AN: Hello readers! This is my second fan fic but my first time writing for Harry Potter! This is a Draco/OC story and I know it hasn't really become obvious yet but he will probably be in the next chapter! I decided to start with GOF and then continue from there. Please review and tell me what you think! I have also written a Jacob/OC story called Board Game, if you are interested in Twilight. I have a Tumblr account which I will post various Fanfic things on.

Again, please review!


DISCLAIMER: I don't own Harry Potter. All rights go to JK Rowling, I only own my OC.

Being The Slytherin Weasley:

Chapter 1

My father's voice echoed through my mind as I approached the stool.

'We'll be proud of you no matter what house you're in.'

My stomach clenched as the hat was placed onto my head.

'Everyone in this house was in Gryffindor, love. No doubt you will be too."

'Oh, yet another Weasley. How many of you are there? I'm getting a bit bored of the same old story; you're practically clones of one another. I just sorted your twin brother moments ago, not a very braveboy."

I looked at my carrot of a twin who was conversing with the latest celebrity of the school, not even paying a slither of attention.

"But still Gryffindor material nonetheless. You on the other hand, are different."

Please, I thought, just put me in Gryffindor. Please, please, please, please.

"I know just what I'm going to do with you."

Please, please, for merlin's sake you stupid old hat, PLEASE.

"Well, I was going to put you in Gryffindor with your family but you seem to have that little spark."

Wait, what? No no, I didn't mean it!

"You should choose your words wisely in the future Amelie Weasley."

Should not have said that, should have kept my mouth shut.


I shot up out of bed, hitting my head off the ceiling in the process.

"Amelie, you need to get up." Came a voice from the bottom of my bed, I screamed.

"Ginny! What are you doing!?" Unfortunately, because Charlie and Bill were over, we girls had to share a room. It's not that I don't love my sister, I just like my privacy.

"You fell asleep earlier, mum told me to wake you up." She said, playing with her naturally straight, Weasley red hair.

"What time is it?" I groaned, rubbing my head.

"It's time for you to get up, missy!" In waltzed the mother.

"Where is everyone?" I said, the house sounded oddly quiet.

"Your father, the twins and Ron have gone to get Harry." Ginny blushed at his name and I rolled my eyes.

"Have you packed for the tournament yet?" asked Hermione as she walked in and started sorting he clothes. Forgot to mention that Hermione was also sharing with us,

"Right, I'm going to the bathroom to get ready." Mum cringed as I threw my legs over the side of the bunk bed and leapt off.

"You're going to injure yourself one day, Amelie." I shot her a smirk and shuffled off to the bathroom.

"And don't use all of the hot water!" she yelled.

[Page break]

I stepped out of the shower and wrapped a towel around my body. I looked at the mirror that hung on the slightly moulding wall. From the beginning of my birth, people questioned whether I was a Weasley or not. With all of her other children, mum craved strawberries but with me and Ronald she craved chocolates. So much so that we're the reason she is so round. What really doubted my Weasleyness was the fact that I didn't inherit the Weasley red hair and had abnormally green eyes. My hair was a very dark red; apparently it's very hard to come across naturally. I guess it was some sort of fluke, Ronald and I were complete opposites of each other in appearance and in mind.

But we were twins.

We used to be close, up until I was sorted into Slytherin. The whole family was shocked to say the least, never had a Weasley been sorted into that house, ever. Reassuring much? Everyone thought that my mother had cheated on my father but how would you explain by beloved twin? He is the spitting image of Dad.

Ron took it the hardest; he had it in his mind-set that all witches and wizards in Slytherin supported Voldemort, stereotypical little sod. For a while he refused to even look at me or acknowledge that we were twins. However, after our first year he realized what an idiot he was being and got used to it. Of course we were never as close as we used to be but he was always there to stick up for me. I had my share of adventures with the Golden trio, earning a lot of hate from my fellow Slytherins.

"That's not the point!" my father shouted from below, I jumped. I guess Harry was here. Opening the door slightly, I sprinted back to my room, just missing Harry, Ron and Hermione.

I dried off and changed into boy shorts along with an oversized knitwear jumper. I ran upstairs to Ron's room at the top of the house. I opened the door and collapsed onto his bed.

"What's wrong with you?" Hermione giggled.

"Too many stairs… so much exercise." I puffed.

"Hello Amelie." Harry said, I smiled and looked around for Crookshanks.

"Where's Crookshanks?" Harry asked Hermione.

"Out in the garden, I expect," she said. "He likes chasing gnomes. He's never seen any before."

The conversation between these three was so boring I almost fell asleep. Ron was busy ranting about Percy's new job at the ministry.

"Seriously Ron, can you stop talking about it for once? You should be happy for him." I said, sitting up.

"All I'm saying is-"

"You're just Jealous!" I exclaimed. Harry and Hermione looked at us awkwardly.

"Why would I be jealous of him?" he huffed, crossing his arms.

"That he is getting some attention for the effort he puts in!" As much as I disliked Percy, it was a shame.

"He's so full of it; all he cares about is his popularity. He belongs in bloody Slytherin." He ranted.

I looked at him open mouthed. Harry and Hermione tried to look anywhere but at us twins.

"Sorry Amelie I-"

"Forget it Ronald, I'm going to my room."

"But dinner will be soon!" said Hermione.

"I'm not hungry." I huffed, stalking out of the room and slamming the door.

Fred and George were walking up the stairs, looking a little bit put out. They noticed my angry expression.

"Hello, our favourite little Slytherin." Fred said, ruffling my hair. "What's got you so angry?"

"Ask my twin." I growled before shoving past them and entering my room.

The sooner I can get out of this house, the better.