with my hands cuffed above my head, with the cuffs hooked on a hook and my feet tied tightly. The room is dimly lit, with a man sitting at a table watching me. He stands and walks over to me.
"Hello, Ms. Chase. My name is Jacques. Do you recognize me?"
"No." I wish I could have though of something cleverer, but my brain is still fuzzy.
"I shot the dart! Then I zipped you in a body bag and hooked myself and your bag onto the ropes that were outside the building. Then I climbed down! Thankfully, you are not very heavy."
"Where are my agents?" I snapped.
"Back at your base. But don't worry about them-worry about yourself! Well, the boss told me not to harm you, but he's a softy. Let's get started, shall we?" And he punches me in the stomach.
I bend forward as much as I can, tied as I am. "That's low, hitting a woman."
"I know, especially a woman that is as beautiful and you!" He punches me again.
While I fight to catch a breath, the door opens and another man walks in. Jacques ignores him, punching me five more times before the man gets him in a headlock.
"What did I say? Treat her as a guest! As a guest! Gods, Jacques, what do I have to do to make you understand?"
Hearing his voice makes it harder to catch my breath. Jacques falls to the floor and after the man unlocks my cuffs, I do the same.
"Breath, Annabeth. Gods, I'm sorry." The man says as he cuts my legs free.
I roll over and stare into his sea-green eyes. "Jerk," I mutter, then stand. The room spins and I almost fall, but he catches me. Then he picks me up and carries me into a much nicer room and lays me down on a couch. I frown at him.
"No, hi, Annabeth, how've you been? Just kidnapping? Gods, Percy, I thought you had better manners."
"I know, I know. I shouldn't have sent Jacques to get you. He's a total asshole but he gets the job done."
"Where am I?"
"Headquarters for the MACT team."
"Won't 'boss' be mad that you brought me in here?"
He laughs. "No, Annabeth, I am the boss."
"Just like me. So, why did you kidnap me? I haven't seen you in…two years."
"Yeah. Um, first I have to ask, are you still mad?"
"Not really. Could you answer my question?" I say quickly, before the memory comes back.
"We kidnapped you because that was the easiest way to approach you, since you protect your home and work addresses really well. And, you know the terrorist note you got? We got one too. But ours was different. You know the place, we know the time."
"How did you know we got one?"
"Because the dude was like, 'I have sent a letter to your group's enemy that is alike to you."
"He said it like that?"
"No. I'm paraphrasing. Anyway, he also said something about how apart, we stand no chance, but together, we have a small chance. So I was wondering if you would stay and help us on this case."
"What are you wowing?"
"You know the word paraphrase!"
"Ha, ha. Do you want a tour?"
"Sure," I say as I stand. The room spins a little, but then rightens itself.
"Oh, and Annabeth, we haven't had a girl visit in a while. Well, we have, but she was ugly. So the men are going to want to touch you, and feel free to defend yourself."
He opens the door and I follow. He tells me that the building is five stories high, but most of it is quarters for the men who live here. They have a large cafeteria, a huge gym, a library, and a bunch of other rooms for training or relaxing.
My stomach starts to growl and I frown at it. "Weird. I just at breakfast a little while ago."
Percy grins at me. "You kind of were out all day. It's dinnertime now. Come on!" He strides down a hallway and stops in front of a door. "Shortcut, I'm not bribing you or anything," he tells me, and opens the door. I gasp.
We're in the library.
It's at least two stories high, and has to have a million books in it. There are cozy reading areas and sliding ladders. The sad thing is that it's empty.
"Everyone is at dinner."
"Percy, although I don't believe you didn't bring me here to bribe me, I'll stay."
He grins at me, making me blush,
"Great! Now, then, we need dinner!"
He grabs my hand and pulls me toward a door, which he opens. To our surprise, everyone is facing us. They appear to be listening to a short man with huge muscles.
"And…whoever took it, please return it, because I was on the wait list for it and it's my favorite book," he finishes, then joins the crowd of at least fifty men. One of them hollers, "Percy's gotta girlfriend!"
"Shut up, Rob!" Percy yells, letting go of my hand. The men all start yelling until all the drinks float out of their cups. Then they're silent.
"This is Annabeth, and she'll be staying with us for a while. Also—"
A man with spiky blonde hair passed behind us, his hand brushing my butt. Quick as a flash, I grab it and twist it as hard as I can. He pulls it away, and I can tell he's trying hard not to cry out.
"Also, she knows how to defend herself, so don't try anything with her," Percy finished, which sounds pretty obvious to me.
Percy dismisses everyone and we sit at a table in the corner, making small talk.
After we're done, Percy takes me into the gym, where a blonde man drops from the sky and lands on Percy's shoulders. They wrestle until Percy pins him, then he helps him up.
"Jason!" I say, and move forward to hug him. "Uh, sorry. No hugs, you're to sweaty."
He laughs, then asks, "Have you seen the others?" I look over and see two men standing in the corner.
"Leo! Frank!" They both hug me, and then Percy steps forward with a gleam in his eyes.
"Alright, Annabeth, show me what you got!"
"Bring it, Seaweed Brain!"
Sorry, bad ending! I couldn't find a stopping point. Please review!